INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD 1 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL TO BE POSTED FOR ONLINE REFERENCE Non-pharmacological Intervention for Preschool-Aged Children with ADHD Authors Sample Intervention Parent Training Interventions Design Results Bor et al., 2002 N = 87 Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD 10-sessions for standard BPT, 12 for enhanced BPT 3 groups: Standard BPT, Enhanced BPT, WLC Danforth, 1999 N=2 Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD and ODD 8-weekly sessions Case study 10-weeks: 6sessions with parent, 4weeks with PC dyad Case study SBPT & EBPT (compared to WL) †↓Disruptive behavior, dysfunctional parenting †↑Parental competence, Maintenance at 1- year SBPT (compared to WL) †↓ ODD, intensity of disruptive behavior, conflict, (at 1-year follow up) EBPT(compare to WL): †↓Observed negative behavior, inattentive behavior (at 1-year follow up) *↓Hyperactivity *↑Compliance *↓Externalizing *↓Aggression *↓Maternal Stress *↑Parenting Behavior (observation) Maintenance at 6-month *↓Hyperactivity, tantrums, aggression *↑Compliance, social functioning *↑Parental confidence, parent-child interactions 2 groups: BPT, WLC BPT: †↓ADHD sxs, †↓CD sxs Maintenance up to18months 2 groups: IT, DT IT: †↑Compliance, positive P-C interaction, Erhardt et al., 1990 Jones et al., 2007, 2008 Pisterman et al., 1989 N=2 Criteria: ADHD diagnosis by pediatrician N = 79 Criteria: Cutoff on dimensional scale N = 46 Criteria: DSM-III 12-weeks 12-weeks: 10-sessions BPT, 2- INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD ADDH Pisterman et al., 1992 N = 57 Criteria: Same as above 2 sessions with P-C dyad Same as above parenting skills Maintenance at 3- months Same as above Same as above SonugaBarke et al., 2001 N = 78 Criteria: Cutoff on dimensional scale 8-weekly sessions 3 groups: BPT, PC&S, WLC SonugaBarke et al., 2004 N = 89 Criteria: Same as above Same as above 2 groups: BPT, WLC N = 41 Criteria: Cutoff on Thompson dimensional 8-weekly et al., 2009 scale sessions Teacher Training Interventions N=1 Criteria: Teacher complaint Allen et al., and observed 1967 hyperactivity 47-sessions McCain et al., 1993 N=1 Criteria: ADHD dx 4-weeks McGoey et al., 2000 N = 4, Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD 36-40 sessions 2 groups: BPT, TAU Case study, ABAB Case study, ABAB Single-subject, reversal design comparing TR and RC counterbalance d between participants, matched BPT: †↓ADHD sxs (reported and observed ) †↓Conduct problems †↑Maternal sense of wellbeing & adjustment Maintenance at 15-weeks BPT: No effect on ADHD sxs *↓Parenting efficacy *↑ Parental distress *↓Maternal well-being ↓Observed activity BPT: †↓ADHD sxs (reported and observed), Social and behavioral problems Maintenance of effects at 8-weeks *↓Number of activity changes *↑Attentiveness and ontask behavior *↓Disruptive behavior *↓Number of activity changes INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD Child Training Interventions N=4 Criteria: Teacher complaint and observation ADHD and Billings et disruptive al., 1985 behaviors 4-weeks N=3 Criteria: Teacher complaint of ADHD and Bornstein disruptive et al., 1976 behaviors 10-weeks Bryant et al., 1982 Bateman et al., 2004 Kaplan et al., 1989 N = 277 Criteria: Cutoff on dimensional scale N = 24 Criteria: control peer in classroom TR & RC: *↓Hyperactivity *↓Disruptive behavior Maintained at 2-weeks Case series, multiple baseline across subjects, one child served as control *↑Attending behavior No maintenance of attending behavior at 2weeks Case series, blind, multiple baseline Case series, multiple baseline, sequential administration SIT and CR *↑On-task behavior Maintained at 22.5-week SIT & CR: *↑On-task behavior SIT: †↑Work accuracy CR: †↑Rate of work completion 3-months, 20 bi-weekly sessions 4 groups: CBM, MPH, CBM+MPH, NCG No effect of treatment 4-weeks 10-weeks: 3week baseline Withinsubjects, double-blind, crossover with active periods of dietary challenge and placebo mixture. Withinsubjects, *↓Hyperactivity during dietary challenge (parent rated) *↓ADHD behaviors *↓Behavioral problem N=3 Criteria: Teacher complaints