Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus The syllabus is the basis for license renewal course* approval, and informs the course participants of the requirements and learning outcomes. It contains identified essential components to meet indicators of quality**. Date Submitted: 01-8-15 Course title: Developing Behavior Interventions: An Introduction to Behavior and Classroom Management Interventions Instructor: Patrick Judkins/Frank Ogden Address: 27142 151st Avenue Long Grove, Iowa 52756 Phone Number: 563-650-8863 Email Address: pjudkins@aea9.k12.ia.us Dates and Location Dates March 11 to May 15 Times (please allow time for breaks/meals: 1 hour for lunch; 2 – 15 minute breaks are standard) Other (mentoring/coaching time, online work, etc.) One face to face mtg 3-15 4:30 to 5:30. The rest of class is on-line All assignments due by: 5-15-15 Dates grades will be posted: 5-15-15 Will course be held at the Bettendorf AEA? Credit and Format Information Number of Credits: Type of credit requested Type of Drake Graduate Credit: Audit 1 Yes – face to face meeting, remaining online 2 x 3 Graduate (Drake) Both Licensure Renewal EDEX (Drake Education Extension) EDMA (application toward a Drake grad degree; see Head of Professional Development for additional syllabus requirements) Yes No CEUs available from AEA x Yes No No. of Hours: 3 Please make sure appropriate AEA Workshop form is completed for CEU credit. Appropriate for Paraeducator certificate Renewal Yes No Appropriate for Substitute Authorization certificate Renewal Yes No Page 1 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Type of professional development proposed (check those that apply): x Course open to ALL Blended delivery model (online & face-to-face) Instructor Reimbursement by (check one): AEA supplemental contract (teaching on noncontract time as AEA contracted instructor; supervisor has been notified) 60 P/40 F Target Audience: Grade Level(s) Content Area(s) K -12 Behavior; Behavior Management Minimum class size 6 Maximum class size 20 Category Please select the primary category for this course from the drop down menu (click on the box and all choices will appear): Learning Environment Course Outline Published Course Description for website: Developing Behavior Interventions: An Introduction to Behavior and Classroom Management Interventions Developing Behavior Interventions is a course specially designed to give teachers a foundation in behavior-based interventions to use in their classroom. Participants will begin by learning about what is necessary to get to know the student and look for any background information, which can aide in developing an intervention plan. Next, the course focuses on different data collection methods that will aide teachers in creating a baseline for their intervention. Participants will examine the 4 functions of behavior and be able to hypothesize what function or functions the student’s behavior is currently being reinforced. Participants will then use the data that they have collected to show whether the intervention that is in place is working by making and reading a graph. The participants will then make modifications to their plan and justify their decisions based on research based interventions. Describe the best practices to support the course goals/outcomes described in the next section: Page 2 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Participants in the course will engage in a combination of readings, discussion forums, situational scenarios, and enrichment activities in order to meet the desired course goals and outcomes. Using applied behavior analysis to teach the participants research-based interventions falls in line with information provided by the Iowa Department of Education’s about multi-tiered systems of supports. https://www.educateiowa.gov/pk-12/standards-and-curriculum/iowas-multi-tiered-system-supports For District-only courses What district or building goals does this course support? What follow up will be done to after the completion of this course? Teacher impact statement: As a result of this course, teachers will be better able to develop research based behavioral interventions to students and how to systematically monitor the effectiveness of these interventions. Teachers will learn about the 4 functions of behavior and how to use the knowledge to create appropriate behavior interventions for students. Student impact statement: Teachers will assist students in improving their behavior through the use of appropriate, meaningful and research based behavior strategies. With improved classroom behavior, student scores on standardized measures of reading and math comprehension will improve. Iowa Teaching Standard(s) being addressed; check all that apply: 1: Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district’s student achievement goals. 2: Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position. 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students. 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning. 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management. 7: Engages in professional growth. 8: Fulfills professional responsibilities established by the school district. Iowa Leadership Standard(s) being addressed; check all that apply: 1: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. (Shared Vision) 2: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development. (Culture of Learning) 3: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment. (Management) Page 3 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus 4: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources. (Family and Community) 5: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. (Ethics) 6: An educational leader promotes the success of all students by understanding the profile of the community and responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Societal Context) Iowa Core statement Resources: http://www.aea9.k12.ia.us/en/iowa_core/ and http://www.educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2485&Itemid=4602 List the IC areas that are addressed by this course; check all that apply: Literacy Mathematics Science Social Studies 21st Century Skills Describe how the checked areas are addressed in this course: Developing Behavior Interventions Unit 1- Getting to Know Your Student Maximizing your Teaching Activity A: Pick a student who is in need of a behavior intervention in your classroom. Using the reading, see if you can match any of the talked about functions to the student in need of the intervention. Discussion #1 After reading the article, discuss why you are picking the student in your classroom (no names). Are there any behavior interventions that have been attempted previously? Are their ecological factors? Why might ecological factors