Class: Covenant Theology Length: 13 Weeks Instructors: Matt

Class: Covenant Theology
Length: 13 Weeks
Instructors: Matt Marino and Josh Bales
Time: 6AM Wednesdays
Location: The Biblical Studies Center
Required Texts:
O. PALMER ROBERTSON, The Christ of the Covenants (the Horton book is only recommended!)
This course seeks to introduce Covenant Theology as an intersection between biblical and systematic
theology. Covenant is about being faithful to one’s promise and ultimately this structure to the Bible shows
the trustworthiness of God and the certainty of his plan. We will define and defend the concepts inherent to
this theological tradition, arguing first and foremost that these are biblical words and ideas, and finally that
these are the very arguments that form the skeleton of the New Testament letters and sermons in Acts. This
is not about studying historic theology but about God’s word itself, and by course’s end, the student will be
able to make his way through the flow of redemptive history and see its center, Jesus Christ, everywhere.
1) There will be 3 exams each covering 25% of the course grade.
2) There will be 1 essay to be handed in no later than the last day of the class. The essay is to be a minimum
of 3 pages and a maximum of 5 pages. This will make up the last 25% of the grade. Feel free to send it via
email. It is easier for me in every respect and saves you paper, but either way is fine!
No cell phone or texting activity in class please!
You may contact me at to ask any questions regarding this class.
classics from church history*
GREG BAHNSEN & KENNETH GENTRY, House Divided: the Break-Up of Dispensational Theology
THOMAS BOSTON, A View of the Covenant of Grace*
RODERICK CAMPBELL, Israel and the New Covenant
MILES DOOLITTLE, God’s Covenant with His People*
IAIN M. DUGUID, Living in the Gap Between Promise and Reality: the Gospel According to Abraham
ESTELLE, FESKO & VAN DRUNEN, The Law is Not of Faith
PETER GOLDING, Covenant Theology
MICHAEL HORTON, God of Promise: an Introduction to Covenant Theology
PETER LILLBACK, The Binding of God: Calvin’s Role in the Development of Covenant Theology
THOMAS EDWARD MCCOMISKEY, The Covenants of Promise
O. PALMER ROBERTSON, The Israel of God
GUY PRENTISS WATERS, The Federal Vision and Covenant Theology
MICHAEL ADAMS, Far as the Curse is Found
HERMAN WITSIUS, The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man*
WEEK-BY-WEEK TOPICS (with Exam and Writing Assignment Schedule)
September 7, 2011
Session 1: The Nature of the Divine Covenants
Robertson, Chapter 1
Session 2: A Defense of the Biblical Language
Horton, Chapter 1
September 14, 2011
Session 1: The Extent of the Divine Covenants
Robertson, Chapter 2
Session 2: Suzerain Treaties and Royal Grants
Horton, Chapter 2
September 21, 2011
Session 1: The Unity of the Divine Covenants
Robertson, Chapter 3
Session 2: Old Testament Genres are Covenantal
Horton, Chapter 3
September 28, 2011
Session 1: Diversity in the Divine Covenants
Robertson, Chapter 4
Session 2: Two Ways to Relate to God
Horton, Chapter 4
October 5, 2011 – EXAM 1 @ 6AM
Session 1: The Covenant of Creation
Robertson, Chapter 5
Session 2: A Covenant for Each Creation: Old and New Horton, Chapter 5
October 12, 2011
Session 1: Adam: the Covenant of Commencement
Robertson, Chapter 6
Session 2: From Scripture to System
Horton, Chapter 6
October 19, 2011 – Midterm Break
October 26, 2011
Session 1: Noah: the Covenant of Preservation
Robertson, Chapter 7
Session 2: The Doctrine of Common Grace
Horton, Chapter 7
November 2, 2011
Session 1: Abraham: the Covenant of Promise
Robertson, Chapter 8
Session 2: The Visible and the Invisible House
Horton, Chapter 8
November 9, 2011 – EXAM 2 @ 6AM
Session 1: The Seal of the Abrahamic Covenant
Robertson, Chapter 9
Session 2: The Essence and Application of Sacraments
Horton, Chapter 9
November 16, 2011
Session 1: Moses: the Covenant of Law
Robertson, Chapter 10
Session 2: Unity and Diversity in the Law
November 23, 2011
Session 1: Against Dispensationalism
Robertson, Chapter 11
Session 2: Against the Federal Vision
November 30, 2011
Session 1: David: the Covenant of the Kingdom
Robertson, Chapter 12
Session 2: The End and Restoration of Israel
December 7, 2011 – EXAM 3 @ 6AM / ESSAY DUE
Session 1: Christ: the Covenant of Consummation
Robertson, Chapter 13
Session 2: Covenant Eschatology, Covenant Ethics