
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
Wind Chill
Primary Points
Attempts to quantify how much energy is being lost from bare human skin
Originally Formulated by Antarctic researcher Paul Siple in the 1930s
Siple hung plastic bags of warm water in various temperature/wind combos
New wind chill values were implemented in 2001
New Formula used data from real human skin and modern heat transfer eqns.
New wind chill temps are notably “warmer” than the original values
Useful for general guidelines related to dangers of wind-related heat loss
Shortcomings: does not account for sunshine, humidity, individual health
Shortcomings: confusion with actual air temperatures
Shortcomings: only applies to humans, not animals or automobiles
Trivia and Stories
Siple grew up in Erie, PA, was an Eagle Scout and ‘frat boy’
Siple coined the term wind chill factor
Siple was opposed to wind chill temperature (wrong units) –“science geek”
Canada now uses the same scale…before 2001 it was different
Sound Bites
New Scale required some people to “freeze their face for science”
Wind chill “allows meteorologist to inflict further pain in bad weather”
Wind chill “further clutters the already cluttered world of weather info”
Additional Info - Slate Magazine: Wind Chill Blows
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
Jet Stream
Primary Points
“Rivers” of strong winds aloft – typically found 30-45 thousand feet off the ground
Winds can flow at speeds in excess of 100 mph
Two main jets – strong “polar jet,” weaker “subtropical jet”
Formed by temperature gradients caused by irregular heating of the earth’s surface
Weaker in the summer when temperatures are more uniform from north to south
Generally a few miles thick and a few hundred miles wide
Continuous around the earth, though parts are weaker and parts are stronger
Flow from west to east, though they meander quite a bit
Jet streams generally divide air masses, cold to the north, warm to the south
They generally help to move along weather systems
Trivia and Stories
Pilots use the jet stream to expedite trips
Jet streams exist on other plants too
The strongest jet streams can reach speeds of 275+ mph
Jet streams were discovered in the 1920s by Japanese meteorologist Wasaburo Oishi
Sound Bites
“Soaring as high as a jet plane, jet streams are fast flowing, meandering rivers of air”
“Jet streams thrive when hot meets cold”
“Racing jets help push weather systems down the line”
Additional Sources - LiveScience: What is a Jet Stream? - National Weather Service: The Jet
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
Primary Points
Violent, spinning columns of air that reach from clouds to the ground
Most form in supercells, powerful rotating thunderstorms
Ingredients: moist, unstable air at the surface, colder air aloft
Ingredients: change in wind direction with height (wind shear)
Ingredients: air mass boundary, front, or dry line
Range from just a few feet wide to over a mile wide
Most are weak (winds < 110 mph), though more powerful ones aren’t rare
Tornado alley brings all of the necessary ingredients
Tornado alley: hot and humid Gulf air meets cool, dry Canadian air mass
Hurricanes: generally predictable, large, form over warm tropical ocean
Tornadoes: small, isolated, difficult to forecast, form over land
Trivia and Stories
The first tornado prediction took place at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma in 1948
Most powerful tornado: May 3, 1999 in Moore, OK – 317 mph winds
Tornadoes can happen in all 50 states, though Kansas sees the highest concentration
Sound Bites
“While violent and dangerous, tornadoes are simply rapidly spinning columns of air”
“Tornado alley brings together just the right mix of ingredients for a tornado recipe”
“While hurricanes can be predicted days in advance, individual tornadoes strike with just
a few minutes’ notice”
Additional Sources - Storm Prediction Center: Tornado FAQ - NSSL: Tornadoes 101
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
Primary Points
Powerful low pressure systems that form over tropical oceans
Need warms water (>80 degrees), low amounts of wind shear, Coriolis force
Develop as clusters of thunderstorms become organized
Tropical Depression (<39 mph) to Tropical Storm (39-74 mph) to Hurricane (>75 mph)
Storm surge: water pushed on shore by strong winds
Most dangerous part is the eyewall – strong winds, driving rain
Eye is an area of calm winds and clear skies
Track forecast error: 50 miles (24 hours), 200 miles (5 days)
NHC forecasts go out 5 days – used to be 3 days before 2001
Forecasting difficulties: intensity is more of a challenge than track
Trivia and Stories
Hurricane Faith in 1966 traveled 6850 miles over the course of 3.5 weeks
Hurricane Wilma in 2005 went from Tropical Storm to Category 5 in 16 hours
Hurricane Ivan in 2004 spawned 117 tornadoes when it made landfall
2005 was the most active hurricane season with 28 storms, 15 hurricanes
Sound Bites
“Hurricanes, nature’s most powerful storms, originate from lowly tropical rain showers”
“Meteorologists like to talk about the wind, but a hurricane’s storm surge brings the
greatest danger”
“Would you believe that you can find calm winds and clear skies at the center of the most
powerful storm on Earth?”
