Convert fractions to decimals by taking the numerator (top digit) and dividing it by the denominator (bottom digit). Example: ½ means that 1 is divided by 2. So we take 1 and make it 1.0 and then divide it by 2 which gives us .5 Most Important Conversions Halves 1/2= .5 Thirds 1/3 = .333 2/3= .666 Fourths (think of quarters) 1/4= .25 3/4= .75 Fifths (for each 1/5 you have, add .2) 1/5= .2 2/5=.4 3/5=.6 4/5=.8 3/10=.3 (etc) 10/10=1.0 Tenths (numerator with a decimal before it) 1/10= .1 2/10=.2 Additional Conversions Sixths (repeating decimals) 1/6= .166 5/6= .833 Sevenths (nastiest denominator to memorize) 1/7= .14 5/7= .614 2/7= .285 6/7=.875 3/7= .42 4/7=.57 Eighths (every 2/8 is a quarter, a quarter cut in half is .125, combine those two ideas ) 1/8= .125 5/7= .614 3/7= .375 6/7=.875 5/8= .625 7/8=.875 Ninths (very easy!! Numerator is the repeating decimal ) 1/9= .111 7/9= .777 (etc.) Elevenths (easy!! It’s a repeating decimal where numerator multiplied by 9) 1/11= .0909 5/11= .4545 9/11= .8181 10/11= .9090