September 2014 Board Minutes

Hamilton Township Public Library Board of Trustees
Minutes of the Public Meeting, held September 22, 2014
This meeting was held with the benefit of public notice as required by the Open Public Meetings
Meeting Date: September 22, 2014
Starting Time: 5:00 PM
Ending Time: 5:54 PM
Members Present: Mr. O’Gorman, Ms. DeAngelo, Mr. Santamaria, Mr. Ricci, Ms. Watson, Ms. Rogers,
Mr. Kovacs, Susan Sternberg, Library Director
Members Absent: Mr. Balling
Consideration of the minutes from the previous Board meeting
Copies of the minutes from the last Board meeting were reviewed by all members in attendance. A
motion was made by Mr. Ricci to approve the minutes as read and was seconded by Mr. Kovacsi. The
motion was approved.
Consideration of the Treasurer's Report
Upon review of the August Treasurer's Report, a motion was made by Mr. Ricci and seconded by Ms.
DeAngelo to accept the report. The motion was approved by all members present.
Upon review of the September Treasurer's Report, a motion was made by Ms. Rogers and seconded by
Mr. O’Gorman to accept the report. The motion was approved by all members present.
Consideration of the Library Bill List
Upon consideration of the August bill list, a motion was made by Mr. Ricci to approve the list as submitted
and seconded Mr. Kovacs. The motion was approved.
Upon review of the September Treasurer's Report, a motion was made by Mr. Ricci and seconded by Mr.
O’Gorman to accept the report. The motion was approved by all members present.
Directors Report:
The Library Director presented her report to the Board.
Old Business:
Mr. Santamaria read a letter from the Friends of the Library regarding the Board’s request that the
Friends accept major donations on behalf of the Library. After much discussion, the sense of the Board
was not to accept the Friends stipulations and conditions for accepting the possible donations. A vote will
be taken at the next Board meeting.
A discussion followed on the need to create a 501c3 Foundation for the Hamilton Public Library in order
to accept donations from entities that can only give to registered nonprofits. The Board voted at the last
meeting to assist in the creation of a Foundation. Ms. Watson has experience in this field and has offered
to relinquish her seat on the Board of Trustees to help in the creation of the Foundation and be on its
Board of Directors.
New Business:
Mr. Santamaria, as acting President of the Board in Mr. Balling’s absence, swore in the Board’s newest
member, Mr. King Kovacs.
Resolution 14-006 was introduced by Mr. Santamaria and seconded by Mr. Ricci. This resolution
appointed Hodulik & Morrison as the Library auditor. It was approved by all members present.
Public Comment
Marilyn Jose attended the annual conference of the New Jersey Library Trustees Association and shared
the information she acquired during the conference.
At 5:50, at the request of the Director, a motion was made by Mr. Ricci and seconded by Mr. Santamaria
to close the public session of the meeting and go into executive session. The motion was passed. The
session was ended at 5:53. The Board went back into public session.
With no further business before the Board the meeting was ended at 5:54 PM.
The next Board meeting will be November 24, 2014 at 5pm.