Additional Sources – Hurricanes - National Geographic: Hurricanes
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Radar/Doppler Radar
Primary Points
Traditional radar cannot detect rain or snow – based on surface observations
Dual polarization can detect precipitation type
Dual polarization radar sends out two radar waves, not just one
Dual polarization allows us to see the size and shape of particles in the air
Conventional radar only sees the location of precipitation
Doppler radar sees the motion of raindrops/snowflakes, towards or away from the radar
Most radars in the United States today are dual polarization Doppler radars
Drops moving rapidly away from the radar near drops moving towards = possible tornado
Rainfall estimates are made based on the reflectivity over time at a location
Radar beams shoot out at a slight upward angle
Low level precipitation may be missed far from the radar site where the beam is high up
Precipitation that is falling but not reaching the ground may also be shown
Ground clutter can be an issue
Trivia and Stories
World War II radar picked up echoes from rain/snow, this technology was
commercialized later
First Doppler radars were installed nationwide in 1988 after NSSL research
Dual polarization was researched over the past 15 years – installation was completed in
Sound Bites
“Doppler Radar allows meteorologists to see under the hood of storms”
“New Dual Polarization radar technology tells us where rain and snow are falling”
“Since the 1950s, radar has been scanning the skies for dangerous weather and even
Additional Sources - NSSL: Radar - University
of Texas: How Radar Works
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
El Nino/La Nina
Primary Points
El Nino: unusually warm water in the equatorial Pacific
El Nino: stronger subtropical jet stream pushes moisture into the US
El Nino: suppresses hurricanes in many cases
El Nino: cooler, wetter southern US, especially Gulf
El Nino: drier, warmer northern half of the US
La Nina: unusually cool water in the equatorial Pacific
La Nina: jet stream takes a more northern, variable track
La Nina: cooler, wetter northern US
La Nina: warmer, drier southern US
La Nina: more favorable conditions for US hurricanes
Not caused by global warming, though global warming could affect it
Trivia and Stories
El Nino may be to blame for historic famines and droughts – collapse of Columbian Incas
1998’s El Nino killed 16% of the world’s coral reefs
El Nino means “the boy” in Spanish; La Nina means “the girl”
Sound Bites
“One of the keys to our climate lies in the waters thousands of miles offshore”
“El Nino isn’t a storm – just a change in the ocean temperature”
“Want to find the subtropical jet stream? Just ask El Nino”
Additional Sources - NOAA: El Nino - The Franklin Institute: El Nino
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Long Range Weather Prediction (Monthly/Seasonal)
Primary Points
Long range forecasts don’t try to be very specific – not a day-by-day prediction
Forecasts involve long-range models, analogs, El Nino
Predicting El Nino/La Nina holds great potential
Analogs: looking at past patterns to determine what might happen
Long range forecasts are most accurate late winter and late summer
Forecasts least accurate during the spring and fall when weather is changing rapidly
Precipitation forecasts are less accurate than temperature forecasts
All long range forecasts are only marginally accurate at this point
Lots of work needs to be done to improve long range prediction
Farmer’s Almanac = no science involved, simply a guess
Trivia and Stories
Almanac forecasts have been criticized for 100+ years by meteorologists
1956: Norman Phillips developed first climate model
Early 1980s: modern era of long range modeling begins at NCAR (CAM)
Sound Bites
“The idea of a 365-day forecast is alluring, but the reality is far less pleasant than the Old
Farmer’s Almanac would have you think”
“El Nino could hold the key that unlocks the secrets of long range forecasting”
“Fall and spring bring changing weather which can elude the grasp of long range
Additional Sources - WMO: Long
Range Forecasting - Washington Post: Long-term weather forecasts are a long way
from accurate
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Primary Points
Caused by fast upward motion of unstable warm, humid air
When the air cools to saturation, rain/ice form and begin to fall, creating a downdraft
Best conditions: warm surface, cold aloft
Generally occur in the spring/summer because these seasons are warmer and wetter
Thunderstorms can occur in any season though
Types: single cell, multi cell, supercell
Supercell most dangerous, but least common
Strength is controlled by the instability of the air and the presence of vertical shear
Severe thunderstorms: 1 inch hail or 60 mph wind gusts
Nighttime storms: the atmosphere can still be unstable at night
Nighttime storms: warm air moving in at the surface, cold air moving in above
Lightning: rain drops and ice crystals collide, building charge difference with the surface
Trivia and Stories
Central Florida sees the most thunderstorms in the US – averaging 90 days each year!
