Recycling - Controller

Facilities and Equipment
Policy No. 306
Resolution No.
October 24, 1989
This policy is intended to be a working document outlining the recycling and waste reduction
procedures to be followed by Ingham County government. County personnel should be aware
that amendments to this policy will occur as new waste management procedures become feasible
for Ingham County. This policy shall be mandatory for all County departments under budgetary
control of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners. In addition, all community agencies that
receive funding from the County must institute their own acceptable recycling programs within
one year of the effective date or future funding will cease.
Office Paper Collection. All office paper shall be collected in general accordance with
the procedure established by the State of Michigan and currently being employed by the
Ingham County Health Department. In accordance with County purchasing policies, the
Facilities Department shall obtain the services of an appropriate business or agency
which will be responsible for the removal and processing of collected waste paper. The
Solid Waste Management Coordinator, in cooperation with the Facilities Department,
will coordinate with department heads to arrange for the storage and removal of
recyclable material.
Newsprint Collection. Procedures for the collection and storage of newsprint will be
established by the Solid Waste Management Coordinator. A need has been identified
within the County (Animal Control Department) for newsprint. Any newsprint in excess
of the amount required by Animal Control will be processed through the agency obtained
by the Facilities Department to be responsible for the removal and reprocessing of
Lawn Waste Disposal. To the greatest extent possible, lawn wastes should be left on site
as mulch. If the quantity of waste requires removal, arrangements shall be made through
the Facilities Department with the Drain Commissioner to use the compost site located at
his facility. Plans for a formal composting facility shall be reviewed by the Health
Department to ensure there is no adverse environmental impact.
Motor Oil Disposal. Used motor oil should be collected and stored on site until sufficient
amounts are collected to warrant removal. The Facilities Department shall, in accordance
with County purchasing policies, obtain the services of a business or agency which will
pick up and dispose of motor oil.
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Recycling Policy
Reduction of Disposable Cup Use. Disposable cups for the consumption of drinks should
not be used by County employees. Limited numbers may be used by guests who are not
employees of the County. The Solid Waste Management Coordinator will be responsible
for reporting to the Board of Commissioners any departments that do not appear to be
following this policy.
Waste Steel and Aluminum. Any department producing sufficient amounts of waste
metals (i.e., the jail, the Medical Care Facility) should clean, crush and store such waste
until sufficient amounts have been collected to warrant removal by an organization
qualified to remove and recycle waste metals. The Facilities Department, in accordance
with County purchasing policies, shall obtain the services of the appropriate organization.
Corrugated Cardboard. Cardboard boxes shall be broken down and stored until removed
for recycling.
Approvals. The Solid Waste Management Coordinator shall prepare detailed procedures
for achieving compliance with Ingham County’s recycling policies. The plan shall be
reviewed by Environmental Health to prevent any adverse impact on the environment and
shall be approved by the County Services Committee prior to implementation.
History: 1989, Resolution 89-231, Effective October 24, 1989; -- Amended 2002, Resolution 02-286,
Effective January 1, 2003
New Construction. All new construction by the County shall be done in such a way as to
best facilitate the achievement of the County’s recycling goals.
Interdepartmental Cooperation. All departments are encouraged to cooperate with the
Solid Waste Management Coordinator to eliminate duplication and to cooperate in the
establishment and the use of County facilities as storage sites.
Reporting Procedures. All departments shall provide information to the Solid Waste
Management Coordinator which will be compiled into a quarterly report to be given to
the County Services Committee on the status of the adopted recycling policies.
History: 1989, Resolution 89-231, Effective October 24, 1989; -- Amended 2002, Resolution 02-286,
Effective January 1, 2003
Purchasing Policy. The County shall strive, to the greatest extent possible, to meet the
following standards with regard to purchase of recycled products as a percentage of total
dollar value purchases:
Percent Recycled
Products Purchased
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Hazardous Wastes. The disposal of household-type hazardous wastes such as paint, paint
thinner, antifreeze, etc. shall be through the Ingham County Health Department
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal program or another service designated to properly
handle such waste.
Designation of Coordinator. The responsibility for implementation and coordination of
Ingham County Recycling Policy will be assigned to the Controller until such time that
the position of Solid Waste Management Coordinator is approved and filled.
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