Bowmandale Primary School Barton-Upon-Humber North Lincolnshire DN18 5EE 06.11.15 Headteacher’s Tea Party The following children (Years 1 -6) attended the Headteacher’s Tea Party this week for their efforts with ensuring that they follow the Golden Rules: Isabelle Sandon, Freya Ainsley, Lexie Anderson, Megan Kipling, Lexie Jacklin, Nicole Parkin, Eve Wilson, Ruby Osborne, Daisy Welch and Jamahl Palfreyman. Well done to them! Parents’ Evenings If you have returned your letter, you should have by now received an appointment time. If you have not then please contact the class teacher as the first port of call as he/she will have their own timetable available and can book you in. If you have not received your preferred time and the time you have been given is difficult for you then please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher to make an alternative appointment on another day. We will do our very best to accommodate all parents. Egyptian Day A wonderful Egyptian Day took place for pupils in Miss Turner’s/Miss Brewster’s, Mr. Griffiths’ and Mrs. Palin’s classes on Wednesday. They wrote in hieroglyphics, painted cartouches, made comic strips about the Egyptians on the iPads and engaged in some Egyptian dancing. A great day was had by all! Thank you to parents for supporting those pupils who wished to dress up in sourcing an Egyptian costume for the day and well done to the staff members who looked extremely regal in their own Egyptian costumes! Conker Finals We are please to announce that the conker final was won by Joseph Stanfield in Year 6. The runners up were LilyMae Jensen, Mary Bax and George Edwards. We would to say a great big thank you to all of the pupils for participating with such good sportsmanship! Staff Training This week maths training has been delivered to teachers on the Singapore Bar Method; a useful tool to help pupils with aspects of their mathematics. Miss Keightley attended some gymnastics training and Mrs. Leggett attended training on supporting the school to achieve the Arts Mark. New Faces in the Office Due to Mrs. Wright’s absence we have a few new faces in the office temporarily covering until her return. Currently we have Mrs. Hoyle our Business Manager working some mornings and we have Mrs. Pearman (helping us from South Ferriby school). Mrs. Sharpe and Mrs. Marshall also work in there part time and between them all they are doing a great job in ensuring that the office works as efficiently as it can. Please could you support us by ensuring that all money that comes into school is clearly labelled and slips are returned without us having to chase them up. Please speak to staff members on the doors in the morning or on the playground after school if you have queries as this might save you waiting in a long queue. Class Assembly Well done to Mrs. Klinger’s and Mrs. French’s class for their excellent assembly presentation. They had a very short preparation time after coming back from the holidays but splendidly enlightened us on their school day with examples of activities that they do. Pedestrian Skills Once again our year 3s went out with their teachers and helpers to undertake their road safety training this week. Thank you very much to the parents who helped out with this. Open Morning We were delighted to welcome you into school to share in some learning experiences with your child/children. Thank you to those parents who visited and left such positive comments about how they enjoyed their time in school. Questions from parents were about wanting to come back! We do have another open morning planned for Friday 11 th March 2016 9.00-10.30am and we would be very happy to welcome you again then. Friends of Bowmandale (FOBS) Christmas Mugs As a fundraiser the FOBS and the school are working together to be able to offer you the chance to buy a mug with your child’s self portrait drawn on. Further details will be on a flier in book bags soon. The school office is not able to take in any money for the mugs when you send it in, it can only be sent into school in a named envelope with the exact money to the class teachers. All the teachers then need to do is put in a tub for the FOBS and they will collect it from classes. Please do not be offended if office staff politely state that they will not take in any money for the mugs. This is a FOBS fundraiser and therefore they will deal with all aspects of it as the office has its own work to do. Friends of Bowmandale Christmas Fair I am delighted to hear of the plans the FOBS are making for the forthcoming Christmas Fair on Wednesday 25th November 2015. Some very exciting opportunities are planned as well as some surprise visitors! The Christmas fair will also include a ‘Gingerbread Creation Competition’ and fliers with further details will be going out next week. The committee would like to ask for your support in donating items for the raffle and tombola please. Please could I ask that donations go directly to the class teachers and not to the office as our office is a very busy area in the morning and this would help us tremendously. Any donations can be brought into school from now on. Thank you for your anticipated support with this. Further details of the fair will be posted on their Facebook page and also through any fliers that are put in book bags in the coming weeks and on their noticeboard near the car park. Buddy Training Yesterday 21 year 5 and 6 pupils began their buddy training. This training was delivered by Mags Smithson from the local authority. In school this will be co-ordinated by Mrs. Joy. The Buddies support play outside and are there for pupils to play with, as well as support any disagreements that pupils have in order to reach a resolution before asking for adult help. They will have part 2 of their training next week. Poppies Poppies will continue to be available next week for pupils for a small donation. For younger children please let them know they are bringing in ‘poppy’ money. We have a great display in school that has been made from the poppies that pupils have made at home over the holidays. Thank you very much for your support with this in order for us to pay our respects in school. We have plenty of room for more so please continue to send any in that are done over the weekend. Mrs. Lorraine Bontoft Headteacher