Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Process: Sub-Process: Activity: Journal Entry and Reporting Maintain Master Data Maintain Field Status Groups Configured By: Configuration Date: Ma. Cecilia de Leon 09/11/2000 Signed-off By: Sign-off Date: Field Status Variant A field status variant groups together several field status groups. Once a field status variant is created it can be assigned to one or more company codes. Field status variants contain field status groups which control the fields that are available for input (optional, required, or suppressed fields) during accounting document creation. Field Status Groups The field status groups are specified when general ledger accounts are created. Thus, a decision needs to be made as to how many field status groups are to be created. This decision should be based upon the number of types of general ledger accounts that exist. Some projects have tied the number of general ledger account groups to the number of field status groups. During the maintenance of field status groups, the individual data groups that make up the field status groups must be selected and maintained. These data groups contain all fields available for use at the time of document entry. These groups must be maintained and the appropriate fields within the groups must be made either optional, required, or suppressed. The field status groups combined with the posting keys define the fields that will be available during document creation. At the time a new field status group is created, all fields in a data group are made optional. The assignment of optional, mandatory, and suppressed status to field status groups must be done with the knowledge of what data is required at the time of FI posting. This includes decisions such as whether or not cost centers are to be mandatory or optional for a particular GL posting. The assignment of a field status group to a GL account must also be made with the knowledge of how inventory movements will affect the GL account that the field status group is assigned to. Inventory movements are also assigned field status groups. The field status groups from a FI and MM perspective must be in sync or some inventory movements will cause errors. Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 1 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Configuration Item Maintain Field Status Variant 09/11 09/20 (added z001) Configuration Path IMG > Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document > Line Item > Controls > Maintain Field Status Variant Path: SPRO Configuration Steps F Status Variant – F Status Name 1000 – Field Status for 1000 Field Status Variant 1000 was copied from 0001, for company code 1000. All dependent entries under field status variant 0001 were copied for 1000. Rationale The field status variant 1000 was created for the parent and subsidiary companies. Standard field status groups are defined for variant 1000. FStv: The naming of the field status variant should conform to project standards. Field status name: The naming of the field status variant should conform to project standards. Field status group: Field status groups determine which fields are available for entry at the time of document creation. Text: The textual description of the types of general ledger accounts that are represented by the field status groups is entered here. The number of field status groups that are created depends on the types of general ledger accounts that are created. By limiting the number of field status groups, screen maintenance issues are more controllable. Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 2 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Copy Field Status Group G004. F Status Group – Text Z001 – Cost accounts (w/ internal orders) Select Additional Account Assignments Cost Center - Suppressed CO/PP Order – Required Copy Field Status Group G029. F Status Group – Text Z002 – Revenue accounts (w/ internal orders) Select Additional Account Assignments CO/PP Order – Required Copy Field Status Group G007. F Status Group – Text Z003 – Asset accounts (in progress) Select Additional Account Assignments CO/PP Order – Optional Select Asset Accounting Asset number / subnumber – Required Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Field Status Group Z001 was created for the G/L cost accounts that would be charged directly to programs. Postings to these G/L accounts would require the input of an internal order. Field Status Group Z002 was created for the G/L revenue accounts that would be charged directly to programs, and would therefore require input of an internal order. Field Status Group Z003 was created for Projects in Progress account, as per Asset Management’s request. The CO/PP Order field was made optional to match the account assignments in MM. Page 3 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Copy Field Status Group G004. F Status Group – Text Z004 – Cost accounts ( w/ cost center) Select Additional Account Assignments Cost Center - Required CO/PP Order – Suppressed Field Status Group Z004 was created for accounts that should be charged directly to the cost centers. Postings to internal orders would not be allowed for accounts assigned to this field status group. Copy Field Status Group G007 F Status Group – Text Z005 – Accumulated Depn accounts Select Additional Account Assignments Profit Center – Optional Field Status Group Z005 was created for Accumulated Depreciation accounts. The profit center field should be optional so that the depreciation program could be executed. Page 4 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 5 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 6 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 7 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Configuration Item Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant 09/11 Configuration Path IMG > Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document > Line Item > Controls > Maintain Field Status Variant Path: SPRO Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Configuration Steps Company Code – C Code Name – F Status Variant 1000 – ABS CBN Broadcasting – 1000 Rationale Field Status Variant 1000 is assigned to company code 1000 so that ABS CBN Broadcasting may utilize all field status groups under the variant. Consequently, all subsidiaries would have to be assigned to this field status variant. Page 8 of 9 Integrated FMS Configuration Document Field Status Groups Journal Entry and Reporting 533576942 Page 9 of 9