1920’s Study Guide Key Terms Communism Red scare Isolationism Teapot Dome Scandal Kellogg-Briand Pact Consumer economy Installment plan Gross National Product (GNP) Assembly line Welfare capitalism Speculation Buying on margin Flapper Demographics’ Barrio Mass media Jazz age Babe Ruth Charles Lindbergh Marcus Garvey People William Jennings Bryan Herbert Hoover Calvin Coolidge 1. What replaced trolley’s in the 1920’s? 2. How did the status of women in the workplace change? 3. Why did African Americans migrate north in the early 1900s? 4. Who brought Jazz to northern cities? 5. Where did people listen to Jazz? 6. Where did members of the Lost Generation move to? 7. What legal right was at issue in the Scopes trial? 8. Who were the main targets of the Ku Klux Klan’s terror? 9. What did Marcus Garvey urge African Americans to do? 10. Why did some women not exercise their newly won right to vote? 11. What did flappers represent for women of their generation? 12. One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was 13. Why did Americans did feared communism? Lost generation Harlem renaissance Bootleggers Speakeasies Fundamentalism Scopes trial Warren G. Harding 14. Why were the Palmer raids organized? 15. What did Republican Presidents in the 1920s generally favor? 16. What did Harding and Coolidge base their foreign policy on? 17. What did 15 nations agree on under the Kellogg-Briand Pact? 18. What was Henry Ford’s dream? 19. What did Americans except about the economy when Hoover took office in 1929? 20. Who benefited from the huge rise in the stock market? 21. What was the response to the Russian Revolution? 22. When is the government allowed to silence free speech? 23. Who was the main opponent of Herbert Hoover in the 1928 presidential election? 24. What was a result of the boom in the automobile industry? 25. What were warning signs of an unsound economy in the late 1920’s? 26. What were problems with enforcing prohibition? 27. Why did some states ban the teaching of evolution? 28. What was a big change in movies in the late 1920’s? 29. What caused labor unrest in the United States after WWI? 30. What was a cause of race riots in Chicago? 31. What groups suffered in the 1920’s? 32. What industry boomed the most in the 1920’s 33. Why did most Americans think Sacco and Vanzetti were executed? 34. What was the emphasis of advertising in the 1920’s