[Elective, 20 points] B19: PREPARATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS Domain 5: Prepare pharmaceutical products Standard 5.1: Consider product requirements Standard 5.2: Prepare non-sterile drug products LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of the activity, students should be able to: 1. Safely, accurately and efficiently prepare an extemporaneous product under supervision utilising appropriately the work space and equipment available in the pharmacy. 2. Complete a record of the process in sufficient detail so that another pharmacist could use this record to prepare the same product in a safe and efficacious manner. 3. Reflect on their compounding knowledge and skills BACKGROUND In carrying out this task, you should prepare a pharmaceutical product that is effective and safe for use by the client. To achieve an acceptable standard of product, you will need to complete the following steps: 1. Identify the required product from the prescription 2. Record any calculations on the batch sheet 3. Record the proposed method for this product on the batch sheet. Discuss the method with your preceptor. Remember to record the type of the final container used 4. Present your batch sheet to your preceptor for checking before proceeding to the next step 5. Select the correct ingredients. Ensure the ingredients are in date ie check the expiry date 6. Prepare the label according to the prescription directions. 7. Prepare your product. This requires you to complete the batch sheet. Ensure that all weighings and measurements are checked and that the signature of the checking pharmacist appears alongside each relevant step in the compounding process. You must write neatly as another person must be able to read your notes. The preparation of this product should be completed in a timely manner. 8. A copy of the dispensed label including any additional labels used should also be affixed to your batch sheet. 9. Present you completed product and batch sheet to your preceptor for final checking There is an example of a completed extemporaneous worksheet on the following page. It is the student's responsibility to ensure: they are prepared to undertake the task the batch sheet, including calculations and proposed method, is presented to the preceptor for checking prior to commencement of compounding (safety) they are familiar with the weighing apparatus this task should be undertaken without interruption (efficient) equipment must be cleaned immediately before and after manufacturing the product (efficient) the self assessment form is completed, discuss the effort with your preceptor and construct a skills development plan. Preceptor role and responsibilities The amount of extemporaneous dispensing and manufacturing varies widely from pharmacy to pharmacy. Please expose the student to the range of compounding undertaken in your pharmacy. If you perform in-house quality control on finished products it would be appreciated if the students can be exposed to this practice element. Page 2 of 15 Preceptors are asked to check and sign the student's work prior to starting the product. This includes a brief discussion of the method and assessing the product after completion, and signing the relevant sections of the batch sheet. Remember confidentiality requirements Page 3 of 15 Task(a): Prepare Pharmaceutical Products You are asked to prepare products as directed by your preceptor. Below is an example of how to complete the Compounding template for a product, Resorcinol and Sulphur Ointment Compound, that you have been asked to prepare. Name of product: Resorcinol and Sulphur Ointment Compound Date prepared: 19 March 2009 Source of Formula: APF 17th edition Prescription Number: 692462 Product Expiry Date: 19 April 20091 Ingredient Quantity in formula Quantity used Resorcinol 2 Sulphur Precip. Student To sign when measured or weighed Pharmacist to sign when checked Batch Number Expiry date 4grams SI26RA 3/2013 3 6grams AJ30947 4/2011 Salicylic Acid 1 2grams FHF278DG6 10/2011 White Simple Ointment 94 188grams FHF7828364R 4/2012 Method: As per APF 17th edition page 430 The resorcinol was finally powdered on a slab using a heavy spatula. Each powder was triturated separately with a small amount of white simple ointment until smooth. They 1 Not all extemporaneous prescriptions are given an expiry date but it is reasonable practice to date a product to discourage hoarding of medications for many years after intended use. Page 4 of 15 were then mixed together and doubling up incorporated into the remainder of the base. The finally mixed ointment was transferred to an opaque 200gram plastic ointment pot. Label: Caution Not To be Taken For External Use Only Resorcinol and Sulphur Ointment Compound Apply to the affected skin twice daily Patient Name Prepared 19/3/01 Batch 692462 Store below 25OC Expiry date 19/03/02 Page 5 of 15 Compounding template Product number ........ Name of product: Date Prepared: Source of Formula: Prescription/order Number: Product Expiry Date: Ingredient Quantity in formula Quantity used Student to sign when measured or weighed Pharmacist to sign when checked Batch Number Expiry date Page 6 of 15 Method: Attach Label: Preceptor FEEDBACK: This form should be submitted in your portfolio. Page 7 of 15 Student self assessment form You are asked to reflect on your skill for each product you compound. This self- assessment form contains a number of process criteria that relate to the task. Use this self assessment form to reflect on your effort and consider how you could improve next time. Place a tick in the left hand column if you satisfied the criterion and a cross if you did not. Again, be honest with yourself. Then ask your tutor to do the same. Where there are areas of difference, or where you have identified areas where you need to improve, discuss with your tutor an action plan that will address those areas. Complete one of these forms for each product and use it as a feedback tool when you discuss your effort with your pharmacist Process criteria Completed/not completed Student review Tutor review Research stage Correctly identified the required product from the prescription/order Proposed formulation identified from texts/references or formulation devised Preparation Stage Batch sheet used All ingredients correctly recorded on batch sheet Expiry dates of ingredients checked and recorded on batch sheet Batch number of ingredients recorded on