GAME HABITAT DEVELOPMENT GRANTS: PURPOSE: To improve existing game bird habitats or to create game bird habitats where none exist, e.g.: (i) (ii) (iii) Duck pond excavation and/or improving vegetation in such wetland areas. (It is advised to obtain a copy of the NARGC booklet on duck ponds.) Improving/creating Pheasant, Woodcock habitat by scrub or tree planting. Fencing off corners, fencing off wet places, scrub etc. UNDER THIS SCHEME THE FOLLOWING IS NOT COVERED: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Release pen construction. Purchase of game birds. Purchase of Food. Game crops other than those containing perennial plants (perennial plants are those which live for many years and are either woody or grow each year from an underground organ, e.g. Artichoke): CRITERIA FOR CLUBS. 1. A Constitution will be required. Please send a copy with the application. 2. The land should be owned by the club or, subject to a long term lease or, the development is subject to the written agreement of the landowner. Evidence of such written agreement must accompany the application. 3. Depending upon the level of application for grants, it may be necessary to limit the number of grant aided projects in any one county or in any one year. 4. Payment will be made on completion of work and may be up to 50% of the cost of any one project. Receipts will be required to verify expenditure. 5. The application must be signed by the Club Secretary and by the County Designated Officer. 6. A photograph of the finished project should accompany the application for payment form. 7. All applications are advised to read the terms and conditions attaching to this application on the bottom of the application form. GAME HABITAT DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM When this form has been completed pass it to the County Body who will forward it to the NARGC. COUNTY BODY: _____________________ CLUB: ______________________ SECRETARY'S NAME & ADDRESS: _________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Telephone No's: __________________________ E-Mail Address___________________________ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Start Date: ____________ Completion Date: _________________ ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE: € _______ Does your Club have a written Constitution? Yes/No (delete as appropriate) NAME & ADDRESS OF TRUSTEES: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Describe your tenure over the land:- OWNED LEASED OTHER If leased state term __________ years. If other, please describe _________________ _______________________________________________________________________ N.B. All applications should be posted to the NARGC Office at Brosna Way Ferbane Business & Technology Park Ballycumber Road Ferbane Co Offaly. (It is advised to retain a copy of all material in the event of your application being lost in the post.) Signed: ____________________ Club Secretary. Signed: ______________________ Designated County Officer GAME HABITAT DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROJECT No._______ APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT We certify that the work has been completed TOTAL EXPENDITURE €_________________ Signed: Club Secretary __________________________ Date: _____________ Signed: Designated County Officer _______________________Date: _____________ N.B. Do not return this form until the project has been fully completed. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING NOTES BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FOR FUNDING. Note 1: It is highly advisable to examine the necessity for Public Liability Insurance or the NARGC Grounds Cover as in the event of incidents/accidents the officers of the club could be held liable. Details of the NARGC Ground Cover can be obtained from the Compensation Fund Administrator Mr. Christopher Gavican on 1800222444 or e-mail Note 2 : The Habitat Trust does not provide grants for land purchase nor does it provide funding for labour costs. Note 3 : While your application may fulfil all of the criteria for funding this does not in any way guarantee funding. Funding will be dependent on the availability of funds at any given time. Note 4 : Applications will be returned without consideration if they are not completed properly and signed off by the relevant authority together with all of the necessary receipts and invoices. Note 5: It is the policy of the Habitat Trust Sub Committee to inspect all projects before any decision is taken on funding. Please also note that an inspection in itself does not imply that funding will be made available nor does it imply that your Project meets all of the necessary criteria. Note 6: Any application which is suspected of inexplicable over estimation or fraud shall be referred to the National Executive Committee for further investigation. Note 7: It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is signed by the appropriate designated County Officer prior to submission.