of behavior 8-days N = 24 Criteria: Cutoff on Cohen et dimensional al., 1981 scale Dietary Restrictions 3 INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD DSM-III ADDH Nutritional Supplements N=1 Criteria: Konofal et DSM-IV al., 2005 ADHD Acupuncture N = 180 Criteria: Li et al., DSM-IV 2010 ADHD Multimodal Interventions Barkley et al., 2000; Shelton et al., 2000 N = 158 Criteria: Cutoff on dimensional scale N = 8, Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD Chang et al., 2004 Kern et al., 2007; DuPaul et al. 2011 diet, 3-week placebo, 4week experimental diet 8-months Acupuncture 9 months (school year) STC, 10weekly BPT sessions, 6monthly booster sessions 8-weekly sessions: BPT, and joint P-C SST sessions BPT+ home 4 double-blind, placebocontrolled, crossover of baseline and dietary meals *↓Sleep problems Case study *↓ADHD (Parent and teacher rated) *↑Sleep quality *↑Peer relations 2 groups: EG, CG EG: †↓ADHD sxs Some maintenance at 6months 4 groups: BPT, STC, BPT+ STC, CG Uncontrolled trial ↓Frequency of Dx STC & BPT+STC: †↑ Attention, social skills (teacher rated), adaptive function (parent rated) ↑Self-control †↓Behavior problem, aggression, externalizing (observed) No maintenance at 2years *↓ADHD sxs, problem behavior at home, impulsivity, parental frustration ↑Emotional expression/regulation, Concentration, confidence, assertion, parental satisfaction *↓ADHD Problems, ODD Sxs, aggression, conduct problems, delinquency, *↑Preacademic skills, Social Skills (Parent and INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD 5 N = 135 DSM-IV ADHD and school intervention 12-months: 20-PE sessions 2 groups: PE, EG McGoey et al., 2005 N = 57 Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD 12-months: 12-weekly BPT sessions, 9-monthly booster sessions, preschool consultation, and medication consultation 2 groups: EI, TAU WebsterStratton et al., 2011 N = 99, Criteria: DSM-IV ADHD-C or H type Williford et al., 2008 N = 103 Criteria: Cutoff on dimensional scale 20-weekly BPT + SEB sessions BPT Consultation model. 4-month classroom consultation, 10- week BPT 2 groups: EG, WLC 2 groups: EG, CG teacher rated) Some maintenance at 12-months, lesser maintenance at 24months ↑On-task behavior, compliance, *↑ self control, *↓Problem behavior, Negative social behavior *↑Social Skills (teacher rated), positive behavior (observed), school readiness ↓Parenting stress *↑Positive parenting behavior, family coping *↓ Negative parenting behavior, dysfunctional parent-child interaction EG: †↓Hyperactivity, inattention, opposition, aggression, intensity and number of conduct problems, externalizing (parent and teacher report), deviant behaviors, †↑Emotion-regulation, problem-solving, emotional vocabulary, social competence, mother’s positive parenting behavior, mother’s praise and coaching EG: †↓Disruptive behavior (parent and teacher rated) †↑Positive parenting ↑Teaching strategies This table only documents outcomes that demonstrated effects of time and/or treatment INTERVENTIONS FOR PRESCHOOL ADHD 6 *= Significant effect of time, no effect of treatment condition; †= Significant effect of experimental group by time; ↑= increase ↓= decrease ABAB= Reversal design; ADDH= Attention-Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity; ADHD= Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; AT=Atopy; BPT= Behavioral parent training; CBM= Cognitive behavioral modification; CD= Conduct Disorder; CG= Control group; CR= Contingent reinforcement; DSM= Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; DT= Delayed treatment; Dx= Diagnosis; EG= Experimental Group; EBPT= Enhanced BPT; EI= Early intervention; HA=Hyperactivity; IT= Immediate treatment; MCI= Multicomponent intervention; MPH= Methylphenidate; NCG= Normal control group; ODD= Oppositional Defiant Disorder; P-C= Parent-child; PC&S= Parent counseling and support; PE= Parent education; RC= Reinforcement contingency; SBPT= Standard BPT; SCT= Special treatment classroom; SEB= Social emotional behavioral intervention; SIT= Self instructional training; SST=Social Skills Training; Sxs= symptoms; TAU= Treatment as usual; TR= Token reinforcement; WLC= Waitlist control