batch sheet Calculations recorded on batch sheet Method recorded on batch sheet Final container details recorded on batch sheet Calculations, selection of ingredients and method checked by supervising pharmacist prior to moving to the production stage Production stage Weighings and measurements for each ingredient checked and initialled on batch sheet by supervising pharmacist Finishing stage Ensure label is correct A copy of the dispensed label (including additional labels if required) affixed to batch sheet Completed batch sheet and product checked and signed off by the supervising pharmacist You do not need to submit this self-assessment form in your portfolio. These are designed to assist you to reflect on your skills around compounding in preparation for tasks (b) and (c) and to use as a tool in discussing your effort with the preceptor. Page 8 of 15 Preceptor Assessment of Student - Compounding skills This assessment to be completed at end of placement Skills assessed at end of placement; good manufacturing procedures; understanding of quality assurance; ability to complete documentation accurately and appropriately; compounding skills, correct labelling, acceptable product, product completed in a timely manner Evaluation (Mark) Key: 1= Very poor: Needs extensive prompting. Sometimes the preceptor must complete the task. Knowledge/skills base is lacking. 2= Poor: Needs consistent prompting. Preceptor must provide directed questioning in a problem-solving manner. Knowledge base is poor. 3=Average: Requires occasional prompting. Performs within expectations with some input by tutor. Knowledge base is average – able to askewer many questions 4= Good: Requires little prompting to meet expectations. Performs in a manner that would require minimal supervision if not a student. Knowledge base is good – able to answer most questions. 5= Very Good: Requires no prompting. Performs above expectations in a manner that would not require supervision if not a student. Demonstrates confidence, efficiency, and proficiency. N/A = not applicable ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Score: Preceptor comments: Strengths Areas for improvement Preceptor signature: ……………………………………. Date / / This form needs to be submitted in your portfolio Page 9 of 15 Reflecting on your level of competency in Compounding Skills c Background Any skill takes time to learn and to master. At your stage, you are becoming an “advanced beginner”. You have had the opportunity to develop basic compounding skills at university. Now you have had the opportunity to test your skill in the real life environment in a public situation (even though you are still under supervision) and take the opportunity to further develop and refine your skills. Preparation Read the criteria, reflect on your current level of knowledge and skills around compounding and complete the table on the following page. This will help you identify areas of strength and areas where you need to further develop your knowledge and skills. As you move from left to right, this signifies improvement in the criteria being assessed. Use your reflections to assist your develop your CPD. Criteria Increasing degree of development A B Competent C D Level of support Significant assistance or direction needed Minimal assistance or direction Guidance (prompting, cues) Able to complete task independently Time taken for preparing for the task * Significant time needed to prepare/research Some additional time needed to prepare/ minimal research needed Little additional time needed for preparation/any research completed efficiently Undertakes preparation effectively and is time efficient Time taken for doing the task ** Significant time needed to complete task Some additional time needed Little additional time needed Prioritises effectively and is time efficient Problem solving Has some knowledge, little application ability Has knowledge and recognises some aspects of problem solving Knowledge mostly integrated and applies some aspects of problem solving Identifies all problem aspects and integrates Page 10 of 15 Notes *”Prepare’ means undertaking mental rehearsal of the upcoming task; “Research” means preparation of materials necessary for the task ** Time (and efficiency) of undertaking the task, appropriateness of the chosen structure used in completing the task, “A, B, C and D” relate to the descriptors for each of the phases you go through as you move from beginner to competent. For example, for the criteria “Level of Support, say you needed significant direction and support for your first effort at patient counselling, you then would put A under FIRST in the following table. However by the end of the placement you had improved such that you now only needed minimal assistance or direction. Thus, you would place B under LAST for the criteria “Level of support”. Do this for each of the other criteria. Performance Criteria Evidence Guide Level of support first last Selects a standard formulation to correspond to a specified product where one exists Ability to use standard reference sources Ability to select the correct standard formulation for a specific product Time taken to prepare Time taken for task First last First last Problem solving first last A B A C A C C C C D B D A C A C In the following table, the information in the two left hand columns is taken directly from the competency standards. Carefully read and consider each performance criteria and evidence guide. Task (b) complete the following reflective table Complete the table using the above criteria that you believed you achieved firstly following your first attempt (or as near as possible to), and then following your last attempt at your placement site. Submit the completed table below in your portfolio. Page 11 of 15 Domain 5: Prepare pharmaceutical products Performance Criteria Evidence examples Level of support first last Standard 5.1: Consider product requirements; Element 4 – determine if production requirements are met 1 Understands the formulation instructions, including preparation methods. Ability to interpret and explain the terminology, abbreviations and instructions for preparing specific products. 