Revised 12/30/2015 *This document will need to be completed and uploaded in the TAM Job Opening for Permanent Record I. AUTHORIZATION to LAUNCH a RECRUITMENT (Date / Completed by) ☐ Dept. receives approval from the Division Administrator to conduct a full recruitment. __________ II. LAUNCH the RECRUITMENT TA Coordinator (TAC) and Search Committee Chairperson, under the direction of the Deans/Division Heads, will follow the process & procedures below: A. ☐ Prepare for a new recruitment by completing and emailing the following documents to your assigned HR Assistant: i. ☐ Unclassified Job Opening Form (based on position description) Use HR template: Unclassified Job Opening Form ☐ Department Organizational Chart ii. If the recruitment is for a ‘New’ Academic Staff position in the Dept. – the following documents need to be emailed to HR. ☐ Position Description ☐ Title Memo from Provost Office __________ ☐ In the meantime, begin developing Screening tools that would apply to the search: For Example: Tool 1: Screen for minimum qualifications (as stated in the vacancy announcement). Tool 2: Screen for preferred qualifications Tool 3: Telephone interview questions Tool 4: Reference check questions Tool 5: Campus interview questions NOTE: * ALL screening tools must be attached to Job Opening before screening of applicants begin. 1 (Date / Completed by) B. ☐ After the position has been entered as a DRAFT into TAM, HR will contact you to schedule EEO/AA Training. *All members serving on a search are required to complete EEO/AA training. __________ Unclassified Approval Sequences C. ☐ For Faculty-Tenure positions a minimum of 24 hours prior to the first committee meeting, a meeting notice must be posted in two (2) places available to the public per Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. Such as: daily email, public Dept. bulletin boards, and other visible areas likely to be seen by students, faculty, staff, etc. *Recommend Committee establish a timeline with goals & dates for the recruitment process. *Resources available online via: > Hiring Best Practices ☐ Upload the following in TAM Job Opening for permanent record: ☐ Open Meetings Notice, identifying where & when it was posted ☐ Meeting Minutes ☐ HR reviewed screening tools 1-5. D. TAC and Search Chair review information in TAM Job Opening. ☐ Review Job Opening Details, Assignments, Job Postings, and other information in TAM. ☐ Monitor approvals. Follow up with Hiring Managers if the approvals are not occurring on a timely basis. ☐ Ad deadlines should be researched so once the recruitment is approved, ads can be placed promptly. E. Job Opening is approved! TAM will alert TAC & Search Chair via email when the Job Opening has been approved- go-ahead to post all ads. III. ADVERTISE POSITION A. Advertise Position HR places ads with:, MyUW Portal, UW-Whitewater Employment website, WI Job Network-DWD. TAC proceeds with placing all other ads using: the full FINAL approved vacancy announcement. MINIMUM POSTING REQUIREMENTS: 30 calendar days for all positions *Networking: Vacancy announcement may be posted on bulletin boards, distributed at conferences and workshops, sent to colleagues at other institutions, sent to distribution lists, etc. ☐ TAC will update the “Destinations” list in the Job Posting module with additional sources used. ☐ TAC will upload the following in the Job Opening > Activity & Attachments section: Attaching Documents to Job Postings ☐ Copies of all ads posted 2 (Date / Completed by) ☐ If FA Recruitment: the actual online CHRONICLE ad include the confirmation from the Chronicle that states the beginning and ending dates the ad was published, or printouts of online ad with dates shown. __________ B. Collect Applications and Review and Verify Application Materials ☐ Review application materials for completeness as they come in. *NOTE: If Applicants did not upload an attachment with their REFERENCES check the Verifications hyperlink: Instructions for Locating References ☐ If the committee chooses to give all applicants an opportunity to supply missing documents, notify applicants via TAM email (for permanent record purposes). Send all correspondence on behalf of the Search & Screen Committee Chair -&- copy the Search Chair on all correspondence with applicants. (*In some cases applicants may have inadvertently uploaded the wrong document, or need to revise their application materials after they’ve submitted their application. In these situations applicants typically follow up with an email to the contact person provided in the Job Posting. TAC/Search Chair will make the correction on the applicant’s behalf.) ☐ Record all phone conversations/emails with applicants via ‘Contact Notes’ hyperlink. Attaching Documents to Candidates IV. __________ INITIAL SCREENING OF APPLICATIONS The Search Committee may begin reviewing applications as they come in, as long as the screening criteria