september 3 2014 bza minutes

Board of Zoning & Appeals
September 3, 2014
MEMBERS PRESENT: Johnny Wilson, Brenda Bessinger, James Dozier, Rhonda Green, Nat Kaminski, John
Kester, & Sandra Quinn
OTHERS PRESENT: Matt Millwood, Rick Martin, & Debra Grant
Approval of Minutes: Minutes for July 2, 2014; Ms. Bessinger made a motion to approve the minutes
as submitted, seconded by Ms. Green, the motion carried unanimously.
Public Input: None
Amendment: Mr. Brennand/Representative of the applicant amended the application to have Article X;
section 1013.202 (3) as the correct Article and section.
Dr. Jason Rosenberg/SC Pain & Spine, (TMS#05-0026-208-00-00) of 240 S. Fraser Street
is seeking a variance from the strict interpretation of the City Zoning Ordinance; Article
X, Section 1013.202 (3). Mr. Joseph Brennand/Seaboard Signs (Representative).
Matt Millwood/City Staff told the Board that the property is zoned IC (Intermediate
Commercial), the request is for signage on the side of the building with the total signage
being 60 sq. ft. The signage will be in the same location of the current sign. The total
variance requested is 32.7 sq. ft. Mr. Millwood told the Board that the owners are
allowed signage on the front of the building (South Fraser Street).
Joseph Brennand/Representative told the Board that his client was attracted to this
building because of the side wall signage and would like to place his company signage in
the same area. The variance requested is 32.7 sq. ft. to give the sign a more relaxed
looked and not bunched together. The letters will be internally illuminated. Mr.
Brennand told the Board that his client would be willing to forfeit the use of a sign on
the front of the building to be allowed to have the larger sign on the side of the building
(Emanuel Street), if the variance is granted. When asked if it is his opinion that the
larger sign will help for safety issues, Mr. Brennand said he feels that since there is not a
left turning lane for that area, the more advance notice the better, and the larger
illuminated letters will be an asset. (Mr. Millwood said the owners could still use the
windows and awnings if put up for additional signage). Mr. Brennand said he would recalculate his measurements to get the size as close to 50 sq. ft. as possible.
Motion: Ms. Brenda Bessinger made a motion to approve the application, noting that
the owner forfeit the wall sign on the front of the building (Fraser Street) for the
allowance of a side wall sign (Emanuel Street) not to exceed 50 sq. ft., seconded by
Mr. John Kester, the motion carried 7 to 0.
Board Discussion: None
Adjournment: With there being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted By,
Debra Grant
Board Secretary