Electonic Suplementary Material Manuscript „Dynamics and tephra dispersal of Violent Strombolian eruptions at Vesuvius: insights from field data, wind reconstruction and numerical simulation of the 1906 event“ by Barsotti S. , Neri A., Bertagnini A., Cioni R., Mulas M., Mundula F. Table 1. A detailed succession of the events occurred during the 1906 eruption at Vesuvius and their associated products, as derived from the different eyewitness accounts. DAY HOUR 4 April morning morning DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY the great cone was cleft on its south-south eastern flank by long fissures This, as indicated by a new line of fumaroles, had been fissuredearly in the morning at a point a little to the east of south, and the fracture had extended downward and formed a vent at about the same altitude (1200 meters) DESCRIPTION DISPERSAL OF PRODUCTS dark blunt-edged granules derived directly from the new cone AUTHOR PAGE De Lorenzo, 476 1906 Perret, 1924 34 5:30 a.m. A new lava began to flow from a small vent on the southern slope, 1200 m a.s.l., near the locality named “Casotto delle Guide” Mercalli, 1906 6 2:00 p.m. The small cone located inside the Vesuviu scrater and the crater rims began to collapse. Meanwhile explosions increased in intensity and became “Vulcanian” Rumblings were loud blackish-grey toward west and continuous and sand, rough to the up to Naples blackish-grey sand, touch ejected in great quantity, obscured the sky at west further fracturing of the cone: (..) at a point 800 m a.s.l., 400 m below and south of, but in the same radius Mercalli, 1906 6 Mercalli, 1906 6-10-726 Perret, 1924 35 evening midnigh t 5 April n.d. morning all day midnigh as, the preceding, indicating an extension of the fracture to that point in the meantime the ash-cloud from the crater had assumed a threatening aspect(..), which a veering wind brought over the city by nightfall, and the Neapolitans went about with umbrellas opened against a dry rain of coarse volcanic sand From the base of one of these freshly opened fissure, near "Casa Fiorenza", at an altidude of 2460 feet a.s.l. a small steam of lava poured fourth, while from the principal crater a great jet of steam burst with explosive force. (..) the crater-cloud was being carried in long, sweeping curves north through west and south over the city (..) During the day this emission increased in violence, with the ejection of mixed incandescent lavamasses and old conematerial, blocks of which already fell at a distance of several hundred meters from the crater. Following the stronger explosions, there began to appear in the midst of the cratercloud those visible electrical phenomena (…) they consisted of tiny, brillant lightningflashes produced by the powerfully projected jets of ash(..) Rain of coarse Perret, 1924 volcanic sand on Naples 35 De Lorenzo, 476 1906 Perret, 1924 the product of these first days was coarse in texture and dark in color, consisting mostly of cone-detritus (..) A second copious blackish-grey Ash fell in Perret, 1924 Naples until noon of this day, when a veering wind carried the crater-cloud elsewhere Mercalli, 35 36-37 6-7-26 t 6 April 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. night night lava outpouring began at about 800 m a.s.l.near the locality named “Cisterna di Casa Fiorenza” New lateral vents opened on the volcano slope, in the locality named “Bosco Cognoli”, 600 m a.s.l, about 1 km east of the vents of “Casa Fiorenza” (..) another vent was formed at a still lower altitude (600 meters) which gave forth the most rapid out-pour of lava during the entire eruption. Except that which was enitted during the night of the culmination. during the day, activity in the crater again increased to an even greater degree than on the preceding day (..) Our return to the Observatory was made on foot from Resina (Herculaneum) under a shower of rain and a fall of ash from the Crater while the great