has already been established and uploaded in TAM. ☐ TAC/Search Chair will change applicants’ dispositions to “SCREEN” so committee members know which applicants have already been viewed. __________ Updating Applicant Dispositions ☐ Minimum of two (2) committee members use Tool 1 to review applications for minimum qualifications. ☐ All committee members individually screen applicants (who passed Tool 1) with Tool 2. ☐ Committee meets to discuss results of Tools 1 & 2. By discussion leading to consensus, committee summarizes screening results by completing the screening criteria which the Chair forwards to the TAC to upload into TAM. ☐ TAC changes applicants’ dispositions in TAM based on Tool 1 & 2 summary from committee, assigning a non-select reason code for applicants not advancing. Updating Applicant Dispositions ☐ Screening results are uploaded in the Job Opening > Activity & Attachments module. Attaching Documents to Job Postings ☐ TAC sends correspondence via TAM to applicants who did not pass Tools 1 & 2. __________ Instructions for Corresponding with Applicants 3 V. TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS (Date / Completed by) Telephone interviews are a beneficial and inexpensive way to further screen a pool of applicants; creating a Short-list of the most qualified candidates. However, in some cases when there is a very small pool of qualified individuals, a committee may decide to move directly to the on-campus interviews. If not conducting telephone interviews, proceed to Section VI. ☐ Schedule, coordinate, & confirm telephone interviews with candidates & committee members via TAM email. These will be automatically recorded in the candidates’ Contact Notes for permanent record. ☐ Upload final interview schedule in Activity & Attachments section. __________ ☐ Using Tool 3, the entire search committee conducts telephone interviews and, by discussion leading to consensus, selects candidates for campus interviews and provides screening summary to TAC. ☐ Applicants’ dispositions are changed in TAM based on Tool 3 results. __________ Updating Applicant Dispositions ☐ Screening results are uploaded in Job Opening > Activity & Attachments section. __________ ☐ Send email to applicants who did not pass Tools 3. __________ VI. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Applicants are FORWARDED for approval prior to inviting applicants to participate in ON-CAMPUS interviews: Instruction for Approving On Campus Interviews ☐ Upload all email approvals in Job Opening > Activity & Attachments. Attaching Documents to Job Postings A. Coordinate Campus Interviews ☐ Prior to actual interviews, complete, have signed, and maintain a copy of the Authorization to Reimburse an Applicant (for interview expenses) form for each candidate. *Refer to Interview Candidates Travel Guidelines or contact Financial Services directly with any travel related questions. ☐ Schedule & coordinate campus interviews with candidates using email in TAM: Instructions for Corresponding with Applicants Once the candidate has accepted and confirmed the date and time of the interview, provide the candidate with any additional information they will need prior to arrival, including: - Dept./Unit/College information and brochures - Detailed itinerary including travel information - Expense reimbursement information - Parking permit - Campus map 4 (Date / Completed by) ☐ Confirm campus interviews with committee members, and others involved in the itinerary via TAM for permanent record. Schedule Applicant Interviews __________ Note: If an international candidate will participate in a campus interview and they require international sponsorship, instruct them to email Erika Cuevas at and indicate the following: “I have applied for XXXX position and would require international sponsorship if hired.” __________ B. Conduct On-Campus Interviews ☐ Using Tool 5, entire search committee conducts campus interviews according to scheduled itineraries. ☐ Committee records the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate following their interview. Complete an Interview Evaluation ☐ Make arrangements for each candidate to complete necessary travel expense reimbursement paperwork. VII. CONDUCTING REFERENCE CHECKS A suggested minimum of three reference checks are conducted for each candidate; one (1) being a current or former Supervisor/employer. ☐ Inform candidates that their application is moving forward to the reference checking stage of the screening process either via: TAM ‘Send Correspondence’ or courtesy call. Instructions for Corresponding with Applicants ☐ Using Tool 4, committee members, working in pairs, conduct telephone reference checks from list provided by the applicant. If having difficulty connecting with references, first check the Verifications tab to see if additional references were provided within the candidate’s online application. Another option is