Excerpt of Language Competencies - Listening, Sept 2006 C-4-2


Language Competencies: 1. Listening

Listening Level 1: (Basic/ Low Intermediate)


Foundation English Program aims to help students to

1. Understand and use effective aural strategies to process spoken language


By the end of level 1, students should be able to

1.1. Use some features of text to bring forth background knowledge about topic and predict content to process text effectively


Find specific information

Teaching and learning Objective

This outcome involves being able to

1.1.1. Understand utterances of sentence length

1.1.2. Participate in routine exchanges using formula-type phrases e.g. I come from Qatar..

1.1.3. Ask for simple instructions e.g. Please repeat the question..

1.1.4. Use pre-listening task information, titles and visuals to form schema for processing the listening task on hand to predict content of listening text

1.1.5. Use background noise and other auditory signals to identify place, time, event, participants etc.

**Assessment : pre-listening questions requiring (a) forming questions about topic, (b) predicting content from titles and pictures, and (c) giving a range (e.g. 5-10) of vocabulary items that may have a high degree of occurrence with topic


Take notes in shorthand at first listening


Listen for (Locate) specific information (e.g. figures, dates, names, occupations etc.)


Recognize and produce long figures


Identify people by physical description


Follow exam instructions e.g. tick, circle, underline, repeat, cross out, match etc.

Assessment : Comprehension questions and class quizzes involving finding details different types of specific information (e.g. names of people/places, figures and what they stand for, causes and consequences, etc.). Questions can be any type (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, wh-questions requiring short sentence answers)


2. Develop (Combine) topdown and bottom-up approaches to listening comprehension

1.3.Find detailed information

1.4. Read for gist

2.1 Analyze text at micostructure level and macrostructure level to aid comprehension of text

1.3.1. Identify participants, topics, events and other details in a dialogue, monologue, descriptive, narrative, expository and argumentative texts

1.3.2. Answer questions about content of listening text

1.3.3. Follow oral instructions to fill in information in a written format(go up at beginning of this section)

1.3.4. Formulate questions on topic and answer them

1.3.5. Identify/produce a summary of main ideas and content

1.3.6. Use sign posting language and transitions to recognize divisions and connectivity of spoken texts

1.3.7. Produce summaries (oral) of texts

1.3.8. Use dicto-gloss techniques to generate reconstruct listening text individually or collectively

1.3.9. Engage in brainstorming, individually or collectively, to reconstruct listening text


Wh-questions on participants, topic(s), time, place, quantity, style, mood etc.

Multiple choice type of question for recognizing summaries of paragraphs/texts and completion exercises

Complete grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing activities from a listening prompt

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using a dictogloss exercise

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using brainstorming

1.4.1. Listen to recognize topics

1.4.2. Listen for main ideas

2.1.1. Use meaning of individual key (content) words, tense, case, word association, stress, and intonation to aid comprehension of listening text or part thereof

2.1.2. Demonstrate knowledge of basic listening vocabulary


3. Promote correct pronunciation

4. Develop knowledge of the world to enhance listening comprehension

2.2 Develop all four language skills by using dictation both as a powerful teaching/ learning tool and as a test of integrative skills

2.1.3. Use non-verbal clues to aid comprehension of listening text e.g.

(visuals, body language)

2.1.4. Discuss content of listening text and produce summaries and paraphrases

2.1.5. take dictation while listening to the teacher or a taped dictation passage.


Questions involving guessing meaning of key words and grammar; pronunciation exercises; multiple choice exercises to select best summary; match information in listening text with pictures, charts; filling in cloze passages in student's book/ workbook, locate information on charts, maps and diagrams. Scheduled dictation quizzes.

3.1 Use aspects of English phonetics to improve pronunciation

3.1.1. Produce correct pronunciation of phonemes: vowels, consonants, diphthongs and triphthongs

3.1.2. Produce correct pronunciation of sentences

3.1.3. Produce correct word and sentence stress

3.1.4. Produce correct intonation

3.1.5. Use English phonetic symbols to study pronunciation from a standard dictionary


Follow and imitate correct sentence-level pronunciation of vowels, consonants, diphthongs and triphthongs , correct word and sentence stress, correct intonation and complete the relevant exercises in the student's book and work book; complete the worksheets on phonetic transcription.

4.1. Extrapolate beyond text 4.1.1. Elaborate on situations described in listening text by citing examples from the local environment.