threatening pillar of black and brown lapilli(…) occupying well night one half of the northern horizon, deeper and longer fissures than before yawned in the southeastern wall of the cone from the orifice previously mentioned, from another which opened up below the Valle dell'inferno, and more particularly from a third, near Cognoli(.. Altitude of 2000 feet (600m),issued a great mass of fluid lava, sand, rough to the touch 1906 Mercalli, 1906 7 Perret, 1924 38 Perret, 1924 38 this ash was of a SW much finer texture than any hitherto emitted Perret, 1924 39 (..)while that of the 6th, 7th, and 8th became increasingly mixed with fragmental material of a lighter colour De Lorenzo, 476 1906 De Lorenzo, 476-477 1906 midnigh t night 7 April morning morning 2:00 p.m. n.d. 4:30 p.m. scoriaceous and laden with steam Strong, very bright explosions emitting small frothy scoriae that fell on the Vesuvius Observatory By midnight all the phenomena had increased in intensity vent located far east of “Bosco Cognoli”, very close to Mount Somma, at about 750800 m a.s.l. (Vent of Terzigno) the explosive activity at the crater again gradually diminished this again increased,(..) ,the lava flowed almost due east, in the direction of several small town, including Terzigno (…) it necessary to make a wide detour , on account of the falling of huge blocks as far outward as nearly to the base of the main cone. As seen from the south, there were many powerful lightning-flashes in the crater-cloud, which was continually growing in height(..) the dynamic activity at the crater took form of a series of very sharp, sudden, but powerful explosions in rapid succession. The principal crater was in violent eruption. Explosions were unceasing Rumblings of Vesuvius began to be heard from Naples Another uprising of hightly incandescent magma to the upper portion of the conduit high vesicular up to the Mercalli, light-grey scoriae Vesuvius 1906 Observatory 9 Perret, 1924 39 Mercalli, 1906 8 Perret, 1924 39 Perret, 1924 39 The material ejected was a mixed nature, about equally divided by fresh liquid lava and dark detritus of the crumbling cone Perret, 1924 40 a shower of grey- WNW black ashes fell in the streets of Naples Nature, 1906 565 Mercalli, 1906 9 Perret, 1924 40 Several of these (blocks) was estimated to weight as two tons was indicated by the truly marvelous brillancy of the ejected material, which began to clothe the greater part of the cone as with a mantle of fire 8:00 - Strombolian 10:30 explosions became p.m. more and more intense evening there were formidable explosions from the principal crater, spurting 3000 feet up into the sky fragments of incandescent material 10:00 p.m. masses of cone material again began to be mixed with the incandescent jets, with consequent renewal of powerful (..) then all would again be cleared of ash, and the pillar of liquid fire maintained continuosly at a height of several kilometers by multiple projections from all parts 10.20 - two brillant fountains 10.40 of fire upon the flank p.m. of the mountain seemed at first to indicate the opening of new craters at these points 10:45 Strong resumption of p.m. effusive activity from vents of Bosco Cognoli and Terzigno. Lava flows were the most rapid and abundant of the whole eruption 11:00 For few minutes it p.m. seemed that the central crater calmed down, but immediately after its activity resumed more violent and explosions began to change, because great clouds of stones, Mercalli, 1906 scoriaceous bombs and lapilli. A layer of lapilli more than 2 feet thick at Ottajano 9 These De Lorenzo, 477 ejectamenta, 1906 impelled by a strong southwesterly wind destroyed the village of Ottajano and S. Giuseppe Perret, 1924 41 Perret, 1924 41 Mercalli, 1906 10 Mercalli, 1906 11 8 April lapilli and ash were emitted with the glowing material. night (..) the crater emitted a NE slope giant pine accompanied by continuous and violent rumblings, (..) and a huge quantity of lapilli fell on the villages of the NE flank of Mt Somma midnigh "and these explosions t reached a climax between midnight" (..)During the 7th and 8th of April the sealevel was lowered all along the neighbouring coast, by as much as 12 inches near Portici, and as little as 6 near Pozzuoli, and has not so far (April 13th) returned to its previous level. 