Donald E. Simons Memorial Fund Application Name School Huron High School – Grade: Birthdate Parent or Guardian’s Name Address Phone Email Counselor’s Name GPA Counselor’s Email A) Please list the following regarding your HS Athletic Participation: Sport(s) played, Year(s) of participation, JV or Varsity, Honors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Please see page two for additional instructions Donald E. Simons Memorial Fund Application Page 2 B) Please list any honors or recognitions received in Academics C) Please list any hobbies or other interests: D) Explain the circumstances (financial or otherwise) that prompted your application E) Provide a short statement describing what personal character outcomes you hope to gain through your athletic participation. F) Briefly discuss future school and/or career plans. *It is understood that on the date of submission and approval of your application, you must be athletically eligible as determined by the Huron High School Athletic Department. Signature____________________________________________Date_____________ Return this application to the Huron High School Athletic Office For additional information or questions, please contact: Roxy Diederich Program Associate AAPS Educational Foundation 734-794-3070 Office Staff Note: ____________ Date Rcvd