Collective: students and teacher


Listening Level 2: (Intermediate)


Foundation English aims to help students to


By the end of level 1, students should be able to

1. Understand and use effective aural strategies to process spoken language

1. 2. Apply effective listening and speaking critical thinking skills

1.1. Use some features of text to bring forth background knowledge about topic and predict content to process text effectively


Find specific information

Teaching and learning Objective

This outcome involves being able to

1.1.1. Indicate understanding of utterances of various lengths and difficulty level

1.1.2. Use pre-listening task information: titles and visuals to form schema for processing the listening task on hand to predict content of listening text

1.1.3. Use background noise and other auditory signals to identify place, time, event, participants etc.

1.1.4. Identify text layout

Assessment : pre-listening questions requiring (a) forming questions about topic, (b) predicting content from titles and pictures, and (c) giving a range (e.g. 5-10) of vocabulary items that may have a high degree of occurrence with topic

Critical thinking:

Support answers with information from a lecture

Correlate examples with abstract principles

Challenge stereotype

Support opinions with examples from the text

Infer information not explicit from the text

Correlate individual example with broad trends

Recognize personal bias and stereotypes about accents

Distinguish between ironic and non-ironic statements

Identify arguments for and about something

1.2.1. Take notes in shorthand at first listening

1.2.2. Locate specific information (e.g. figures, dates, names, occupations etc.)


1.3.Find detailed information

1.2.3. Recognize and produce longer figures and statistical data

Assessment : Comprehension questions and class quizzes involving finding details different types of specific information (e.g. names of people/places, figures and what they stand for, causes and consequences, etc.). Questions can be any type (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, wh-questions requiring short sentence answers)

1.3.1. Identify participants, topics, events and other details in a dialogue, monologue, descriptive, narrative, expository and argumentative texts

1.3.2. Answer questions about content of listening text

1.3.3. Follow oral instructions to fill in information in a written format

1.3.4. Formulate questions on topic and answer them

1.3.5. Identify/produce a summary of main ideas and content

1.3.6. Make fine distinction of detail

1.3.7. Use sign posting language and transitions to recognize divisions and connectivity of text

1.3.8. Perform grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing and listening activities simultaneously

1.3.9. Use dicto-gloss techniques to generate reconstruct listening text individually or collectively

1.3.10. Engage in brainstorming, individually or collectively, to reconstruct listening text


Wh-questions on participants, topic(s), time, place, quantity, style, mood etc.

Multiple choice type of question for recognizing summaries of paragraphs/texts and completion exercises

Complete grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing activities from a listening prompt


2. Develop top-down and bottom-up approaches to listening comprehension

3. Promote correct pronunciation


Read for gist

2.1 Analyze text at mico-structure level and macro-structure level to aid comprehension of text

2.2 Use dictation both as a powerful teaching/ learning tool and as a test of integrative skills

3.1 Use aspects of English phonetics to improve pronunciation

Give written and oral summaries of text

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using a dictogloss exercise

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using brainstorming

1.4.1. Produce summaries of texts, both orally and in writing

1.4.2. Extract relevant information from larger portions of discourse, including short academic lectures

2.1.1. Use meaning of individual key (content) words, tense, case, word association, stress, and intonation to aid comprehension of listening text or part thereof

2.1.2. Demonstrate knowledge of basic listening vocabulary

2.1.3. Use non-verbal clues to aid comprehension of listening text e.g.

(visuals, body language)

2.1.4. Discuss content of listening text and produce summaries and paraphrases

2.1.5. Take dictation while listening to the teacher or a taped dictation passage.


Questions involving guessing meaning of key words and grammar; pronunciation exercises; multiple choice exercises to select best summary; match information in listening text with pictures, charts; filling in cloze passages in student's book/ workbook, locate information on charts, maps and diagrams. Scheduled dictation quizzes.

3.1.1. Produce correct pronunciation of phonemes: vowels, consonants, diphthongs and triphthongs

3.1.2. Produce correct pronunciation of sentences


4. Develop knowledge of the world to enhance listening comprehension

4.1. Extrapolate beyond text

4.2. evaluate text content

3.1.3. Produce correct word and sentence stress

3.1.4. Produce correct intonation

3.1.5. Use English phonetic symbols to study pronunciation from a standard dictionary

3.1.6. Identify accents: British/ American


Follow and imitate correct sentence-level pronunciation of vowels, consonants, diphthongs and triphthongs , correct word and sentence stress, correct intonation and complete the relevant exercises in the student's book and work book; complete the worksheets on phonetic transcription.

4.1.1. Elaborate on situation described in listening text by citing examples from the local environment.

4.1.2 Role play/ Re-enact what is heard on tape


Collective: students and teacher

4.2.1. Express opinion and feeling towards ideas in text

4.2.2. Express opinion towards similar and familiar situation 4.2.3.

Recognize the speaker’s attitude


Collective: students and teacher


Listening Level 3 (Upper-Intermediate) and Level 4 (Advanced)


Foundation English aims to help students to

1. Understand and use effective aural strategies to process spoken language

1. 2. Apply effective listening and speaking critical thinking skills


By the end of level 1, students should be able to


Use some features of text to bring forth background knowledge about topic and predict content to process text effectively



1.2. Listen for gist

Find specific information

Teaching and learning Objective

This outcome involves being able to

1.1.1. Indicate understanding of utterances of various lengths and difficulty level

1.1.2. Use pre-listening task information: titles and visuals to form schema for processing the listening task on hand to predict content of listening text

1.1.3. Use background noise and other auditory signals to identify place, time, event, participants etc.

1.1.4. Use prosodic features such as intonation and stress to figure out meaning

1.1.5. Identify text layout


Assessment : pre-listening questions requiring (a) forming questions about topic, (b) predicting content from titles and pictures, and (c) giving a range

(e.g. 5-10) of vocabulary items that may have a high degree of occurrence with topic

Critical thinking:

Hypothesize another person's point of view

Analyze techniques in an essay (narrative, expository..)

