January 2014

Dunlap Public Library
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
January 27, 2014
7:00 PM
1. Call to Order
a. President Sam Sisk called to order the regular meeting of the Dunlap Public Library Board of Trustees at
7:02 PM in the library meeting room.
b. Roll Call
i. The following persons were present: Sam Sisk, Jim Emanuels, Eric Holshouser, Bob Anderson, Bob
Wilson, Angie Dhall, and Library Director Brock Peoples. J. Emanuels arrived at 8:06. Absent: Jane
2. Secretary’s Report
a. Communication: A thank you card from newly retired library employee.
b. Public Comment: no public in attendance
c. A. Dhall made a motion to approve the November 25, 2013 minutes. B. Wilson seconded motion. Motion
3. Treasurer’s Report
a. Treasurer E. Holshouser presented the Treasurer’s Report for November
i. Chase bill was a bit high due to the4 ILA Meeting hotel expense
ii. Audit Review and Summary
1. Highlights
a. “Clean audit”
b. Working cash is good and we under spent the amount budgeted.
2. Board reviewed the audit.
3. Auditor of several years has moved on so there will be a new auditor in the future.
iii. Peoria County only be sending tax monies electronically. These funds will go into different
accounts and discussed.
iv. Heartland Bank and Trust -rollover.
1. 12 months, at .25%, and mature on 12/3/14
v. Illinois National Bank
1. Exploring a rising rate CD option
2. Renews every 12 months
vi. Heartland National Bank- rollover
1. Exploring special rate/term; renew 18 months
vii. Note about negative amount on November Balance Sheet for Line Item 101.5.
1. Computer accounting issue. Will address with library accountant.
viii. November was a higher amount for expenses
1. Bond payment caused this. If the bond payment interest if subtracted out, the monthly
expenses are normal.
ix. Tort Difference for Line Item 522- SS Lighting
x. B. Anderson made a motion to approve the November Treasurer’s Report. B. Wilson seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
b. Treasurer E. Holshouser presented the December Treasurer’s Report
i. Received the final tax in December. The amount was very small (expected).
ii. Total expenses were normal. Standard month.
1. Tort higher due to snow removal.
iii. B. Wilson made a motion to approve the December Treasurer’s Report. B. Anderson seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
4. Director’s Report
a. Building Maintenance
i. January 16 during a routine fire alarm test, a gas leak was found. Ameren was contacted and the
building was evacuated. Two leaks were found and repairs were made. Library was reopened
within two hours of the initial evacuation.
1. There was a question about how or what we can have to detect gas.
a. CO2 Detectors
b. Directors Peoples will ask the company.
ii. Library parking lot paint especially on handicapped has become very faint. Suggest that the lot be
repainted once weather permits.
b. Janitorial
1. Looking to take bids from other cleaning companies, individuals, etc for the same service
provided currently. May explore hiring a janitor/maintenance person in order to evaluate
options. If it is found that there is a better option for a similar rate, the Director would like
to make the switch.
c. Notary Information
1. Insurance side of things has been completed and the state applications are in process.
Estimated that the library will be able to offer Notary services by the end of February.
d. Helen’s Retirement
i. She retired at the end of December. Duties have been absorbed by Debbie (new book processing)
and Director Peoples (book ordering). No need to hire a replacement for her position at the
moment planned.
e. Stats
i. Are continuing upward trend.
f. Discussion about current state of Dunlap CUSD’s library service for upcoming school year and how the
Dunlap Public Library can help support through outreach programs.
5. Unfinished Business- None
6. New Business
1. Personnel and Budget Amendment
a. Hiring of 2-3 new pages depending on availability. They will be replacing two
current pages that will be leaving for college.
i. Move $1,600 to library programs due to the increase in attendance this
fiscal year. It would allow for adequate supplies to be purchased for
remaining programs plus well as a number of additional programs to be
ii. This action should result in an appropriate surplus of $4,100 in the
personnel budget.
iii. B. Wilson made a motion to move $1,600 to library programs from salary
line item. E. Holshouser seconded motion. Motion passed.
b. Director Peoples left the meeting room while the board discussed his contract.
i. J.Emanuels made a motion to eliminate the contract and to follow the
Director’s employment on the conditions outlined in the personnel policy
in lieu of contract renewal, which will be effective beginning March 1, 2014
till FY 2016. B. Anderson seconded motion. Discussion. Motion passed.
c. J.Emanuels approved a new wage compensation for the Director. And increase in
pay beginning in March. Future increases to the Director’s salary will be effective
July 1 of future fiscal years and in proportion with the increase approved for the
staff as a whole. Eligible for an increase July 1, 2015 –the start of FY 2016. E.
Holshouser seconded motion. Discussion. Motion passed.
2. Furnishing Proposal
a. Director Peoples presented ideas for current and needs
i. Gaming stations, play tables, display shelving, children’s seating, teen
shelving, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) dedication plaque, and
outdoor space
1. Gaming Stations/Play Tables
a. B.Wilson made motion to purchase gaming stations and
play tables for $3,500. J.Emanuels seconded motion.
Discussion. Motion passed.
2. Furnishing-immediate needs
a. Outside of Circulation Desk first
b. Future
i. Garden area and Expansion in the next 5-10 years
a. Tort money can be used.
b. Will help with automation and security issues
c. Efficiently able to do inventory of library materials
d. Circulation information be more accurate
i. Director Peoples will bring back information at a
future meeting
3. LED Monument Sign Proposal
a. Director Peoples brought to the board information
i. Did not include running electric and reseeding the trench
ii. No action taken at this time
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment
a. A. Dhall made a motion to adjourn. B. Wilson seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Angie Dhall, Secretary