Level Days FM I 25 – 27 Sep Centre Shared occupancy cost Date Fri – Sun £238 £218 £170 Sole occupancy Non-Residential cost cost Autumn Landscapes using Acrylics The location of many of John Constable’s paintings, Flatford Mill runs over 120 Natural History and Arts courses in a unique and tranquil learning environment. Course Overview This weekend course is for those with some experience painting with acrylic and will concentrate on acrylic painting techniques which will help you paint autumnal scenes with trees and buildings, more successfully. There will be demonstrations and exercises to develop your skills, and plenty of individual tuition and guidance to help you progress with confidence. Course Description After dinner on Friday there will be a short session looking at materials, composition, tone and colour mixes required when painting fresh autumnal acrylics. This may include a short exercise. On Saturday Colin will lead you through exercises that cover techniques required when painting autumnal trees and foliage. The afternoon session will introduce you to painting buildings in an autumnal setting. This may be taken outside should weather permit. For the evening session Colin will give a presentation showing images of his work on screen explaining how they relate to the techniques we have looked at during the day. Sunday will start with an exercise and demonstration. You will then give the opportunity to paint your own subjects either from photographs or outside with Colin, close at hand, to point you in the right direction. We are sure you will enjoy your weekend and will take home with you new ideas that enable you to make real progress when painting future landscapes using acrylic. Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org Fax: 01206 298892 Colin is a self-taught artist painting in watercolour and acrylic. He uses traditional materials and techniques. He has studied painting all his adult life and has been teaching and exhibiting for over thirty years, turning professional in 1998 after spending 22 years in engineering. His love of the countryside comes from his childhood days in rural Essex. East Anglian landscapes are his passion but he also paints on his travels in the UK as well as France and Spain where he has led many painting holidays. Colin gives demonstrations to clubs and societies, tutors for the FSC at Flatford Mill and is a regular contributor to ‘Leisure Painter’ magazine. He has paintings in galleries and collections in this country and abroad and has illustrations in the Hylands House History and Guide booklet. What to Bring Painting Autumn Landscapes in Watercolour About the Tutor These are the minimum materials but bring with you any materials you think you may need. Student quality materials will be perfectly acceptable. Brushes: Round No. 4 and 8. Flat No. 4, 6 and 9. A No.4 rigger. All brushes should be suitable for acrylic painting. Colours: Ultramarine Cadmium Red Sap Green Lemon Yellow Burnt Umber Black Paper: Please bring some sheets of thick watercolour paper like Bockingford 200lb. Or primed board or canvases. Sketch book. Other Items: Water Container, Water Bottle, Mixing Palette, Kitchen Roll, 3B and 6B pencils, Putty Rubber and Easel for outdoor painting. The Centre will provide drawing boards, but bring your own if you would like to. Small sketching stools and easels are available for hire at a modest charge. Please note that the Centre shop does not stock art materials apart from the Bockingford paper mentioned above. Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org Fax: 01206 298892 Residential course fee includes: Full board accommodation including cooked breakfast, picnic lunch, homemade cakes and an evening meal. Vegetarian and other dietary option available. Up to 8 hours teaching time a day, plus relaxing breaks for meals and refreshments. Tea and coffee making facilities available throughout the day. Use of resources including library, workrooms, studios and the Centre grounds. Transport during the courses. Insurance to cover cancellation, personal belongings, personal accident, legal liability and medical emergency. If you choose to be a non-resident on a residential course, the fee will include all the above except accommodation and breakfast. Painting Autumn Landscapes in Watercolour What the Fee Includes How to book Bookings can be made by telephoning the Centre; we are open 0930 – 1700 weekdays and most weekends. Alternatively, bookings can be made via our website: www.field-studies-council.org. Start and Finish time Afternoon tea is available from 1600 on Friday, but the first formal activity is dinner at 1900 (with the bar open from 1845!). Residents: Please aim to arrive between 1600 and 1800 on Friday to allow us sufficient time to show you to your accommodation and around the communal areas. Non-residents: You do not need to arrive quite so early but please can you be here by 1800 as we need to show you the communal areas as well. The course will end at 1600 on Sunday. Tel: 01206 297110 E-mail: enquiries.fm@field-studies-council.org Fax: 01206 298892