
Appendix A: References
A.1 Why should I give references and when?
When you are writing your degree project, you must always state your sources, with the
exception of information that can be considered generally known. Bear in mind the following
when stating your sources:
It should be clear on what basis you make your interpretations and claims.
The reader should easily be able to see which conclusions are your own and which
you have taken from others. The sources should be stated as fully as possible so that
they can easily be found by those who want to do further reading or check the
The most common types of information source are:
Articles in journals and newspapers
Books and chapters from books
Conference papers
Public documents
Radio and television programmes
Oral information
Electronic documents
A.2 How do I give references?
When you use sources you should both make clear reference to them in the running text and
assemble them in a list of sources, or list of references, so that they can easily be identified
and found at a later date.
A.3 In-text citations, variant 1, Vancouver style
This style is most common in engineering literature, and, for example, used by IEEE
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) publications and ACM (Association for
Computing Machinery) publications.
Write the reference numbers in the order they are cited. If the text refers to multiple
references, these should be given as follows:
[1], [3] and [5].
If there are more than two consecutive reference numbers, write:
Sometimes, you want to be more specific, and give a page number:
[1, p. 45]; [1, pp. 45, 52]; [1, pp. 44–48]
If the final page is not easily determined, write [1, pp. 45ff.]. Note that the symbol ‘pp.’ is
used when referring to multiple pages.
With other information:
[3, theorem 1];
[3, heading 4.5];
[3, lemma 2];
[3, equation (2)];
[3, figure 1];
[3, chapter 2,
pp. 5–10];
[3, appendix I];
[3, algorithm 5].
Avoid splitting a citation reference at the end of a line. Where necessary, use a non-breaking
hyphen, CTRL+SHIFT+- (hyphen), or a non-breaking space, CTRL+SHIFT+space.
A.4 In-text citations, variant 2, Harvard style
There are several different ways of referencing, but choose variant 1 or this variant, Harvard
style. The Harvard style is used most commonly in humanities. It is also somewhat clearer in
text, as you always name you references where they are referenced.
An example:
.. is surrounded by a grove of rich variation including psychology, computer science,
pedagogy, social sciences and design science (Dix, Finlay, Abowd, & Beale, 1993; Gulliksen
& Göransson, 2002; Sharp, Rogers, & Preece, 2002)…
As you see, the references are written in regular parentheses (), and the surnames of the
authors are given, as well as the publication year. Different references are separated with “;”
and authors with “,” and “&”. There are some special rules to this:
If the authors are more than 4, give the first author and add “et al.” (short for “et alia” in Latin
meaning “with others”) to it:
(Wood et al., 2003)
If you have more than one publication with the same set of authors the same year, the
publications are referred to as “a”, “b” etc:
(Rassmus-Gröhn, Magnusson, & Eftring, 2007b)
If you are mentioning the names of the authors more explicitly in text, you do this without the
parentheses around the name(s), and only put the publication year in parenthesis:
“The importance of information transfer between users and developers has been described by
von Hippel (2005), who characterizes information as being “sticky”…”
Note that the references should be in non-italic text, the italics above are used only to clarify
that they are examples.
A.5 Reference examples by type in the references chapter
This section contains examples of references, grouped into different categories. Note that the
references in the report shall not be regrouped by type. In the case you use variant 1
(Vancouver) they should be put in the order of their appearance in the body of the report.
In the case of variant 2 (Harvard), they should be put in alphabetical order according to the
first authors surname.
Articles in journals and newspapers
Written in the order author, year, title, journal/newspaper, issue, page(s):
[1] Gustafsson, H., Eklund, G., & Törnvall, A-M. (2003). Effects of wood ash application to
forests. Journal of the Environment 23, 214–221
Written in the order author, year, title, publisher, place of publication, country:
[2] Booth, W. C., Colomb, G. G. & Williams J. M. (1995). The craft of research. University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, USA
Book chapters
Written in the order author, year, title of chapter, editor(s), book title, publisher, place of
publication, country, page number(s):
[3] Guba, E. G. & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In:
Denzin N. K. & Lincoln Y. S. (eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Research. Lewis
Publishers, Toronto, Canada, pp. 71–80
Written in the order author, year, title, type of thesis/dissertation, department/division,
university, place:
[4] Svanberg, J. (2006). A constructive approach to the interaction between risk and
logistics – a study of total offers in the aerospace industry. Doctoral thesis. Division of
Packaging Logistics, Lund University, Lund
Conference papers
Written in the order author, year, title, name of conference, date, place, country, page(s):
[5] Kjeldsen, P. & Hansen, T. (1993). Manufacturing models – a comparative study.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model Assessments, 22–24 May,
Tübingen, Germany, pp. 134–139
Written in the order author, year, title, organisation, place:
[6] Johansson, T. (2001). Utvärdering av simuleringsmodeller. Internrapport PA:243,
Department of Technology Management, Chalmers University of Technology,
Public documents
Written in the order title, year, place of publication, author, series:
[7] Att fånga kunnandet om lärande och undervisning (2005). Stockholm, Ekholm, M., Ds
departementsserien 2005:16
Oral information
Interviews, telephone conversations, letters, emails and lectures are given in the list of
[8] Carlqvist, Ola, lecturer at Division of Machine Design, Lund University, personal
conversation 11 March 2007
Electronic information
There is no difference in how you should describe this type of document compared with an
equivalent printed document. However, immediately after the title you should write
‘Electronic’ in brackets. At the end of the reference you should state where the document can
be found – often you can give the document’s URL. You should also give the date when you
accessed the electronic document, because the URL could change. Note that an email is
considered oral information.
[9] Breidegard, B. (2006). Att göra för att förstå – konstruktion för rehabilitering
(Electronic). Doctoral thesis, Division of Rehabilitation Engineering Research, Faculty
of Engineering, Lund., 2007-09-04
[10] Industriell robotteknik (Electronic)., 2007-06-11