be important? Why is finding background information an important part of interventions? Respond to two other posts. What Does the Research Say? Activity B: Page 4 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Read: Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior: Recommended Practices for School and District Leaders Discussion #2 Research Findings Discuss 2 significant findings that you read in the assigned article. Report how you might be able to consider using these findings in your intervention. Respond to 2 other posts. Time to Plan Activity C: Read: Cracking the Behavior Code Discussion #3 Give an example of an experience you have had and how can you connect it to a function of behavior. Why is baseline data important to keep? Discuss what function of behavior the student you have picked might fall under and why. Respond to 2 other posts. Baseline Data Time Activity D: Read: Observing Behavior Using A-B-C Data Take 5 days of baseline data on the student you have picked Discussion #4 Discuss how you have used A-B-C data collection, scatterplot data collection, and minute-to-minute data. What was the easiest to use? What took the most time? What was the most useful? Respond to 2 other Posts. Unit 1 Power Point Update- Begin to develop a power point consisting of the student’s background information, baseline data, function hypothesis, and proposed intervention. Justify why you are proposing this specific intervention. Part II Intervention and Data Collection Unit 2- Behavior Intervention and Data Collection Page 5 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Implementing the Plan Activity E: Take 5 days of data collection from your classroom. Discussion #5 So far, what is the data telling you? Any concerns about your intervention to this point? What would you like to do differently after 1 week? Respond to 2 other posts. Monitoring the Plan Activity G: Take another 5 days’ worth of classroom data. Discussion #6 Discuss what you feel acceptable progress would be to this point? How did you choose your criteria? Respond to 2 other posts Monitoring the Plan, (con’t) Activity H: Take 5 more days of classroom data. Read and review the resources for creating a graph in Microsoft Excel http://www.excel-easy.com/data-analysis/charts.html http://spreadsheets.about.com/od/excelcharts/ss/line_graph.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn7Sd5Uu42A http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Graph-in-Excel Discussion #7 Attach your graph to this discussion. Analyze the data you have collected and discuss what it looks like over the last 3 weeks? Has anything changed? What would you contribute change too? Are you seeing a difference when the student is in environments other than your classroom? Respond to 2 other people Page 6 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Unit 2 Power Point- In addition to your Unit 1 power point, add your graphs, the data you have collected, and what the graphs are telling you about the intervention. Part 3: The Intervention is Almost Over and the Results are In! The Last Five Days of Data Collection Activity I: Take 5 more days of new intervention data Make changes in your intervention based on data you collected. Discussion #8 Discuss the importance of making changes to your intervention based on the data you have collected. How has the data helped you in making your decisions? Would you rather make changes as they happen during the intervention or wait to make changes after a certain amount of time? Respond to 2 other posts. Results! Activity K: Analyze your data. Discussion #9 What are the results of your intervention? What would you change the next time you do it? What is your Plan moving forward? Respond to 2 other posts. Unit 3 Final Power Point: Add to your previous power point the final data collection in graph form, what intervention changes you made, why you made them, the results of the data you collected after the changes, and what your outcomes are to date. Submit your final power point Course Equity Information Page 7 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus What strategies are you providing to help your participants meet the needs of diverse learners? Mark as many boxes that apply to the professional development outlined in this syllabus and then provide a description of the learning activities for this course. Multi-cultural Issues 1) Does this course discuss ways to ensure learners from other cultures are successful in the classroom? 2) Does this course promote the diversity of ideas and thoughts in curriculum and assignments, such as knowledge of different world views and cultural perspectives? 3) Does your course acknowledge the learning styles of culturally diverse peoples? 4) Does your course promote/utilize resources that portray the various dimensions of a culturally diverse population? 5) Does this course include strategies to form partnerships with families, particularly with those who are culturally diverse? Gender-fair Issues 1) Does this course include discussion about ensuring both male and female learners are successful in the classroom (e.g. math and science classes)? 2) Does this course promote/utilize resources that portray both sexes in active and passive activities? 3) Does this course promote/utilize resources that portray both sexes in “nontraditional” ways as role models? 4) Does this course discuss gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender issues, particularly as they relate to school or community climate and/or student achievement? x Socio-economic Issues 1) Does this course include discussion about ways to ensure that students from low socio-economic backgrounds are successful in the classroom? 2) Does this course include discussion/understanding about who are SES students and the culture of poverty? 3) Does this course include discussion or analysis about disaggregating data based on socioeconomic status? 4) Does this course promote/utilize resources that may interest students from low socio-economic backgrounds who may struggle academically? 5) Does this course include learning about instructional strategies that will engage SES students in learning? English Language Learners 1) Does this course include discussion of the impact of second language learning on academic achievement? 2) Does this course address specific cultural issues impacting student learning? 3) Does this course promote cross cultural communication and involvement with ELL parents/family? 4) Does this course address legal/academic responsibilities of school districts with educating ELL students? Other Diverse Learners (e.g. TAG and learners with special needs) – 1) Does this course address who are diverse learners, how to identify and/or how to serve diverse learners in the classroom? 