DGU Board 26th January 2015

Minute of the Board of Trustees
Held at: Moat Brae Offices, Dumfries
On: Monday 26th January 2015
Present: Cathy Agnew, Valentina Bold, Amanda Herries, and Jim Tildesley
In Attendance: Rebecca Coggins, Matthew Shelley, Alan Thomson
1. Apologies
Janet Brennan, Judith Johnson, Bea Last, Richard Grieveson and Karen Dick.
2. Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 28th November 2014 were approved. There
were no matters arising.
3. Chairs Report
a. The Chair reported that since the last meeting she had primarily been
involved with the preparation for and assessment of the Regional Arts Fund
4. Treasurers Report
a. The Treasurer anticipated that the cash reserves for the end of January
would stand at £11,040. The level of reserves was in line with predicted
b. It was, as yet, impossible to give a final figure for the cost of the convention.
Alan Thomson was asked the check with the area hub convenors to ascertain
if any more invoices were anticipated. The Treasurer would advise the Local
Authority of the final sum as soon as possible.
5. Policy and Development Report
a. Alan Thomson spoke to the report that he had tabled. He had been able to
make a positive contribution to the meeting of the Major Events Strategy
Fund Meeting using his specific knowledge about some of the events under
consideration for funding..
b. Since his appointment the assessment process for the Regional Arts Fund
had occupied a very considerable amount of time.
c. His initial working with the area hub convenors had been positive and
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts
Scottish Charity SC044658
6. Regional Arts Fund Panel Decisions
a. The applications, a total of 31, had been considered by two separate panels
with Trustees assisted by a representative of the Regional Hub and an
external assessor. Creative Scotland also provided a set of scores to add to
the panel scores.
b. The Board’s recommendation to the Council is to offer 19 of the applicants
awards. A number of the recommendations come with proposed conditions
from the panel.
c. No award was made in the regional touring section. However, one applicant
with proposals for regional touring will be invited for further discussions and
an award may be recommended after those discussions.
d. The full list of applicants and awards is appended to these minutes.
7. Application to Creative Scotland
a. The Treasurer and Rebecca Coggins reported on a recent meeting with
Senior Staff from Creative Scotland. The approach Creative Scotland wished
to adopt to support further arts activity in the Region was by the use of the
Open Fund. This approach would require the Local Authority and the
Chamber Board to develop a strategy for meeting their agreed priorities. It
was anticipated that the Regional Hub would be proactive in the development
of proposals.
b. Rebecca Coggins and the Treasurer would prepare a paper for circulation to
the Chamber Membership explaining the new funding structure.
c. Because of the limited funds available from the Local Authority it was
imperative to seek other financial support before making applications to
Creative Scotland.
d. With the change in operation of grant aid it was inevitable that there would be
a few months delay before any applications could be made.
8. Proposed Constitution for Regional Hub
a. The draft Regional Hub Terms of Reference prepared by Richard Macfarlane
in conjunction with the Treasurer had been circulated.
b. It was agreed that draft Regional Hub Terms of Reference were accepted
with a suggestion that clause 3(v) should be altered to read; Up to two
Chamber of Arts Trustee nominated by the Chamber for this purpose
c. It was agreed that the Treasurer would contact Richard Macfarlane and ask
that the Regional Hub be consulted before a final version comes to the next
Board Meeting for approval.
d. The Board considered the appointment of Regional Hub representation on
the Board. It was proposed that the Regional Hub be asked to consider the
appointment of two full Board Members. If the proposal was accepted there
would be a need to slightly amend the Chamber’s Constitution.
9. Communications Report
a. Matthew Shelley gave an update on his work. The continued development of
the web-site was proceeding satisfactorily. Still to be considered was a
password protected member’s area.
b. The testing and final alterations of the mapping project were going
reasonably well. Everyone involved with the testing had recognised the
reasons for the delay in a final version being available and the feedback from
the testing had proved invaluable. The project had already received some
praise and other organisations and areas were seeking information on the
c. Matthew underlined the urgency of ensuring a communications strategy was
in place for the completion of his contract.
d. An improved version of the newsletter was being prepared and Board
members were asked to provide some copy.
10. Applications for Membership
a. The applications circulated were approved
11. AOB
a. Rebecca Coggins provided feedback and a report of the Nithsdale Area
Committee Meeting at Gracefield. The other three area committees would like
to follow suit and hold meetings at which the Chamber can outline their work
b. The draft contract specification for the Administration and Communications
Chair remit would be prepared by the Vice Chair in consultation with Matthew
Shelley and the Treasurer. The draft would be circulated for approval by email and the contract advertised as soon as possible.
12. Reserved matters
13. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th March 2015 at 2-00 p.m. at a Dumfries location.
Dumfries and Galloway Chamber of the Arts Scottish Charity SC044658