Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarships College of Education, Michigan State University Student Application 2015-2016 The College of Education at Michigan State University is pleased to invite applicants for the Dean's Scholarship for Undergraduate Study Abroad and the Ian J. Render Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad to South Africa (hereafter, Scholarships). The purpose of these scholarships is to further Michigan State University’s mission of advancing knowledge and transforming lives by providing the knowledge and skills that will enable future educators and researchers to critically examine and apply solutions to challenging educational issues, locally and globally. College of Education study abroad experiences are intended to result in the integration of international perspectives into students’ academic programs and to inform their subsequent work in diverse contexts. The Scholarships will provide support to undergraduates enrolled in College of Education creditbearing study abroad programs in the summer of 2016, fall of 2016, or spring of 2017. The scholarships will significantly lower the cost barrier of study abroad and enable the engagement of students in powerful learning experiences that lead to greater understanding of diverse peoples and cultures. Four scholarships of at least $3,000 each will be awarded to help students cover expenses that exceed on-campus costs related to their chosen College of Education study abroad program. Eligibility: Undergraduate majors in the College of Education who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. Students must be accepted to a credit-bearing, College of Education study abroad program, actively participate in all pre-departure orientations, and be available to present their learning experiences post-program (exact date and time to be determined). Instructions: A complete application consists of 1. the completed application form (below) 2. letter of recommendation (sent directly to the Office of International Studies in Education from your recommender) Submission Directions Application: Save your application as a Word document using the following file naming system “FirstName_LastName_ StudyAbroadScholarship” Example: “Mary_Smith_StudyAbroadScholarship” Click the following link to upload your application https://msucoe.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5BhZCJUUkFB0ELP Letter of recommendation: A letter of recommendation should be sent to: edoise@msu.edu with the subject heading “Scholarship Recommendation for FirstName LastName” Example: “Scholarship Recommendation for Mary Smith” 1 Deadline for all application materials: January 31, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Selection: All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee convened by the Office of International Studies in Education. Semi-finalist applicants will be invited to an interview sometime in February, 2016. Scholarship recipients will be notified in March of 2016. Final disbursement of award is pending acceptance and enrollment into a College of Education study abroad program. The Office for International Studies in Education (OISE) is committed to supporting students throughout the scholarship application process. Please direct questions about the scholarship or the application process to Elizabeth Gil (gileliza@msu.edu), or Dr. Lynn Paine (painel@msu.edu). Note: Applicants receiving federal financial aid for the summer term should be aware that receipt of an award may impact their total financial aid package based on financial need as demonstrated by the student FAFSA. Applicants may consult with the Office of Financial Aid in order to learn more about possible changes to their aid package if they receive a Scholarship. Additional Resources to Assist with Navigating and Funding Study Abroad Tuesday, November 17, 2015: OISE Study Abroad Information Table Erickson Hall Lobby, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Monday, November 23, 2015: Study Abroad Undergraduate Student Panel Erickson Hall - Room 252, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Preparing Teachers for Global Classrooms Through Study Abroad Scholarship – Annual scholarship for teacher education students participating in MSU-sponsored study abroad programs to Africa, Asia, or Latin America http://msucoescholarship.wordpress.com/ Paying for Study Abroad - There are many ways to help pay for study abroad and maximize the resources that are available to you. Links on this page will help you identify a program that you CAN afford that also fits your interests and meets your academic needs. http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/financing/ FAQs Concerning Financial Aid for Study Abroad – Frequently asked questions regarding financial aid for study abroad http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/finaid/finaidfaq.html Financing Study Abroad Scholarship Information - OSA offers its own scholarships, but be sure to look at other opportunities, too. http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/financing/scholarships/ Office of Study Abroad Peer Advisors - Peer Advisers share their experiences, answer your questions, and give you advice. They can help you find a program that suits your schedule, major and interests. They can guide you through the application process, answer questions about scholarships and financial aid, and offer a student perspective on the various aspects of being abroad and returning home. http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/peer/ 2 Email: osapa@isp.msu.edu 3 Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarships 2015-2016 Application Personal Information Name PID Address (include city, state, and zip code) Phone number Email Program within College of Education (place an X in the appropriate blank): Teacher Education ____ Kinesiology____ Other ______________________________ Year in Program: First ____ Second ____ Third ____ Fourth ____ Internship Year ____ GPA (include transcript or grade report on last page ) Advisor You Pay: In-state tuition _____ Out-of-state tuition _____ You Are a/an: Domestic student _____ International student _____ If you are an international student, what country are you from? Do you speak languages other than English? If yes, list below. Recommendation Information List an advisor, professor, or community member who can speak to your qualifications (ability to handle challenges; openness to new experiences) and how this program will enrich your educational experience. Be sure to let your reference know you are listing them. The letter of recommendation should be sent to: edoise@msu.edu no later than January 31, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Recommender’s name Relationship to you Contact information (phone and e-mail) 4 Name: ___________________________ Study Abroad Program Information College of Education credit-bearing program in which you intend to enroll (if you have not decided, place an “X” for those you are seriously considering). You can use the Office of Study Abroad program search tool for details about these programs. http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/programs/ ___ Summer Sports Program Down Under - Australia ___ Arts Education Across Cultures: Ghana Study Abroad - Ghana ___ Learning, Technology, and Culture in Europe - Netherlands ___ Cross-Cultural Teaching Abroad - South Africa ___ University of KwaZulu-Natal - South Africa Does this course fulfill a requirement for your program? If yes, which one? Estimated financial need not yet covered (based on program costs): How do you expect to pay for study abroad? Previous Experience Abroad Have you previously traveled abroad? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, for what purpose (school, leisure, work) and duration? Essays: Please answer the following questions in essay form. Your responses should not exceed 2 pages per question, double-spaced. Include your first and last name on each page of your essay. 1) Rationale for Interest in Study Abroad: How does study abroad fit into your long-term personal and/or career goals? How will this experience enhance your study to become an educator? 2) Previous Experiences with New Environments or Situations: Write about a time when you experienced a new place, differences in culture, or differences in thought. How did you respond to this new environment or experience? What did you learn from this experience? This may include experiences locally, nationally, or abroad. Academic record: Include your transcript or grade report as the last page of this document. 5