Report to Portfolio Holder for Communities, Service Delivery and Improvement 30 September 2015 Subject: Use of Section 106 contributions -Top of theTown Community Facilities Feasibility Study Status: Routine Matter for Decision Report ref: Ward(s): Eastrop Key Decision: No Key Decision / Ref: Report of: Head of Community Services Contact officer: June Balcombe Community Development Team Leader Email: Tel: 01256 845477 - Ext 2477 Appendices: None Papers relied on to Relevant section 106 agreement produce this report: 1 Executive Summary 1.1 This report is to request approval to release Section 106 developers’ contributions secured for community infrastructure for the Eastrop Ward. 1.2 The Council has a legal and accounting obligation to allocate funds collected in accordance with the requirements of Section 106 Agreements and as part of this process Ward Members and Parish Councils are consulted on how best to allocate the available funding. 1.3 It is requested that up to £15,000 is released from the capital programme in order that a feasibility study can be carried out to develop a new community facility and associated provision in the Top of Town area. 2 Recommendation 2.1 It is recommended that: 2.1.1 In accordance with the relevant Section 106 Agreement, developer contributions of up to £15,000 are rephased from 2017/18 to 2015/16 and released from the Replacement/ Refurbishment of Community Facilities Capital scheme to carry out a feasibility study for the development of a new community facility and associated provision in the Top of Town area. 1 of 5 PRIORITIES, IMPACTS AND RISKS Contribution to Council Priorities This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly supports the Council Plan priorities for improving economic vitality, maintaining a reputation for quality arts and leisure and supporting active healthy and involved communities. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Definition MAIN CONSIDERATIONS 3 The Proposal 3.1 The council’s policies with regard to obtaining and allocating Section 106 contributions are set out in the Local Plan. The Council seeks to secure financial contributions via new development, towards the provision and enhancement of community facilities and to encourage improved access to them. 3.2 For larger developments, consideration is given to the community infrastructure needs within that development. Contributions from smaller developments may be pooled from a number of sites, in order to provide appropriate benefits to the infrastructure in areas which are likely to bear the impact of the additional housing. 3.3 The existing Carnival Hall and Irish Centre on Council Road would require extensive and costly repair and maintenance in the future. A new community centre could be partly funded by the residential development of the existing sites at Carnival Hall and the Irish Centre or Brinkletts Yard together with S106 funds available for the improvement of community facilities in the area. 3.4 The following principles in the council’s adopted Community Buildings Strategy apply to this project: Management committees of community buildings assessed as being in poor or satisfactory conditions should be encouraged to review options with appropriate stakeholder investment, relocation, or other intervention to avoid the need for decisions made in crisis. All new community buildings should be specified with the highest appropriate energy efficiency measures; management committees of existing buildings should be encouraged to improve energy efficiency where possible. Any decision by the council relating to the provision of community buildings arising from housing growth, regeneration schemes or potential rationalisation of provision, should be taken following an options appraisal. This would consider amongst other things whether refurbishing or extending an existing facility is worthwhile, or a new 2 of 5 larger building may be more advantageous to a wider community than the existing provision within the relevant catchment area (where land to build such a facility exists or can be obtained). 3.5 The fundamental aim of the strategy is that buildings are fit for purpose and can effectively serve the local community. In this case this could be achieved by: addressing the requirements of the increasing ageing population and the increase in demand from the growing diverse communities; lowering the running costs, therefore the trustees could focus on how they can develop services to meet the needs of local people; removing ageing structures with a new modern low maintenance structure; improving the quality and functional efficiency of community uses, with a facility that is designed to be flexibly used; relocating to an appropriate place / or rebuilding on current site which would support the economic vitality of the town centre, and in particular Top of the Town; and considering and incorporating additional complementary uses in the same facility that add value for the community and the town. 3.6 In order to take forward the option appraisal for development of a new community building there is a need to engage a consultant to look at ways in which a new building could be developed and to draw up scheme plans for consideration. 