0:31 (..) a great detonation and a seismic shock were felt in all the villages around Vesuvius 0:30 Lapilli began to fall at The lower 20 cm NE sector Ottajano and of the deposit are neighboring villages formed by fresh, blackish scoriaceous lapilli (..) blackish scoraceous lapilli with abundant augite and minor biotite 0:37 a strong shock was felt, followed soon after by visibly greater explosive activity at the crater 01:00 (..) lapilli began to NE sector a.m. rain with great violence, reaching maximum intensity at 2:00 a.m. 2:00 - Abundant scoriae and At Ottajano the 3:00 dense stones, as big as deposit is about a.m. an egg up to 20 cm in 80 cm. The diameter added to lowermost 20 cm lapilli are black fresh Sabatini, 1906 5 De Lorenzo, 477 1906 De Lorenzo, 481 1906 Mercalli, 1906 11 Mercalli, 1906 12, 25 Perret, 1924 42 Sabatini, 1906 12 Mercalli, 1906 12 2:37 a.m. like the former shock(..) a seismic manifestation peculiar to the culminating period of great eruption. This strong shock was at once followed by great downfalls at mountain-top (..) 2:40 a.m. Seismic shock and detonation occurred again. The summit of the volcano collapsed into the conduit and large parts of the cone were detached and fell down (..)there began the true dynamic culmination of the great eruption, wich a literal unfolding outwardly of the upper portions of the cone in all direction, like the falling of the petals of a flower. - Resumption of the lava emission of the vents at Casa Fiorenza. (..) belching forth an enourmous quantity of 3:30 a.m. 2:30 5:00 a.m. dawn scoriae, in the upper part the deposit is yellowreddish,formed by fragments of altered scoriae and lavas (..) detritus rising from the crater, part of which, losing in vertical direction, shot more and more obliquely to the northeast tilli it formed a giant archoverspanning the crest of Monta Somma in the direction of Ottajano, while the rest of the column continued straigt upward. (..) the accumulation of fresh scoriae, old rock-masses up to 3 kilograms in weight, lapilli and ash caused the crushing of many roofs (..) Somma Perret, 1924 Vesuviana, Ottajano, San Giuseppe At first of the size of small nuts, the projectiles gradually increased up to 2 and 3 kilograms in weight, some of which were thrown 4 km from the crater burying them These beneath a layer of ejectamenta, 42-43 Mercalli, 1906 11 Perret, 1924 43-44 Mercalli, 1906 10 De Lorenzo, 477 1906 dawn dawn 8:00 a.m. morning all day n.s. scoria and lappilli derived from the magma, as well as masses of the crateric cone, wich was by this time in course of demolition. Moreover, the cloud of ashes descend on Nola, crossed the Appennines, and swept over the Adriatic into Montenegro By daylight (..) but from a source, the depth of which is wholly unknow, there rushed forth through the central tube a continuous blast of gas, reaching heights as great as 13000 meters (..) that scourge (the lapilli fallout) continued until 8:00 a.m. then stopped to give way to the fall of ash (…) the decrescent phase began, though still alarming and dangerous. In fact, owing to the tremendous shock of the explosions(…), the cone of the principal crater collapsed, having been cleft to a depth exceeding 300 feet (…) The explosive dynamics was extremely violent all the day. A great cloud laden of reddish ash covered and enveloped the mountain on the side of Naples, and huge, 4-5 km high, cauliflower dark grey clouds were seen rising above it. a shower of black dust, like iron filings lapilli more than 2 impelled by a feet thick strong SW wind, destroyed