Aqua-Col-Viente Essay - Future City Competition

Aqua-Sol-Viente Essay
Hart-Ransom School, Modesto, California
Our planet is facing a serious problem. We consume approximately 14 trillion watts of power annually
and most of it (about 83%) is generated with non-renewable fossil fuels. Only 8% of our power is
generated using alternative, renewable and environmentally friendly sources like wind and sun.
Not only are we running out of fossil fuels, but the fossil fuels we consume harm our environment. The
engineers who designed and built Aqua-Sol-Viente created a virtually perfect solution to this problem, a
city that generates and utilizes only renewable, environmentally friendly energy sources for its needs.
Our planners were so committed to this ideal they even named our city to reflect it: Aqua-Sol-Viente
translates to Water-Sun-Wind.
Our city is located on the Pacific Ocean along the south central coast of California. In the year 2162
800,000 residents live, work, shop and play in our accessible and pristine city. Aqua-Sol-Viente’s
geographical location allowed our engineers to design a power generation system that relies on the
untapped potential energy of the ocean, as well as solar and wind that naturally occur more consistently
in marine environments. Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface. They are the world’s largest
collector and retainer of the sun’s solar energy and the wind over the ocean is stronger than wind over
the land. In addition, we can generate power using the ocean’s waves, currents and temperature.
While Aqua-Sol-Viente relies on a number of renewable energy sources for its power, our unique
solution is a series of man-made islands anchored about 1 mile from shore. We call our solution, “REGI”
- short for Renewable Energy Generation Island. Each REGI is 160 feet in diameter and its surface is
covered with solar panels which harness energy from the sun. REGIs are also receiving stations for solar
power transmitted from panel farm satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Six massive telescopic wind
turbines project from REGIs protective dome. The dome is made of a transparent nanomaterial that
covers and protects the solar panels as well as focuses the sun’s rays, maximizing the amount of power
each panel produces. During storms each telescopic wind turbine can retract into the dome to prevent
damage to the turbines or REGI.
Aqua-Sol-Viente Essay
Tethered on the ocean floor directly below each REGI are a dozen fan shaped Wave Electricity
Generators called WEGs. Waves move the fan blades of each WEG back and forth, turning a power
turbine and thus generating a current. WEGs are very sturdy and are programmed to lie flat on the
ocean floor during storms to prevent damage.
All three energy generating components, the wind turbines, solar panels and WEGs are connected to
Aqua-Sol-Viente via superconductive nanotubes which transmit the power to underground substations
located onshore. Nanotubes are composed of individual carbon atoms bonded together in a tubular
pattern, making them incredibly strong. Normally a significant amount of power is lost during
transmission due to friction (which causes heat), but the use of nanotubes decreases friction and heat
by 90% allowing more energy to reach its final destination. Distribution to individual customers is
accomplished via an underground grid of tunnels containing lines and substations that reduce the
voltage to usable levels. The rest of our utilities- water, wastewater, communications, and some
transportation- also share this underground grid eliminating the need for above-ground structures.
Each REGI is quite reliable however the sources that they use are not consistently available. Even with
an abundance of sunshine, waves and wind a backup system is in place to ensure that our power supply
always equals our demand. We utilize our dual elevation reservoir. When there is an abundance of
power water is pumped to the upper reservoir (stored energy). At night, or when power is needed water
passes from the upper reservoir to the lower reservoir through a generator. In addition we have other
Aqua-Sol-Viente Essay
completely renewable eco-friendly power sources - including biomass, geo-thermal, and emerging
technologies like cold fusion and ocean thermal. Maintenance of REGIs is easily done onshore as the
units can be detached from the ocean floor and ferried in for repair. Aqua-Sol-Viente also has several
REGIs available to replace units being serviced so as not to disrupt power generation.
One of the possible environmental impacts of REGIs is they might disrupt the ocean’s ecosystem.
However, our city’s aquatic engineers studied the behaviors of fish around the WEGs and did not notice
any significant harm to fish or changes in their behaviors. WEGs were designed to look like seaweed and
the fish move among them naturally. Wind turbines are always a risk with birds. REGIs’ wind turbines
are surrounded by wire cages that allow maximum wind flow into the turbines but prevent large birds
from flying into them. Smaller birds rarely venture that far from shore.
Many different types of engineers were involved in the development of REGIs. Mechanical engineers
designed the wind turbines, the wave generators and other moving parts. Electrical engineers
developed the most efficient way to convert kinetic energy into electricity as well as manage distribution
of the current. Structural engineers specializing in ocean environments designed the body of REGI and
all of its protective components. All of our engineers worked together using their combined specialties
to design and create our efficient and eco-friendly solution.
Aqua-Sol-Viente uses renewable, non-polluting energy sources to supply our city. 100% of the power
used comes from these multiple, eco-friendly sources - the ideal solution to our current dependence on
fossil fuels. Energy will always be needed no matter its form; our city meets the needs of our citizens
completely without any negative impact on the environment.
Word Count: 1000 including graphs
Aqua-Sol-Viente Essay
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