North Country Community College Commencement 2005

North Country Community College
Commencement 2015
Date & Time:
Saturday, May 16, 11:00 a.m. (Commencement exercises should last approximately
two hours after everyone is assembled in the Sparks Athletic Complex.)
Given the increasing number of graduates every year, seating may be limited. If you plan
to invite several guests, or have guests who are unable to sit in the bleachers, they
should plan to arrive early so they can secure a seat in a chair on the floor.
North Country Community College, Sparks Athletic Complex, 112 Dorchester Road,
Saranac Lake
Caps & Gowns:
Caps and gowns for graduates, the usual and traditional garment for special occasions in
academic circles, are available at the College Store. They should be picked up prior to
commencement. For further information, contact the College Store at (518) 891-2915,
ext. 1276. All graduates are expected to be attired in cap and gown. Please be sure
your gown is pressed.
By 9:30 a.m., graduates report to the Classroom Building (McCormick Hall) and find the
assigned classroom for their area of study (room assignments will be posted in advance).
A class photo will be taken (weather permitting) at 9:45 a.m. Please encourage your
family/guests to go directly to the Sparks Athletic Complex.
Assemble by 10:15 a.m. in the Lecture Hall (S-19) for robing and arrangement of order.
Dais Party:
Assemble by 10:15 a.m. in Team Rooms in Sparks Athletic Complex for robing and
arrangement of order.
Starts promptly at 10:45 a.m. outside the Connector near the Classroom Building and
proceeds down the blacktop path to the Sparks Athletic Complex.
Please park your vehicle in a location other than proximate to the Sparks Athletic
Complex or the Science and Classroom Buildings, thus giving commencement guests
opportunity to park close to the location of the ceremony. Parking attendants will be
directing attendees to parking areas.
Accessible ADA Compliant Parking: A parking section at the Sparks Athletic Complex
will be reserved for guests requiring special parking accommodations. See the attendant
on duty.
Shuttle Service:
A shuttle service will run from the parking areas by Mulholland Hall, Hodson Hall, and
Clermont Hall to the Sparks Athletic Complex. A vehicle will depart every 20 minutes
beginning at 10:00 a.m. Transportation will also be available from the Sparks Athletic
Complex back to the parking areas following the ceremony.
All graduates and their guests are invited to a reception, gratis, immediately following
commencement. It is held in the Connector (cafeteria) located between the Classroom
and Science Buildings.
8:30AM – 11:00AM
There will be a flower and gift kiosk located by the entrance of Sparks Athletic