Worldwide, approximately 1800 thunderstorms are happening at any given moment
Lightning heats the air around it to nearly 50000 F
Sound Bites
“A sticky summer day means the air is ripe for booming storms”
“Just like people, thunderstorms come in many shapes and sizes”
“In a thunderstorm, moist air hurtles upward until all of its water has been wrung out”
Additional Sources - NWS: Thunderstorms and Severe
Weather Spotting - NSSL: Thunderstorms
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Climate Change
Primary Points
Greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases
Emitted by industry and agriculture, though also naturally present in the air
Greenhouse effect: gases absorb radiation escaping from the earth, preventing cooling
Earth wouldn’t support life without the greenhouse effect
Too much of the greenhouse effect means it gets too hot on earth
The earth has been shown to be warming over the past few decades
Satellite observations of surface temperatures provide the best proof
Ozone hole: caused by emissions of aerosols into the atmosphere
Ozone hole: becoming less of a concern with harmful emissions on the decline
Climate predictions: generally made using models
Climate models: take into account emissions, snow melt, etc.
Trivia and Stories
Since 1971, 90% of warming has occurred in the ocean
If warming projections pan out, sea levels could rise by 1-2 feet by 2100
Warming has been observed to be the fastest near the poles
Sound Bites
“The greenhouse effect may sound evil, but it keeps us all alive”
“The best climate observations come from high above the earth”
“Greenhouse gases may be creating too much of a good thing”
Additional Sources National Geographic: Global Warming - EPA: Climate Change
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Winter Precipitation
Primary Points
Precipitation type depends greatly on the temperatures across the column
Cold air near the surface, warm air aloft: freezing rain
Cold air near the surface, small layer of warm air above: sleet
Cold air throughout: snow
Sleet: snow that melted, re-froze on the way down
Hail: produced in thunderstorms by rain drops clumping together in updrafts
When the air is dry, snow can stay solid in above freezing temperatures
Powdery snow falls at lower temperatures
Fluffier snow generally falls when it is quite cold
Snow disappears by sublimation
Snow lifts into dry air, the sun plays a role
Trivia and Stories
A 15” snowflake was observed in Fort Keogh, MT in January of 1887
Snow has been observed as far south as Homestead, FL in the US in 1977
Silver Lake, CO recorded nearly 76 inches of snow in 24 hours in 1921
Sound Bites
“Don’t you dare call it hail – sleet is very different from its summer cousin”
“Believe it or not – it can rain when it’s below freezing – the secret lies just above the
“Depending on the temperature, snow can be as light as cotton or as heavy as fresh
Additional Sources - National Snow and Ice Data Center: All
About Snow - Texas A&M:
Sleet vs. Freezing Rain
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
Primary Points
Red sky caused by particles in the air diffracting the light – indicative of low pressure
Red sky in the east at sunrise: sun shining on approaching clouds to the west
Red sky in the west at sunset: sun shining on departing clouds to the east
Storms may fizzle before they reach you after a red sky in the morning
Ring around the sun/moon: caused by ice crystals in high altitude cirrus clouds
Cirrus clouds are usually the first layer of clouds seen from an approaching storm
Cirrus clouds aren’t always with a storm, so this isn’t always true
“March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb” – not scientifically supported
“No weather is ill, if the wind be still” – clear, calm conditions mean high pressure
Groundhog Day – no better than flipping a coin
Trivia and Stories
“Red sky by morning” dates back hundreds of years and is found in many languages
Some weather lore must be reversed in the southern hemisphere – rotation is opposite
Most weather lore is designed to apply to the mid-latitudes
Sound Bites
“Red sky by morning? Check your local meteorologist – a storm may be approaching.”
“When it comes to weather forecasting, Punxsutawney Phil is just a glorified rat.”
“Remember, weather lore is just that: lore. Storms may fizzle before you even see
Additional Sources - Environment Canada: Weather Lore and Proverbs - BBC News - Weather lore: What’s the
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Lake (Sea)-Effect Snow/Rain
Primary Points
Lake effect snow is caused by the temperature difference between the wind and water
Water must be at least 20 F warmer than the air in the lowest mile of the atmosphere
When cold air moves over warm water, the air becomes unstable
Upward motion then ensues and clouds form and begin to drop snow
The size and shape of the lake determines the size and shape of bands
Larger lakes create more intense snow because more moisture is involved
When the lake freezes, the lake effect snow stops
Frozen lakes mean that the temperature difference between ground and air is gone
Lake effect rain happens in the fall when the lake is warm but the air is cooling
This also happens in the Great Salt Lake in Utah and Lake Tahoe
Ocean effect snow is common in Massachusetts Bay and Chesapeake Bay
International: Sea of Japan, Canadian Maritimes, Caspian Sea
Trivia and Stories
Buffalo, NY received 82 inches of snow in 5 days in December 2001
Lake effect snow was observed from the Atlantic off Cape Canaveral in 2003
Michigan’s Mt. Bohemia relies on lake effect snow, averaging 250-300” each year
Sound Bites
“What do you get when you combine wind, water, and winter? A whole lot of snow.”
