Formation of the Hybridization Block and F1 Nursery

Breeding Manager: Make F1 Nursery
At the end of this chapter, the user should be able to:
A. Make the F1 Nursery Book
1. Create a study for population development nurseries
2. Start the Nursery book wizard
3. Open a nursery template
4. Open a germplasm list
5. Use the wizard to generate nursery book
6. Export the Nursery book for data collection
A. Making the F1 Nursery Book
Tutorial Steps:
1. In the Population Development box of the IB Workbench, click “Manage Nurseries”.
2. To create a study for population development nurseries, click on the
icon. Enter UCR 2012
Nurseries as the study name and title. Enter UCR 2012 study for population development
nurseries as Objective
2. Click the green button
to create the study when done
3. Click on the StudyExplorer panel, expand the tree for study “UCR2013 Nurseries” you just
created by clicking the
to the right. Then right click on the Nurseries and click on New
Nursery to create a new Nursery.
Alternatively, you can also click
button or go to Breeding Manager menu and click New
Note: In the Create New Nursery Wizard form, the steps to follow are shown in the left-hand side
and the current step is highlighted.
Click the Browse button and navigate to your Templates folder. For this tutorial, you can use a
prepared sample template found in the directory C:\IBWorkflowSystem\Examples\
cowpea\templates. Select the Cowpea_Nursery_Template_rev4_....xls from the folder and
click open.
The location of your selected template will be shown in the text box beside Browse. Click “Next”
to go to the succeeding step.
5. Enter the values for the study conditions in the Value column by typing values or selecting
from pick lists when available. Values for Breeding Method and Breeding Method ID are for
the breeding method to be applied to the nursery when it is grown.
In this exercise, enter the following
To select the location, click this
button. The Choose location form will appear. Select
country and state. Then select the location of your interest and click “OK”
Click “Next” after you specified the study conditions
6. Specify the list of entries for the nursery. In this exercise, we will get the nursery list from the
database. Go to the last entry of the list box and select “UCR2012F1”, Then Click “Next”
7. In the “Add Checks” form, you can specify check entries to be inserted in your nursery. In
this Exercise we will not add any checks.
8. Select the traits you intend to measure from the left hand side by highlighting them. Then
click the
button or drag-and-drop them on the right hand side.
In this exercise, select NOTES and NPSEL (Number of Plants selected)
Click “Next” to go to the succeeding step.
9. Select the appropriate design for your study. In this case, we will choose “Unreplicated
design without randomization.”
10. Click the Finish button. The Trial Editor page will appear.
11. Specify a name for your Nursery book. In this exercise, enter “UCR2012F1”. Then Click
12. A message that the nursery was saved successfully will appear. Click Ok to continue.
13. To export the nursery book for data collection, press the Export button.
The Export Wizard will appear with the Destination page opening first. This page allows you
to choose the format in which the data table will be exported to:
 a file for the Fieldlog/Fieldroid, or
 a CSV file for analysis with R, or
 an Excel file.
14. For this exercise, choose the third option, Excel file. Press Next and click Browse to navigate
to the folder where you want to store the Excel file. Type the name of the file, for example:
“UCR2012F1-Nbook”. Then click Save.
15. A message box will appear, asking if you want to open the file. Click OK to view the
nursery book.
16. The nursery book in Excel has two sheets: a Description sheet and an Observation sheet.
Actual trait measurements are captured in the Observation sheet.
17. You can either print out or transfer the electronic nursery book file to a handheld device for
data recording.