Transgenic and Gene Targeting Core Laboratory ES Cell Services Investigator: SDRC Member? Speed Type: ; CCTSI Member? Contact: Date: eRA commons: PI only Email: Phone: Gene/Transgene/Construct Name: Abbr.: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Submission Information: DNA Preparation: The Investigator is responsible for purifying and linearizing 30-50ug of DNA according to the protocol provided. Please provide DNA at 1ug/ul concentration in sterile TE buffer (10mM Tris-HCl, pH7.6, 1mM EDTA) clearly labeled With PI’s name, construct name, concentration, and date. DNA DROP-OFF Location: RC-1 North, 8th floor, room P18-8403E. Place samples in the Kenmore Elite refrigerator (outside Koch Lab) labeled “Transgenic Core”. Please see receptionist, room P18-8130(admin office) if you do not have access to this lab area. Please send an email notification to before dropping off DNA. All samples submitted will go through quality control and assurance process before initiating the experiment. For more information and questions regarding DNA preparations or ES targeting process please contact core personnel at Please supply the construct at a concentration of 1 µg/µl dissolved in sterile TE buffer (10mM Tris-HCL pH7.6, 1mM EDTA). Construct preparation date: Total amount of DNA supplied: Construct Size: A260/A280 ratio: Targeting Construct DNA derived from: Selection Markers: ES cell line to be targeted (Additional information on these ES cell lines can be found here µg Kb (30µg minimum) 129Sv C57BL/6 Neomycin/G418, TK, CJ7 (129Si) BL6N (JM8A1.N3) DTA Hybrid EC7.1 NonSDRC SDRC Member Electroporation/Drug Selection (first 288 clones) $2,836 $2,078 Removal of loxP- or FRT-flanked genomic sequences by transient transfection of ES cell clones with Cre expression plasmids or FLPE expression plasmids (contact us at Makeamouse for details) $2,448 $1,833 Additional Clones (per 96 well plate) $540 $338 Subcloning $539 $347 Clone Expansion $667 $455 Chromosome Count (per clone) $603 $431 Full Karyotyping (per clone) $885 $655 $1,255 $756 Gene Targeting Service Generating ES Cells Qty TOTAL Total