S2 Q3 Presentation Alternate Assignment Short Answer: Answer each set of questions with a short paragraph (3-5 sentences). Your paragraph should completely and thoughtfully answer the MAIN question (next to the number, not indented) by including information related to the guiding questions (indented). You may type your answers here or hand-write them onto loose leaf. Use the online text, Ch. 20-21 for info. 1. How were women’s roles changing during the 1920’s? What were their roles prior to the 1920’s? What were their new roles in the 1920’s? Why did their roles change? 2. How were the nation’s cities and suburbs affected by Americans on the move from rural areas? Who moved from the rural areas? Where did they go and why did they go there? How did their interactions with others affect society? 3. Who were some of the American heroes of the 1920’s? What made them popular with the American public? List the heroes and the reasons for their fame. Explain why they were so popular. 4. How did the mass media help create common cultural experiences? What is mass media? What is meant by a common cultural experience? 5. Why are the 1920’s called the Jazz Age? How did the jazz spirit affect the arts? What is jazz and where did it originate? What was the “spirit” of jazz? 6. How did the writers of the Lost Generation respond to the popular culture? What was the Lost Generation? What is popular culture? 7. What subjects did the Harlem Renaissance writers explore? What was the Harlem Renaissance? What did the writers write about and why? 8. What were the effects of prohibition on society? What is prohibition? Why did prohibition occur? What were some of the pros and cons of prohibition? 9. What issues of religion were at the core of the Scopes trial? What was the Scopes trial about? 10. How did racial tensions change after WWI? Describe race relations before the 1920’s. Describe race relations during the 1920’s. How and why did race relations change in the 1920’s? S2 Q3 Presentation Alternate Assignment 11. What fueled the Red Scare of the early 1920’s? What was the Red Scare? Why did the Red Scare occur? What were the effects of the Red Scare on society? 12. What conflicts led to the major labor strikes of 1919? What is a labor strike and why do they occur? What were the major labor strikes of the 1920’s? What caused these strikes and what were the results? 13. How did Republican leadership during the Harding and Coolidge presidencies shape the 1920’s? What was the platform of the Republican Party in the 1920’s? Who were Harding and Coolidge? What were their policies? How did their policies affect society? 14. What issues influenced the presidential election of 1928? Who were the main candidates? What were their platforms? Who won and why? 15. What role do businesses and consumers play in a consumer economy? What is a consumer economy? How does a consumer economy work? 16. How were Henry Ford and the automobile important to the 1920’s? Who was Henry Ford and why is he important? How did Henry Ford revolutionize business and society? 17. In what ways did industrial growth affect the economy of the 1920’s? What is industrial growth and how does it occur? Describe the economy of the 1920’s. 18. Why did the economic boom bypass some people and benefit others? What is an economic boom? Who did the economic boom of the 1920’s benefit? Who did it bypass? 19. Why did the economy of the late 1920’s appear healthy to most Americans? Describe the economy of the 1920’s. What made it appear healthy? Why did it only APPEAR healthy? 20. What danger signs were present in the economy of the late 1920’s? Describe the economy of the 1920’s. Why did people fail to recognize the danger signs?