Aaron Beale:A+ - dalhousie student union sustainability office

Hey DSUSO. here are my answers to the questions:
1) There are lots of things the DSU can do internally to conserve and be more
sustainable. These include saving paper, composting, saving energy and more. In my
opinion what is more important is how the DSU is able to challenge unsustainable
practices of our university, municipality and bigger institutions and governments.
Quick fixes within our building are important but are often insignificant in comparison to
other examples of environmental destruction around the world. Furthermore they can
serve as a distraction from these bigger problems. My vision for a sustainable student
union is one where all the members of the DSU and other student unions are part of a
strong and united student movement that can advocate, pressure and demand changes in
the world that reflect our interests as students, youth and citizens concerned about the
future of the environment. Until environmentalism is integrated into a broader student
movement I do not expect to see much of the substantial change that we want to see.
I look to Quebec as an example of environmentalist uniting with the student movement
and recognizing that their goals of stopping northern resource extraction and lowering
tuition were the same. The Earth day student protest was noticeably the biggest and I
think these groups recognized that working together to fight austerity was more effective
than remaining siloed.
2) - I think that many of the university's current practices are great issues the DSU is
facing. These include energy use and production, waste management and collaborations
with corporations with very unsustainable practices.
There are many things the DSU could do to improve alternative modes of transportation.
These include, more bike racks, bike share services, covered and heated bike shelters and
closing university avenue to cars.
-The biggest environmental concerns the DSU faces
are outside Dal. These include the Tar Sands, degradation of federal environmental
policy, provincial fish farms and Nova Scotia Power
3) I absolutely support the DSU's re-investment strategy but I also think it is important to
recognize the limitations. I think it should be treated as a means to bring up issues, start
conversations and to eventually pressure the university to make similar changes rather
than as an end in itself.
I have started discussions on a university-targeted campaign on divestment and would
definitely pursue that. I think that it is crucial for a university that prides itself on
sustainability to reflect those values. I also think that it would be important in such a
campaign to articulate some of the broader problems with the corporation of the
university and the lack of student involvement in university decision-making.
4) I will: Advocate and raise awareness on campus of issues including federal subsidies
to the tar sands, provincial subsidies to polluting fish farms, provincial spending on the
convention centre and paper mills. These are all examples of governments’ priority of
polluting corporations over public institutions and is an essential issue for the DSU to be
involved in.
I will advocate for closing University Avenue to promote alternative forms of
transportation. I will try to start a local vegetable and craft market in the SUB. This will
be a weekly event promoting local food, student run business and community. I will
suggest further moving food in the SUB into student control so that we could better
monitor and mandate sourcing, procurement and waste. I would advocate for changes in
the University food system to what capacity this is possible. I will run bike in movies on
the side of the SUB to promote biking. I’ll advocate for a summer U-pass to promote
public transit use.
Finally I will continue to support other environmental societies!
-Sustain Dal
Your Environmental Student Society
-Loaded Ladle
advisory council on sustainability
-collage of sustainability
-high council on
-environmental law students society
-environmental program students
6) Yes
a) Yes
b) Yes – every day of the year, rain, snow or shine
c) Yes
d) Yes – This is an important part of sustainability on campus but it is also
important to remember that there many mining operations in the world that
alone use more water than all the bottled water used in Canada and this is
therefore a small step towards sustainability.
e) Yes- But I would like to see investments first in space that could acomidate old
bikes, broken bikes and bike parts so that we could build up a collection of bikes without
buying new ones.