2) Do the learning expectations of this course include application of knowledge about diverse learners? 3) Does this course deliver specific information about individual diverse groups? Please provide a description of the issues checked above. This course analyzes the ecological factors that are often times present in students with behavioral problems. Examples of ecological factors include low SES, chronic absenteeism from school, single parent families, and poor family/school communication and relationships. This class takes into account these ecological factors when student behavior is analyzed for function and research based interventions are developed. Course Goals, Outcomes and Evaluation Page 8 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Outline the course goals and outcomes that a student will achieve upon completion of this course. The description should be a statement that is a specific and measureable knowledge/skill. An outcome is the specific learning behavior that participants in the course should demonstrate in the context of achieving the goal. There may be more than one outcome for each goal. To write goals, consider the following. These items will help dictate the grading rubric. What will participants know, be able to do, or value at the conclusion of the course? What specific observable or measurable actions should participants demonstrate when they have met the outcome(s)? How will you know if participants achieved the outcome? How will this new knowledge be demonstrated? These outcomes will be used in the rubric to assess and grade the success of learning. Course Goal(s) Outcome(s) 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of the 4 a) Student will be able to identify functions of behavior and how they can be used in functions of behavior creating interventions in the classroom. b) Student will be able to match functions to behavior 2. Identify strategies and activities that can be used with students to support the implementation of behavior interventions. a) Students will become proficient at analyzing behavioral data. b) Students will be able to analyze scatterplot data c) Students will be able to analyze A-B-C data. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of how strategies a) a) Student will be able to create and activities that support behavior intervention can be interventions based on be implemented using the 4 functions of behavior. function b) Students will develop a repertoire of interventions based on the 4 functions of behavior 4. Define intervention expectations and be able to show visual representation of the implementation of behavior interventions through data collection and graphs. a) Students will be able to determine acceptable behavioral progress c) Students will be able to create graphs and trend lines through Excel Page 9 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus From: Program-Based Review and Assessment: Tools and Techniques for Program Improvement. Office of Academic Planning and Assessment. University of Massachusetts Amherst. (2001). Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM) Resource: http://www.isea.org/assets/document/ipdm-overview.pdf What percentage of each technical will be used and briefly describe: Theory: 30 percent Demonstration: 0 percent Practice: Collaboration (coaching, feedback, reflection): 70 percent Page 10 of 12 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Course Rubric (see rubrics in course syllabus) The course grade will be determined using the following criteria. A resource to assist in creating a rubric: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/assessment/howto/outcomes.htm Describe what is required for each Outcome and how many points are assigned to each proficiency level. Provide a clear and specific description of the criteria that will be used to evaluate student work. At the bottom of the rubric, state how many points are needed to earn each grade; weighting is accepted. Course Requirements (enter each criteria in the boxes below and assign a point value) Exemplary Demonstrates good understanding and skill Points: 18-20 Goal 1 Outcomes: Student will be able to identify all functions of behavior and match functions to behavior Goal 2 Outcomes: Can identify and match all functions Page 11 of 12 Developing Demonstrates some understanding and skill Beginning Demonstrates little or no understanding or skill Points: 12-13 Points: 14-15 Can identify and Can identify and Can identify and match 1 match 3 match 2 functions function functions Students demonstrate satisfactory understanding of how to analyze behavior data Goal 3 Outcomes: Student can Student can Student will be able to develop at least 4 develop at least create interventions based interventions for 3 interventions on function and develop a each function of for each function repertoire of interventions behavior of behavior based on the 4 functions of behavior Students will become proficient at analyzing behavioral data, scatterplot data and A-B-C data. Students demonstrate good understanding of how to analyze behavior data Accomplished Demonstrates satisfactory understanding and skill Points: 16-17 Students demonstrate some understanding of how to analyze behavior data Student can develop at least 2 interventions for each function of behavior Students demonstrate little to no understanding of how to analyze behavior data Student can develop at least 1 intervention for each function of behavior Not completed or not able to be scored Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Goal 4 Outcomes: Students will be able to determine acceptable behavioral progress by developing and analyzing graphs and trend lines through the use of Excel Requirement 5: Participation NOTE: Do not include attendance as criterion in the scoring; 100% attendance is required for all levels of credit. A = 90 to 100 B = 80 to 89 C = 70 to 79 D = 60 to 69 F = Below 60 Page 12 of 12 Students will demonstrate good ability in being able to determine acceptable behavioral progress by developing and analyzing graphs and trend lines through the use of Excel Reflects 15 collaborative hours completed per each credit. Students will demonstrate satisfactory ability in being able to determine acceptable behavioral progress by developing and analyzing graphs and trend lines through the use of Excel Students will demonstrate some ability in being able to determine acceptable behavioral progress by developing and analyzing graphs and trend lines through the use of Excel Students will demonstrate little to no ability in being able to determine acceptable behavioral progress by developing and analyzing graphs and trend lines through the use of Excel --------------This criterion is either met or not met. -------------- Does not reflect 15 collaborative hours completed per each credit.