New York State Student Learning Objective: ELA 3rd Grade All SLOs MUST include the following basic components: These are the students assigned to the course section(s) in this SLO - all students who are assigned to the course section(s) must be included in the SLO. (Full class rosters of all students must be provided for all included course sections.) Population 3rd grade class: 24 students with 1 Hearing Impaired student (cochlear implant) and one SWD (auditory processing) What is being taught over the instructional period covered? CommonCore/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards? Learning Content Interval of Instructional Time NYS CCLS for 3rd grade What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc.)? 2012-2013 School Year. 90 minute ELA block each day. What specific assessment(s) will be used to measure this goal? The assessment must align to the learning content of the course. Evidence Baseline: The evidence for this SLO is based upon student scores on the districtdeveloped Grade 2 ELA assessments. The assessment is based up on the CCLS and includes the following: reading passages; multiple choice questions; and writing. Additionally, a common wiring prompt was given at the beginning of the year and scored with the district’s 5 point rubric. Summative: NYS ELA Assessment for 3rd Grade What is the starting level of students’ knowledge of the learning content at the beginning of the instructional period? Baseline Student-by-student data are outlined in attached spreadsheet. What is the expected outcome (target) of students’ level of knowledge of the learning content at the end of the instructional period? Target(s) A banded approach was used to set targets for the students in this class. How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)? Highly Effective: 95-100% of students meet or exceed their differentiated targets for this SLO. Effective: 68-94% of students meet or exceed their differentiated targets for this SLO. Developing: 45-67% of students meet or exceed their differentiated targets for this SLO. Ineffective: 44% or less of students meet or exceed their differentiated targets for this SLO. HEDI Scoring HIGHLY EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE DEVELOPING INEFFECTIVE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 99100 9798 9596 9294 8891 8587 8284 7981 7678 7375 7172 6870 6467 6063 5759 5356 4952 4548 4044 3039 <30 % Describe the reasoning behind the choices regarding learning content, evidence, and target and how they will be used together to prepare students for future growth and development in subsequent grades/courses, as well as college and career readiness. Rationale Students were given the district-developed assessment at the end of last year and the common writing prompt. Scores on the assessment varied, but show evidence that all students are in range of achieving the banded targets as indicated on the spreadsheet. Three students have been given targets of Level 2 which is below proficiency. Because these students are performing more than two years below grade level expectation, targeted interventions and extensive support will be given to students in an effort to accelerate their learning and close the achievement gap.