Hypothesize scenarios

Propose solutions to a problem

Make judgments

Draw conclusions

1.2.1. Listen for topic of short lectures (10-15 minutes) of academic nature

1.2.2. Listen for main ideas of short lectures (10-15 minutes)

1.2.1. Take notes in shorthand at first listening

1.2.2. Listen for specific information (e.g. figures, dates, names, occupations


1.3.Find detailed information etc.)

1.2.3. Use symbols and abbreviations to take notes

1.2.4. Recognize and produce longer figures and statistical data

Assessment: Comprehension questions and class quizzes involving finding details of different types of specific information (e.g. names of people/places, figures and what they stand for, causes and consequences, etc.). Questions can be any type (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, wh-questions requiring short sentence answers)

1.3.1. Identify variety of genres, registers and experiences: songs, travel, extracts from famous literary works, business, friends, advertisements, radio plays, the homeless, family life, jokes, science, important world events

1.3.2. Identify participants, topics, events and other details in a dialogue, monologue, descriptive, narrative, expository and argumentative texts

1.3.3. Answer questions about content of listening text

1.3.4. Follow oral instructions to fill in information in a written format

1.3.5. Formulate questions on topic and answer them

1.3.6. Identify/produce a summary of main ideas and content

1.3.7. Make fine distinction of detail

1.3.8. Use sign posting language and transitions to recognize divisions and connectivity of text

1.3.9. Perform grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing and listening activities simultaneously



Produce summaries of texts, both orally and in writing produce summaries using tables/charts

1.3.12. Extract relevant information from larger portions of discourse, including short academic lectures

1.3.13. Use dicto-gloss techniques to generate reconstruct listening text individually or collectively

1.3.14. Engage in brainstorming, individually or collectively, to reconstruct listening text


2. Develop top-down and bottom-up approaches to listening comprehension

3. Promote correct

2.1 Analyze text at micostructure level and macrostructure level to aid comprehension of text

2.2 2 Develop all four language skills by using dictation both as a powerful teaching/ learning tool and as a test of integrative skills

3.1 Use aspects of


Wh-questions on participants, topic(s), time, place, quantity, style, mood etc.

Multiple choice type of question for recognizing summaries of paragraphs/texts and completion exercises

Complete grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing activities from a listening prompt

Answer questions types of genres, registers and text format

Written and oral summaries of text

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using a dicto-gloss exercise

Successful completion of reconstruction of text using brainstorming

2.1.1. Use meaning of individual key (content) words, tense, case, word association, stress, and intonation to aid comprehension of listening text or part thereof

2.1.2. demonstrate knowledge of basic listening vocabulary

2.1.3. Use non-verbal clues to aid comprehension of listening text e.g. (visuals, body language)

2.1.4. Discuss content of listening text and produce summaries and paraphrases

2.1.5. take dictation while listening to the teacher or a taped dictation passage.


Questions involving guessing meaning of key words and grammar; pronunciation exercises; multiple choice exercises to select best summary; match information in listening text with pictures, charts; filling in cloze passages in student's book/ workbook, locate information on charts, maps and diagrams. Scheduled dictation quizzes.

3.1.1. Produce correct pronunciation of phonemes: vowels, consonants,


pronunciation English phonetics to improve pronunciation

4. Develop knowledge of the world to enhance listening comprehension

4.1. Extrapolate beyond text

4.2. evaluate text content diphthongs and triphthongs

3.1.2. Produce correct pronunciation of sentences

3.1.3. Produce correct word and sentence stress

3.1.4. Produce correct intonation

3.1.5. Use English phonetic symbols to study pronunciation from a standard dictionary


Follow and imitate correct sentence-level pronunciation of vowels, consonants, diphthongs and triphthongs , correct word and sentence stress, correct intonation and complete the relevant exercises in the student's book and work book; complete the worksheets on phonetic transcription.

4.1.1. Elaborate on situations described in listening text by citing examples from the local environment.

4.1.2. Use model text to generate similar texts (monologue or dialogue)


Collective: students and teacher

4.2.1. Express opinion and feeling towards ideas in text

4.2.2. Express opinion towards similar and familiar situation 4.2.3. Recognize the speaker’s attitude o 4.2.4. reinforce retention by offering to justify why a certain answer is right or wrongReading skills o Writing skills o Listening skills o Speaking skills o Vocabulary o Grammar knowledge o Critical thinking skills, learning strategies and general study skills o Learner autonomy skills


Questions eliciting justification of students' evaluative answers


Collective: students and teacher

