Minutes 14.7.14 - Lincolnshire County Council

MINUTES of a Denton Parish council meeting held on Monday 14th July 2014 at 7.30 pm at Denton
Village Hall
Present: Cllr K. Hiley (In the Chair), Cllrs Brady, Crush, Geeson, Hollyer, McMillan and Welby also
Dist Cllr Paul Carpenter, a representative for the Grantham Journal, John Gough for Mick George Ltd
and 48 members of the public.
John Gough gave a presentation with regard to the proposed quarrying at Gorse Lane. In the 1950s1970s there was a planning application granted for extraction of iron ore and this is still valid for
approximately 450 hectares in the Harlaxton, Stroxton, Hungerton, Denton and Croxton areas. It has
laid dormant but conditions are needed to bring it up to current standards. It also covers extraction
of limestone. Inert waste will be imported – generally from construction sites – it will have the
necessary licenced waste certificates. If the current proposed application is refused then they will
revert back to the original planning permission which covers a much larger area ( the areas
mentioned above). Denton village will not see the workings but the residents at Hilltop Farm will be
affected; however screening woodland will be put in place and should be effective by Phase C. Soil
mounds will provide acoustic protection. It is to be a limestone quarry and not an open mine. There
will need to be:
Geophysical survey for archaeology – there are a number of hotspots and when the harvest is done
35 trial trenches will be dug.
Ecology – has been done and there is nothing of note.
Hedgerows – will be retained as permanent.
Highways – access from site will be South West to Croxton and then onto A607 – 35 loads in and out
Noise assessment is ongoing.
Landscape appraisal is ongoing.
Air quality – is being monitored until early autumn.
Hydrology – 6 bore holes around periphery
Soil quality – will be done after harvesting.
All of the above will be pulled together with the planning application.
There are no residential benefits but there are national benefits. There is a Community Trust Fund
which could benefit Denton. The mineral bank for Lincolnshire is full so is there a need? Operators
don’t want to dig limestone as it is hard to sell. The monetary value of limestone is less than inert
waste. Waste consignment notes will ensure the waste is “valid”. All reports should be available
later in the year – September time. Hours of operation will be 7 am – 5 or 6 pm Mondays to Fridays
and 7 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. Vehicles will be loaded the night before and may leave site at 6 am.
There will be security lights by the office near Gorse Lane – there will be no glare from site as the
quarries are 7 – 10 metres deep.
Councillors may like to visit sites at Rushden and Peterborough. Leicester County Council has agreed
highway proposal from site to Croxton and lorries will be instructed, there will be vehicle signage
and vehicles will have trackers.
All sites are on Mick George website, as are permits.
Date for public meeting to be arranged.
Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.
Meeting re-opened at 8.30 pm.
It was resolved to accept Cllr Bob Adams apology as he had another meeting at Bourne.
It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the regular meeting held on 12th May and those of the
Annual Parish Council meeting of the same date.
Cllr Crush proposed and Cllr Geeson seconded that Keith Hiley be Chairman for the ensuing
year. He signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Brady was welcomed and he handed
the Clerk his Declaration of Interests form and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllrs Crush and Welby declared an interest in item 6 of the Agenda.
Quarrying – the village need to be better informed and a Village Action Group will be set up.
Cllrs McMillan and Hollyer are the sub- committee for the Parish Council. The VAG will appoint a
Planning Consultant to assist and the sub-committee will arrange a sites visit. Agreed that the open
public meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 2nd October with an exhibition preview at 6.30
pm. Clerk to make sure John Gough is available and it was agreed that Cllr P Carpenter will Chair a
public meeting. Clerk to ask John Gough if he can bring a laptop or projector to put larger maps etc
on to a wall.
Clerk advised two amendments to Standing Orders – dealing with BACS payments and
additional July meeting.
Highways – Clerk read out an e-mail from Mike Brown. The 30 mph sign at Belvoir Road is
difficult to move but could a reactive sign at the top of the hill on Belvoir Road, en route into
Denton, be installed? This could say something like “slow down- 30 mph limit ahead”. Clerk to
organise the annual walkabout with Mike Brown/Mark Heaton.
Defibrillator - a paramedic has given a demonstration. Cost if about £2000. Clerk advised
that there should be a British Heart Foundation grant available for some of the cost but the
remainder would need to be found by villagers donations or similar.
Community Wireless – has now been installed at village hall. However, when Councillors
tried to log on to WIFI tonight, there was a problem. Clerk to contact SKDC.
Best Kept Village – Clerk had circulated results to Councillors – we are through the first
round successfully. Cllr Crush, McMillan and Hollyer had not received the e-mail so Clerk to resend.
Planning – consent given for tree works at 135 Main street.
Completion and signing of Bank Mandate took place – Cllrs Crush and Hollyer will
take ID into Yorkshire Bank.
Resolved to sign Receipts/Payments and Bank Reconciliation schedule.
Bank balance £3,584.78
Councillors :
Cllr Crush stated that the 50 mph sign on the triangle at the top of Main Street is in a
dangerous position. We asked for this to be dealt with 2/3 years ago – Clerk to chase Highways and
insist that this been done as it is dangerous.
Cllr Hiley said that the hedge on the corner of Main Street and the A607 is too high and over
the footpath. Martin Crush will deal with this(on behalf of Welby Estate) and also the jitty adjacent
to the village hall.
Cllr McMillan advised that he has been in contact with Sustrans regarding the cycle path on
Belvoir Road, as the fence had been kicked in.
Next meeting 13th October 2014.
Meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
There was a closed session meeting after this when Clerk presented Councillors with written extracts
showing a reminder of their position in the Community and what they can and cannot do. This also
included a copy of the Nolan principles which they are signed up to in the Code of Conduct.
Clerk also raised an issue under the terms of her contract – she had been accused of “running the
Council”. She had organised the time of the meeting with the Chairman (to start at 7 pm). This was
agreed but two Councillors had objected and it was moved to 7.30 pm which caused problems as
this was only done on the evening of the day before the meeting and therefore not many public
knew of the change. Clerk pointed out that she is the administrator for the Council and she and the
Clerk are in their rights to organise these matters.