the village of Ottajano and San Giuseppe Nola (15 km De Lorenzo, 477 NE) up to 1906 Montenegro (about 400 km NE) Perret, 1924 45 Sabatini, 1906 12 De Lorenzo, 477 1906 pisolitic reddishgrey ash, finer than the previous one Around at Mercalli, 6:00-7:00 a.m. 1906 the wind blew the ash on Nola and up to Accadia (80 km NE) and Andria (150 km ENE) covering the Montenegro surface to a depht (400 Km NE) of a millimetre Nature, 1906 14-15 565 morning 3:00 p.m. afternoo n evening evening with an iron grey layer (..) lava flows and ash SE, NW lapilli fallout stopped, while an extraordinary quantity of ash continued to fall, plunging into the darkness alternately villages SE and NW of the volcano. Besides Ottajano and San Giuseppe, which were partially destroyed, Resina, Portici, Torre del Greco were heavily affected. At Naples ash fall was heavy causing the collapse of the roof of Monte Oliveto market the maximum gaseous development occuredat 3 p.m. the stone continued falling this steam burst forth (..) grey or continuously in huge pinkish colour, jets from the crater, was entirely made (…)carrying with it up of debris of the the conminuted broken-down old fragments of the cone cone in the shape of immense rolling clouds of dust which soared majestically into the sky up to heights of 21,000 or 22,000 feet or more.(6,7 km) These formed a great leaden 'pine,' enveloping the ordinary clouds of the atmosphere (…) (..) the wind, still blowing from the south and south-west, impelled the gigantic cloud of dust to move northward and northeastward; (..) it descend with fatal effect on the Campania Felice (…) mantling the countryside with a Sabatini, 1906 6 Perret, 1924 46 Perret, 1924 47 De Lorenzo, 477 1906 De Lorenzo, 477 1906 479 - midnigh t 9 April morning morning morning n.s. 9:00 a.m. grey shroud, which even at a distance of over 9 miles from the crater approaches an inch (25 cm) in thickness (..) exceedingly powerful elettric discharges were heard, indicating renewed injection of detritus into the crater cloud (..) the wind veered round to the north-east, blowing the dense column of dust, wich interposed like a great veil between Napoli and Sorrento, first towards Ischia and then towards Capri, causing it to drift south-westward until it depoosited the material with which it was laden far into Spain. During the night the expulsion of rock ceased but the emission of sand increased, completely envelomping me (..) (Prof. Matteucci at Vesuvius Observatory) revealed the emission of a truly imposing volume of ash, apparently from a greatly widened crater Perret, 1924 47 Ischia, Capri, De Lorenzo, 479 Spain 1906 (…) forming a bed more than 10 centimetres deep Before Resina was reached, the downward blast of ash and sand became so heavy that the horse could no farther (..) and the ash falls, ash covering roofs, terraces, people, forming everywhere a layer whose thickness increases from Naples(<10 cm) toward Torre Del Greco (40 cm) The volcano emitted a pisolitic reddishhuge quantity of lapilli grey ash, as in the and ash, but the great preceding day ejection of blocks had Nature, 1906 566 Perret, 1924 48 Gargiulo, 1906 46 The NE wind Mercalli, directed the 1906 volcanic pine toward Resina 15 ceased during the day 10 April all day 4:00 a.m. afternoo n night 11 April n.s. Ash was falling heavely but dry. First of the "hot avalanches" (.. )the crater-cloud (..) arched over toward the southwest and finally actually came to earth and swept down the mountain-side over Torre del Greco this wind lasted over the whole of the 10th of April as well - with grave results to Torre del Greco(..) was enveloped in pitch darkness for two days. This morning the explosion became more violent.The roof of the market of Monte Oliveto, Naples, fell in. It was found necessary to make a wide detour in order to keep clear of the exceedingly rapid hot avalanches which occassionally swept downward rapid hot avalanches which