3.7 The feasibility study would include a financial and development appraisal for a new community centre and associated uses at Brinkletts Yard and Council Road sites. It would take into account the results of the study looking at potential requirements for a youth hub in the town centre, the outcomes of which will be reported to CEP committee spring/summer 2016 3.8 The provision of an enhanced flexible facility, in a location close to other town centre uses, will also assist with the implementation of the council’s Top of the Town Concept Master plan 2014, whose Vision is that “Top of the Town will become a more vibrant destination for the town with a mix of shops, cafes, and activities within its attractive historic streets and spaces”. 4 Options Analysis 4.1 Options for projects depend largely on the scope of funds available, the needs of the particular area and any constraints identified in relevant S106 Agreement. Options have been discussed with ward members to reach agreement on the options that achieves the greatest benefits for that particular community. 4.2 Five options have been evaluated as locations for a new community centre: Option 1: Do nothing. Option 2: Brinkletts Yard 3 of 5 Option 3: Existing Council Road sites Option 4: Existing town centre car parks. Option 5: Reuse or redevelop existing buildings or land in Top of the Town. 4.3 There are two preferred options for where a community centre serving Top of the Town area might be provided. The other three options have been excluded on the basis of no other land or buildings in the area would meet the needs or would not be viable. 4.3.1 Option 2 - Brinkletts Yard 4.3.2 Option 3 - Redevelop existing Council Road sites 5 Corporate Implications 5.1 Financial Implications 5.1.1 The feasibility work as detailed in this report is estimated to be £15,000. This can be met from secured developer contributions included in the 17/18 capital scheme, Replacement/Refurbishment of Community Facilities as detailed below; Sources of Section 106 Funding S106 Ref BDB 70844 Developer/Site Area of Benefit Amount £ HCC, BewleyHomes, Sector Trust Co.Ltd. Brook House, Alencon Link Upon or in the locality of the site 38,572 Purpose of developer contributions as set out in the S106 Agreements: Financial contribution towards providing, running and maintaining community facilities 5.1.2 If approved it is recommended that £15,000 is rephased from 2017/18 to 2015/16. 5.1.3 As part of the work, indicative costs will be produced for each option and officers will then consider financial viability and funding options. 5.2 Risk Issues 5.2.1 The main risks associated with this proposal are: obtaining adequate development financing; stakeholder concern and opposition to keep current facilities occupiers and users of the Irish Centre and Carnival Hall; and concern from local land and property owners adjacent to Brinkletts Yard. 4 of 5 5.3 HR Issues 5.3.1 None specific 5.4 Equalities 5.4.1 The centres are open to all, but in particular are used extensively by the Black and Minority Ethnic community, as well as faith groups and older people. This proposal is likely to have implications for the protected characteristics groups and the council’s Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010). It is therefore recommended, once the detail of the feasibility study is developed, that an equalities assessment is carried out to consider the impact of the proposed changes on current service users and local community groups. 5.5 Legal Implications 5.5.1 There are no legal constraints to developing the Carnival Hall, Irish Centre and Brinkletts Yard sites either in the short or longer term. 5.6 Any Other Implications 5.6.1 None 6 Communication and Consultation 6.1 A meeting has been held with the management committees of both the Irish centre and Carnival Hall, at which the proposal to undertake a feasibility study as described in this report was discussed. 6.2 The proposal to undertake a feasibility study put forward is supported by the relevant ward members and the two management committees of the current community facilities 6.3 As part of the feasibility study further consultation will be carried out with ward members and key stakeholders including the management committees of both facilities.. 7 Conclusion 7.1 There is an opportunity to improve community facilities in the Top of the Town area. The existing Carnival Hall and Irish Centre on Council Road are estimated to have expensive repair and maintenance bills in the future. Of the options for the potential locations for a new facility, the favoured options at present are Brinkletts Yard or the existing Carnival Hall and Irish Centre sites. A new community centre could be partly funded by the residential development of the existing sites at Carnival Hall and the Irish Centre or Brinkletts Yard together with S106 funds available for the improvement of community facilities in the area. 5 of 5