SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS Revised Course Request: Common Course This form is to be used to request a substantive change in a common course. Representatives from all institutions offering the common course must participate in developing the proposed revisions to a common course. Signatures from all institutions offering the common course must be included on the final form submitted to AAC. DSU Institution BIS Division/Department Institutional Approval Signature Date Institution Form Initiator Dean’s Approval Signature Date Institution Division/Department Institutional Approval Signature Date Indicate (X) the universities that offer the common course. BHSU X DSU NSU X SDSMT SDSU USD Section 1. Course Title and Description If changing from a course that previously had only a lecture or laboratory component to a composite course, identify both the course and laboratory numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Prefix & No. Course Title Credits CSC 410 Parallel Computing 3 Course Description as it currently appears in the system common course database: The fundamental ideas and issues involved in programming and using parallel computers. A survey of modern architectures and operating systems. Parallel programming applications in business, economic modeling, and science. Section 2. Modification(s) Requested Check all revisions that apply and provide detailed information in the Current and Revised fields below. Provide the complete course description as it currently appears in the system common course database. If changing a course that previously had only a lecture or laboratory component to a composite course, identify both the course and laboratory numbers (xxx and xxxL) and credit hours associated with each. Current Prefix Change from Course Form #6 New to AAC 12/2006 Indicate any universities for which this must be added as a new prefix: BHSU DSU NSU SDSMT SDSU x Course Number change from to Course Title change from to Credit Hours change from to USD Course content/description change to: The fundamental ideas and issues involved in programming and using parallel computers. This course will cover topics in the design, analysis, and implementation of parallel algorithms. Environments discussed and used may include a variety of shared-memory and message passing models, cluster computing, and GPU computing. Prerequisites (for DSU only) to Corequisites to Registration Restriction to Course deletion to Indicate the universities which will be deleting the course: BHSU DSU NSU SDSMT SDSU Justification for all changes noted above: DSU is adding CSC 410 to the BS in Computer Science. This course description needed updating and modernizing, therefore, DSU reached out to Dr. Riley at SDSM&T and they are acceptable of the change in course description. Course Form #6 AAC 12/2006 USD