“When the lake freezes, the snow pauses.”
“Just ask any resident of Buffalo: the Great Lakes can bring some great snows.”
Additional Sources – NOAA: Lake Effect Snow - University
of Wyoming: Lake-effect snow
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Optical Phenomena
Primary Points
Rainbows: caused by the reflection and refraction of light through water droplets
Rainbows: appear in the part of the sky opposite the sun
Rainbows: caused by the different wavelengths contained within light
Rainbows: can’t happen during snow – shape of flakes scatters light too much
Mirages: caused by the bending of light across a temperature gradient
Mirages: cold air is denser than warm air – light rays bend away from warm ground
Mirages: bending is most likely to happen with extreme heating at ground level
Mirages: instead of water, what you’re really seeing is the bluish sky
Sun Dogs: bright spots of light on either side of the sun
Sun Dogs: caused by the refraction of light through ice crystals in high clouds
Sun Dogs: much like rainbows, but constant
Halos: essentially like sun dogs, but a full circle
Stories and Trivia
The end of a rainbow is impossible to reach – it will always move away as you approach
Under the right circumstances, triple and quadruple rainbows can be seen
Besides sun dogs and halos, there are dozens of other arcs/halos that can be found
Sound Bites
“Sun dogs aren’t a type of hot dog– rather; they just mean there are cold clouds aloft”
“When you see water in the distance on a flat road on a hot day, you’re actually just looking at
the sky”
“A ‘snowbow’ would be beautiful, but the irregular shape of the snowflakes makes them
Additional Sources - How
Stuff Works: Rainbows - National Snow & Ice
Data Center: Arctic Phenomena
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Heat Index/Apparent Temperature
Primary Points
Heat index: based on temperature and dewpoint
Dewpoint: saturation temperature of the air
Measure of how hot it “feels” as opposed to the actual temperature
Relates temperature at high humidity to another one at low humidity
Base for the heat index: a dewpoint of 57 F
Humans cool by sweating – sweat evaporates less when it is humid
Limitations: the heat index makes many assumptions
Limitations: feeling may vary from person to person
Limitations: different people will suffer differently
Limitations: the heat index is useless outside of a certain range
Trivia and Stories
The Canadian heat index is called “humidex” and it uses a base of 45 F dewpoint
The highest heat index recorded was 176 F in Saudi Arabia in 2003 (108/95)
Appleton, WI recorded a heat index of 148 F on July 13, 1999 (101/90)
Sound Bites
“The saying goes: ‘it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity,’ and that’s exactly what the heat
index is designed to measure”
“The heat index makes many assumptions – if you were to wear a wool suit out on a
summer day, the heat index would fall short for you”
“When we sweat on a scorching summer day, we cool off. Humidity slows that process,
and that’s where the heat index comes into play”
Additional Sources – NWS: Heat: A Major Killer - The Weather Channel:
Heat Index
Brad Guay
Familiar Weather Topics
April 1st, 2014
METEO 482: Weather Communications II
Satellite Imagery
Primary Points
Three types of imagery: visible, infrared, water vapor
Visible: photographs taken from the sky
Visible: higher resolution, detects all clouds visible from above
Visible: only works during the day, not at night
Infrared: works based on radiation being sent up from the earth
Infrared: cold things made to appear bright (clouds), warm things appear dark (ground)
Infrared: lower resolution, may miss some low clouds and fog
Infrared: works at all times of the day and night
Water Vapor: used to identify areas of moisture in the mid-levels
Water Vapor: detects energy at wavelengths emitted by water vapor
Water Vapor: brighter colors mean more moisture in the mid-levels
Water Vapor: works both day and night
Satellites can also be used to determine temperature profiles and ozone concentration
Trivia and Stories
The first weather satellite was launched in 1959 (vanguard 2)
The first satellite image from space came from TIROS-1 in 1960
Temperature information from satellites has been available since Nimbus 3 in 1969
Sound Bites
“Miles above us, a fleet of satellites is charged with tracking storms around the world”
“Infrared sensors allow us to track clouds based on their temperature, even in the dead of
“A satellite’s sounder allows us to peel back the layers of the atmosphere and see the
temperature at each place along the way”
Additional Sources - NOAA: NOAA’s Weather
Satellites AccuWeather: Evolution of Weather Satellites