Y1 Curriculum Map Spring Term

Year Group:
Class Teacher:
Mrs King
Spring 1
Spring 2
Unit Title: Fantastic Florence
Unit Title: Cool Castles
(Florence Nightingale)
Entry point: Children received a letter from Doctor Who explaining
Entry point: To visit Porchester Castle and become reporters for the day
the class need to go back in time to the Crimean War
Exit point: To make our own museum of Florence Nightingale for
Exit point: To plan a banquet and invite important guests
families to visit
Outcome: To individually contribute work to the museum and
Outcome: To generate questions as a stimulus for the topic and
develop their understanding of the life and times of Florence
independently research answers. To gain an insight into how people
Nightingale and her impact on modern day nursing
lived in the past
Literacy: Traditional Stories
Non Fiction: Creating an
Key Text:
(fairytales with castles in the plot)
Key Text:
information text about Florence
Patterns on the page (poetry)
Harry goes to hospital
Jack and the Beanstalk
Fiction: Focus on the
Maths: Time tables focus
comparison between the two
Calculation strategies, operations
The stories created will be sent to
text types (links to library visit)
and the relationship between them
our partner school in Africa
Speaking and Listening: Using
Measure weight, fractions of foods
the role play area
used in our medieval banquet
(Library visit)
Properties of shapes (2D/3D)
UNCRC Article(s):
UNCRC Article(s):
Maths: Estimation of objects and
Article 38: You have the right to
Article 37: No one is allowed to
Science: Forces and Movement
protection and freedom from
punish you in a cruel and harmful
Data handling to represent
To be able to use forces to allow
war, children under 15 cannot be their draw bridge to move down to
results linked to the topic and
forced to go into the army and
real life data
allow the knight into the castle
take part in war
Science: Health and Growth
Knowledge and Understanding of
Key skill: to develop
the World:
independence and the ability to
Knowledge and Understanding
History: Investigate castles and
make discoveries and represent
of the World:
explore motte and bailey; defences
their findings as they chose.
History: Investigate the
- position, keep, battlements etc;
differences between rich and
life inside the castle
P4C Stimuli:
P4C Stimuli:
poor and make comparisons to
life today. To understand the
Visit a local castle and explore.
Use the visit form the ex soldier
Pupils to generate questions
period of time of Florence
Look at the surrounding area and
and the students as a stimulus
Nightingale and the way of life.
locate on maps, identify and
for discussion
Use an illustration from the key text
Geography: Plot the places that
describe the place. Why do you
Florence Nightingale and her
think this place was chosen as a
family visited
site? How has it changed?
Key Questions:
Also consider the effects of tourism Key Questions:
What impact did Florence have
Why do we have castles?
on the site of the castle
on the lives of others?
What was the purpose of castles?
ICT: We are photographers
What made her become a
Are castles still important today?
PDL: Caring for others
ICT: We are researchers
Creative Development/DT:
Discussing use of shadows and
using light and dark in our art
work. Make a lamp similar to
that of Florence Nightingale.
Concept – Remembering
Dance: Shadows (create
movements in response to the
Games: Throwing and catching
Invite parents in to visit the Oak
Class Museum, show casing
their excellent work
Visit from a local nurse to talk
about health care today
Visit the local library to consider
the difference between fiction
and non-fiction texts
PDL: Changing Friendships
Creative Development/DT: Build a
castle; this could be a modern
castle for a character from a fairy
Art: Mark Making
During visit to castle take rubbings
- of stones etc. Use these to
produce textured effects in pictures
of the castle.
Examine stained glass,
architecture etc
Produce heraldic shields, "stained
glass" pictures - using cellophane
etc, sketches
MFL: colours
Music: Percussion
R.E. Concept – welcoming
Palm Sunday
Gym: Pathways
Games: Inventing Individual
MFL: buildings
Music: Percussion
International Links – consider
castles from around the world
Share our story writing with our
African friends
Entry point – off site visit to
Porchester Castle