ocassionally swept downward and Torre del Greco (..) all the area between these villages was completely enveloped in darkness ash Perret, 1924 49 (..) the production of pisolites was on a gigantic scale, although they were of small size Perret, 1924 48-50 (..) buried under a layer of dust a foot thick ( 30 cm) red fine ash ash the ash fell heavily, ash this time many flies, and there began for us red fine ash a long series of period of obscurity, some lasting for 8 hours or more. SW the wind again veered, impelling northward the death-dealing cloud During these times there was little to do but wait until a change of wind sent the crater-cloud in another direction De Lorenzo, 479 1906 Nature, 1906 566 Perret, 1924 51 De Lorenzo, 479 1906 Perret, 1924 52 Mercalli, 1906 26 12 April Before 8:00 a.m. throughout the night ash and up to 8 o'clock this morning we were completely enveloped in dense showers of dust.(..) showers of volcanic ash and other fragmentary products continue to fall. The road in Naples are covered with a thick layer of vulcanic dust which continues to fall upon the city. all day Volcanic ash has ceased to fall in Naples, Portici, Torre del Greco and Torre Annunziata, but the shower continues at Ponticelli, Sant'Anastasia and Somma (respect to the Observatory) WNW ThiseltonDyer, 1906 NW red fine ash 13 April 5:00 a.m. during the day 7:30 a.m. 14 April (..) a shock was felt on the slope of the volcano, associated with strong explosions throwing rocks up to a few Km. (..) Strong explosions red fine ash emitting abundant ash and lapilli. Probably two active vents. The crater-cloud ash veered southward and again our site of the mountain was clear reddish grey ash morning the crater-cloud ash somewhat increased in size n.s. Slight earthquake ash shock felt at Ottajano ThiseltonDyer, 1906 588 588 Mercalli, 26 1906 Mercalli, 16 1906 Mercalli, 1906 16 Perret, 1924 52 Mercalli, 1906 Perret, 1924 26 Toward evening there ensued a period of relative calm, with the ashcloud arching eastward at no great height NE, E sectors ThiseltonDyer, 1906 53 588 and Terzigno. A shower of ash fell at San Giuseppe Vesuviano and Ottajano to a depth of about 1.5 inches. Heavy falls of dust also recorded in the communes of Collina, Strocchia, Boscoreale, Somma and Ottajano 15 April morning 2:00 p.m. 16 April 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 17 April 18 April noon 4:15 p.m. there were several hot avalanches earth-shocks with a strong renewal of hot avalanches (..) and once more the eternally recurring rain of ash a heavy shower of ash ash began falling at Ottajano, Boscoreale, Boscotrecase e Torre del Greco. There was a slight fall of ashes at Portici, Ercolano, San Sebastiano and San Giorgio a Cremano for another eternity of a few hours duration, the obscurity was again literally absolute (..) the ash-cloud soaring upward in huge spiral volutes, conditions normal except for a shower of ash falling on Ottajano and Sant'Anastasia the gale had increased, the ash-cloud was driven violenty to earth (..) a voluminous hot avalanches was observed Perret, 1924 NE, E, S and ThiseltonW sectors Dyer, 1906 Perret, 1924 The activity of ThiseltonVesuvius is Dyer, 1906 limited to a decreased emission of dust, falling in the eastern district Perret, 1924 (..) when an easterly gale began to deflect the crater-cloud directely over the Observatory 53 588 53-54 588 54 20 April the ash being projected to a lesser elevation, although still copious. (..) (..) after 21 April the eruption could say over the crater-cloud increased in density, and some ash again fell in our direction 21 April 4:00 p.m. whitish-grey fine ash Perret, 1924 54 whitish-grey fine ash Mercalli, 1906 17 Perret, 1924 54 Toward Vesuvius Observatory Table2. Wind direction observed during the 1906 eruption at Vesuvius as reported from the chronicles. Day Hour From 4 April evening E 5 April 6 April 7 April 12 p.m. evening evening night 