to contact the candidate and request additional reference(s). Record these in TAM for permanent record. Instructions for Locating References VIII. MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO HIRE A. Search committee will forward ALL finalists that are recommended as viable hires for approval. *Ranking of candidates is not permitted. *Reason Code “5B” is not applicable at this stage. ☐ Applicants’ dispositions are changed in TAM based on Tool 4 & 5 results. __________ Updating Applicant Dispositions ☐ Screening results –and- Strengths & Weaknesses are uploaded in TAM > Activity & Attachments. ☐ Initiate approval string for all viable finalists recommended for hire: Prepare Job Offer Unclassified Approval Sequences __________ After approval is sought, the Division Head/Dean can make an informal offer to the candidate. When extending an offer, let the finalist know that it is contingent upon passing of the criminal background check5 Once the candidate has accepted the informal offer: (Date / Completed by) ☐ Have the candidate immediately complete and submit the following documents DIRECTLY to HR via fax: 262/472-5668 ATTN: Damon Judah Fax Cover Form, Background Check General Consent Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification and New Employee Documents. ☐ Change the candidate’s disposition to “Accepted”. Record an Accepted Offer __________ If the offer is declined a verbal offer can be extended to next finalist chosen by the Hiring Authority. ☐ The committee will reconsider applicants previously put on ‘5B’ Hold from Tools 2, 3 and 4. The screening results will be updated and forwarded to the TAC. ☐ If FA position, the TAC will upload a memo siting reason(s) why initial offer was declined. ☐ Applicants’ dispositions are changed in TAM based on committees’ reconsideration of applicants Updating Applicant Dispositions If all offers are declined, contact HR to discuss an extension of the recruitment– HR will extend the posting and the TAC will change previous applicant dispositions to HOLD. If all offers are declined and the search is failed- the Search Chair will email Judi Trampf and the Provost a memo of explanation and proposed action. __________ IX. COMPLETE THE HIRE After the verbal offer is accepted and the candidate’s disposition has been changed to “Accepted”, the Dept. needs to complete the following steps for generation of a contract: ☐ Complete and route the Hire Form for approval: Hire Form ☐ Contact new hire to request OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS from each degree earned (not just the highest degree). Ask that they be mailed directly to HR. Transcripts are a condition of employment and need to be received by UW-Whitewater prior to employee’s start date. __________ Note: for FA positions: ☐ Attach the Faculty Offer Letter. ☐ Contact Erika Cuevas if making an International hire. __________ Once the Hire Form is completed and returned to the HR office, Damon Judah will scan the documents into TAM and verify that all attachments are present. The HR Assistant will then be notified to create the contract which will be emailed to the new employee. X. ☐ Complete the final steps in TAM: Prepare for Hire ☐ Send TAM email correspondence to remaining candidates informing them they are no longer being considered. RECORDS RETENTION 6 UW-System will be the data custodian and records retention holder for six (6) years plus current year. ☐ TA Coordinator & Search Chair need to ensure the following required documentation is UPLOADED as attachments to the TAM Job Opening Attaching Documents to Job Postings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Screening Tools 1-5 Copies of ALL advertising The confirming BEGIN & END dates the CHRONICLE ad was printed online (if applicable). Tool 1 & 2 Summary (Includes: Applicants Names / Yes or No / Reason Codes) Telephone interview schedule Tool 3 Summary Tool 4 & Tool 5 Summary Strengths & Weaknesses Memo for each candidate who had an on-campus interview ALL Hiring Authority Approvals for Campus Interviews, Recommendation for Hire Open forum announcement & meeting minutes. Miscellaneous Correspondence (Any other correspondence with Applicants -or others- related to the search.) 12. Financial records related to the search 13. This Procedure Checklist to reflect process, dates & actions taken throughout the recruitment. ☐ Once the signed contract has returned to HR, Damon Judah will scan the acceptance into the Activities & Attachments section and close the recruitment in TAM. XI. ONBOARDING New Employee Orientation ☐ Prior to New Employee Benefits Orientation, new employees may contact Julie Gau, with questions. ☐ Continue communication with new hires giving assistance with relocation information, etc. Plan for new hire orientation meetings, set up mentor relationships, etc. to create a healthy and satisfying work experience and environment for all. 7