Full Course Details - Field Studies Council

occupancy cost
FM O 13 -15 Nov Fri - Sun £254 £230 £179
Sole occupancy Non-Residential
Acrylics and Mixed Media
The location of many of John
Constable’s paintings, Flatford Mill
runs over 120 Natural History and
Arts courses in a unique and
tranquil learning environment.
Course Overview
This course is for those who have used acrylics before and wish to explore - and
push - the boundaries of this most versatile medium. There will be demonstrations
on how to use collage, acrylic inks, gels and mediums, plus other techniques for
painting with acrylics. Subjects will include landscapes and still life.
Course Description
Through experimentation with acrylic mediums, acrylic inks, collage and found
objects, and by using acrylics with other media such as pastels, Carole aims to
open up possibilities for exploring a wide range of exciting techniques.
Subjects could include landscape, still life or portraiture. The emphasis will be on
creating your own approach to produce realistic or abstract painting, working from
photographic reference or taking inspiration from the beautiful surroundings at
Flatford Mill.
On Friday evening after supper Carole will give a general introductory session in
which she discusses materials – the types of acrylics, mediums and gels, supports,
brushes, the do’s and don’ts of using acrylics as well as discussing examples of her
Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org
Fax: 01206 298892
During Saturday evening there will be a demonstration.
On Sunday Students may want to spend a little time sketching outside (depending
on the weather) and then develop one of these sketches into a painting, or
continue with paintings started on Saturday. At the end of the day there will be a
group appraisal.
Please bring sketchbooks or suitably inspiring photographs for reference.
About the Tutor
Carole Massey has been a professional artist for many years and has tutored
courses at the FSC for over 10 years in addition to painting holidays in Europe. She
has appeared on many regional TV arts programmes and has written six teaching
art books as well as articles for various art magazines. “Drawing Masterclass –
Portraits” is her latest book, published by Search Press. Carole is a Professional
Associate of the SAA demonstrates widely to Art Societies. She works in a variety
of media and her own work includes portraiture, still life and landscapes. She lives
in Brittany, France.
Painting with Acrylics: Exploring Their Full Potential
On Saturday we work on a range of exercises to explore a variety of techniques for
using acrylics, in both conventional and experimental ways. Through step-by-step
demos Carole shows you what you can achieve with this exciting medium;
students then work on their own choice of subject.
What to Bring
Paints - Artist quality or good student quality such W&N Galeria, Daler Rowney
System 3 or Liquitex student range
Lemon Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue
Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna Burnt Sienna
Phthalo Blue or Indanthrene Blue or Process Cyan
Cadmium Red Hue
Permanent Rose or Alizarin Crimson
Dioxazine Purple
Titanium White
Mixing White (Zinc White) optional
Blending or glazing medium (also suitable to use as glue)
Any acrylic gels or mediums you have
Bring what you have and are used to working with but if you are thinking of
restocking, you may like to consider the range of colours listed above.
Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org
Fax: 01206 298892
Paper/Board - A4 or A5 cartridge pad or sketchbook for sketching
An A3 Galleria Acrylic pad (or suitable acrylic paper or board) or
*Bockingford watercolour paper 140lb, 300gsm, semi rough (NOT)
Palette - A ‘stay wet’ palette, specifically designed for acrylics. If you would like to
make your own ‘stay wet’ palette, please bring a metal or plastic tray approx 11” x
7”, kitchen roll, several sheets of greaseproof cut to fit, and some cling film.
Other materials
2B pencil
masking tape
an eraser
kitchen roll
a painting knife
a charcoal pencil
an old shirt or apron to protect your clothes
a small water spray bottle or mister
PVA glue or glazing or blending medium
Textured mediums eg modelling paste etc
Painting with Acrylics: Exploring Their Full Potential
Painting with Acrylics: Exploring Their Full Potential
Brushes - Please bring at least 6-8 good quality brushes so that you have small,
medium and large, in the size range 2-12, synthetic and bristle, round, filbert
and/or flat.
In addition you may like to bring acrylic inks, soft pastels, pastel paper and
textured, coloured or tissue papers suitable for collage work.
The Centre provides drawing boards. We also have small sketching stools and
easels for hire at a small charge if required.
If you would like to discuss the course content or materials further, you may
carole.massey@wanadoo.com or phone 0033 296 30 37 41. You may also like to
visit her website at www.carolemassey.com
Start and Finish times
Afternoon tea is available from 1600 on Friday, but the first formal activity is
dinner at 1900 (with the bar open from 1845!)
Residents: Please aim to arrive between 1600 and 1800 on Friday to allow us
sufficient time to show you to your accommodation and around the
communal areas.
Non-residents: You do not need to arrive quite so early but please can you be here
by 1800 as we need to show you the communal areas as well.
The course will end at 1600 on Sunday.
Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org
Fax: 01206 298892
What is included in the fee
Residential course fee includes:
 Full board accommodation including cooked breakfast, picnic lunch,
homemade cakes and an evening meal. Vegetarian and other dietary option
 Up to 8 hours teaching time a day, plus relaxing breaks for meals and
 Tea and coffee making facilities available throughout the day.
 Use of resources including library, workrooms, studios and the Centre
 Transport during the courses.
 Insurance to cover cancellation, personal belongings, personal accident,
legal liability and medical emergency.
If you choose to be a non-resident on a residential course, the fee will include all
the above except accommodation and breakfast.
How to book
Bookings can be made by telephoning the Centre; we are open 0930 – 1700
weekdays and most weekends. Alternatively, bookings can be made via our
website: www.field-studies-council.org
Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org
Fax: 01206 298892