12:30 a.m. dawn 6 a.m. evening morning 9 a.m. all the day night n.d. E E SW 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April n.d. 13 April 7:30 a.m. 14 April evening Mercalli, 1906 De Lorenzo, 1906 Mercalli, 1906 De Lorenzo, 1906 De Lorenzo, 1906 Mercalli, 1906 NE S E De Lorenzo, 1906 S N W NE 17 April 18 April 20 April 21 April SSW 4:15 p.m. Mercalli, 1906 Perret, 1924 Perret, 1924 Perret, 1924 De Lorenzo, 1906 Sabatini, 1906 NE SW SW SSW NE NE W 15 April Author E W E Perret, 1924 Thiselton-Dyer, 1906 Perret, 1924 Perret, 1924 Thiselton-Dyer, 1906 Thiselton-Dyer, 1906 Thiselton-Dyer, 1906 Perret, 1924 Perret, 1924 Perret, 1924 Table 3: Ground loading samplings for Phase I. Sections Castello d'Ottaviano Ottaviano (lower part of the town) San Giuseppe S.teresa Somma Vesuviana Saviano (SW of Nola) Scisciano (W of Nola) Avini Terzigno S. Anastasia Portici Ercolano 1 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 10-b 1-b 7-c 6-c 12-c 2-c 9-c 11-c Latitude Longitude N E 4521666 455210 4522843 4520863 4515986 4524811 4528455 4528381 4517262 4517319 4524235 4518332 4517601 4521690 4522670 4523120 4524140 4519720 4521630 4521620 4520930 4520580 4520180 4519910 4520670 4521000 4523370 4523260 4519560 4519750 456661 458104 446281 452688 458837 456298 456440 458064 449555 444271 445049 454463 455233 456269 457498 455807 455550 456175 455863 452730 453029 453122 454470 455488 456017 455605 456622 455885 Ground loading (kg/m2) 1281 735 840 735 472,5 367,5 262,5 210 210 0 126 105 120,9 147 119 77,7 22,6 178,5 151,2 124,8 372 353,4 241,8 148,8 134,4 95,2 123,2 101,7 113 Table 4: Ground loading samplings for Phase II. Sections Somma Vesuviana latitude N 4524811 longitude E 452688 Ground loading (kg/m2) 616,5 porto di Torre del Greco Portici Ercolano Bellavista (portici) between Cercola and Somma Vesuviana between Somma Vesuviana and Ottaviano Boscotrecase Torre Annunziata Cancello casa di Cook (E Osservat) Albergo Cook (at Osservatorio) S. Giovanni (Barra) Napoli Osservatorio Capo di Monte (Na) Terrazza a Salita Sella (Liveri) Capri Pozzuoli Ischia Molfetta Andria Rocchetta S.Antonio Trani Montoro Cervinara avellino montesarchio cerretto sannita benevento bovino foggia barletta 7 10 4515173 4518332 4517601 4519198 446216 444271 445049 444643 274 164,4 137 137 4524619 450946 274 4524047 4513849 4511543 455240 454538 453635 137 13,7 13,7 4519762 449580 342,5 4519819 4520458 4522552 449022 441427 438294 411 68,5 27,4 4523952 4528344 4489114 4519897 4510113 4562087 4564400 4550217 4570320 4519735 4541116 4529369 4545827 4569829 4553026 4566171 4590195 4575052 4524140 4519720 437162 463469 433983 425774 411222 634263 608174 538787 618407 482891 467591 482319 469549 463101 481860 528498 545730 607333 457498 455807 6,85 5,48 27,4 6,85 5,48 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 13,7 2,74 2,74 2,74 2,74 2,74 2,74 2,74 27,4 82,2 Fig. 1: The calculated TGSDs for the two lapilli beds are compared with others calculated for other eruptions in the world: the mafic subplinian eruption of Izu-Oshima (Mannen, 2006), the 1973 Strombolian eruption of Heimay (Iceland; Self et al., 1974), the lava fountain activity at Etna during 2002-2003 and 2007 (Andronico et al., 2008 a, b), the 1968 and 1971 Cerro Negro (Rose et al., 1973) and the 1974 Fuego (Rose et al., 1978) events. Fig. 2: Wind speed dependence with direction and altitude in the Vesuvian area. The data come from the Re-analysis archive from ECMWF for the period 1991-2000. Fig. 3 The modeled column height is plotted together with some height estimates deduced from chronicles and literature. In the figure the simulated mean height over the duration of each phase (black line) and the standard deviation (yellow area), which reflect column temporal variations mainly due to atmospheric corrections introduced by the CALMET processor, are shown. As a reference, we also added to the figure the observations available from the literature.