2 Understands issues impacting on stability that are likely to influence preparation technique and selection of final storage container. Ability to describe the effects of moisture, oxygen, light, heat and microbiological contamination on product stability, efficacy and shelf-life. Ability to identify or promptly access information on any issues impacting on the stability/shelf-life of particular products. Confirms the active ingredients and excipients required for preparing the product and their suitability for use. 3 Ability to accurately identify ingredients by trade, generic or common name. Ability to differentiate active ingredients from excipients and to explain the purpose of each ingredient present in the formulation (e.g. therapeutic agent, vehicle, flavouring and suspending agent, buffer, antioxidant, preservative). Ensures storage conditions for ingredients and materials are optimal for protecting their integrity and quality. Standard 5.1: Consider product requirements; Element 5 – prepare and product documentation 1 Understands the value of using a worksheet, logbook or register for recording details of prepared products. Ability to describe the reasons for completing a product worksheet/logbook/register (e.g. tracking batches of ingredients in the event of a recall, checking of involved personnel, quantities and ingredients in the event of consumer complaint or misadventure). 2 Calculates the required quantities for each of the ingredients in the final product. Ability to accurately calculate (e.g. weight, volumes, percentages, displacement values and aliquots, dilutions) requirements for the final product. 3 Ensures product worksheet, logbook or register is legible, accurate and complete. Ability to demonstrate the use of a worksheet, logbook or register as appropriate to document the details of prepared products, including ingredients and their batch number and expiry dates, compounding process, and expiry date and labelling of the final product. Ability to recognise calculation errors and/or inconsistencies between the worksheet/logbook/register and master manufacturing Time taken to prepare First last Time taken for task problem solving first last first last sheet or product order/prescription. 4 Seeks additional information or guidance about any issue of concern or uncertainty before proceeding to preparation of the product. Ability to describe or demonstrate ways in which additional guidance or enhanced certainty can be achieved (e.g. double checking of calculations by another individual, reviewing preparation methods described in master worksheet, use of reference texts to confirm strengths, doses or dilutions). Standard 5.2: prepare non-sterile drug products; Element 1 – assemble ingredients and materials 1 Selects ingredients of appropriate quality. Ability to select ingredients of appropriate quality/standard for inclusion in products intended for human therapeutic use (e.g. pharmaceutical grade, in date, stored according to storage advice on label, visually free of contamination and/or signs of degradation such as colour change, crystallisation or deliquescence). 2 Selects ingredients and equipment accurately. Ability to select ingredients (form and strength) and final container that exactly match the descriptions on the worksheet. 3 Reduces the potential for other activities and/or materials to impede, cross contaminate or cause error in the preparation process. Ability to organise an area of suitable size in the workplace in which production can proceed in an unimpeded manner. Standard 5.2: prepare non-sterile drug products; Element 2 – Apply compounding principles and techniques 1 Measures quantities required according to the worksheet. Ability to accurately weigh and measure ingredients. 2 Adopts a systematic process for combining ingredients that is consistent with sound pharmaceutical compounding practice. Ability to demonstrate preparation techniques and use of equipment (e.g. grinding, mixing, blending, balances and calibrated measures). Ability to demonstrate a systematic technique for making a variety of pharmaceutical products (e.g. creams, emulsions, solutions). Uses techniques that avoid contamination of the product. 3 Ability to demonstrate technique and personal hygiene measures that limit the opportunities for contamination of the product. Page 13 of 15 Task (c) Your reflections on your developing compounding skills Write a 400 word critical reflection to explain changes in your self-assessment rating between the first and last patient counselling activities. Read the information about reflection available on the learnonline site. In it is a series of questions that will also help you develop your reflective skills. In your reflections; (1) explain what the most significant changes are, (2) explain why changes in competency skill development are occurring, (3) describe the evidence for this change, (4) describe the change you have observed in terms of the links to pre-placement and during placement support/learning materials and (5) summarise your action for the future to further develop your proficiency in this skill. In formulating your response, refer to the following areas of written responses in your handbook and support/learning materials that you have re or utilised in your reflective thoughts: Performance Criteria and Evidence Guide on the self-assessment rating grid on the previous page ‘Identification of Student’s Strengths and Areas for Improvement’ (Preceptor/Student) & the CPD Plan Patient Counselling Information –‘Reflect on and Critique your Counselling Sessions’ (early/late) Student Counselling Skill - Preceptor Assessment Feedback sheet Academic Assessment graduate qualities marking grid criteria below (see GQ1, GQ2, GQ6) Submit your report in your portfolio. You do not need to print the assessment template found on the next page. Page 14 of 15 Reflecting on your level of Competency in Compounding Skills cou Academic Assessment Assessing your compounding competency Key components of this assignment Performance on this component Excellent Good Fair Poor Comment Very Poor Understanding of role and function of competencies (GQ1) Uses competency developmental criteria language (for criteria see top of table previous page, and see under Assessment and Appraisal section for further explanation) Refers to relevant Performance Criteria Clear, thoughtful analysis based on evidence from competencies (GQ2) Uses Performance Criteria & related evidence in analysing competency Makes connections between experiences, course material & other relevant events Written communication skills (GQ6) Uses accurate sentences, paragraphing, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary Page 15 of 15