MSF (133/2015) Marine Strategy Forum: Marine Nature Conservation Update 1. This paper provides an update on recent developments and plans on marine nature conservation. Draft Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) 2. The UK is committed to identifying a network of Special Protected Areas (SPAs) in the marine environment by the end of 2015. 3. SNH and JNCC identified 14 SPA proposals in July 2014 and since then work has been ongoing to prepare the package of information for a public consultation. The ongoing work has included work to develop draft conservation objectives. 4. SNH also identified 4 additional MPA proposals in July 2014 and work has been ongoing to prepare the package of information for a public consultation. 5. The aim is to consult on the 14 draft Special Protection Areas (dSPAs) and 4 MPA proposals this summer in a consultation led by SNH and JNCC. The Marine Scotland contract to prepare a draft impact assessment for these site proposals has been completed and the report is in its final stages to inform the consultation following input from the Project Advisory Group that was held on the 16 April. SNH and JNCC are developing management options along with other supporting papers for the site proposals to provide a comparable level of detail and information as for the 2013 MPA consultation. Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) 6. The UK considers it is sufficient in marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for habitats. Whilst the UK has submitted harbour porpoise as a qualifying feature of the Skerries and Causeway SAC, further work has been undertaken to identify other potential sites for harbour porpoise. 7. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) has completed a new analysis of the largest and most comprehensive set of data for harbour porpoise in UK waters. Initial advice indicates that there are several potential sites around the UK. Marine Scotland is awaiting final advice from the JNCC and Scottish Natural Heritage. In anticipation of this advice Marine Scotland is working with the other UK administrations on proposals for a public consultation in summer 2015, preferably timed to coincide with the above consultations in Scotland on SPA and MPA proposals . Management of protected areas 8. The first consultation on inshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation(SACs) management measures closed on 2 February and covered a total of 20 sites. Following 14 drop-in events around the country and 4,974 responses to the public consultation, Marine Scotland has taken account of MSF (133/2015) the views provided during the consultation and is finalising proposals to implement the measures. 9. Development of approaches for another 20 inshore sites has begun, with preconsultation regional workshops already held, and the aim is for consultation on these 6 MPAs and 14 SACs planned to start in July 2015. 10. Development of joint recommendations for fisheries measures under the Common Fisheries Policy is on-going for 8 offshore SACs. The process of developing joint recommendations for 12 offshore MPAs has also begun and 2 workshops were held in March 2015. The aim is to have all the measures in place by the end of 2016. Demonstration & Research MPA Proposals 11. The assessment for the remaining D&R MPA proposal from Fair Isle is nearing completion and advice will shortly be drafted whether to take the proposal forward for Ministers for consultation along with the other proposed designations. Update on the EU Fitness Check of the EU Nature Legislation (Birds and Habitats directives) (REFIT) 12. The European Commission and their contractor have been using the first half of 2015 to gather evidence of how the Nature Directives have performed to date. They have issued a questionnaire to 4 specific groups in each MS: Competent authority for nature (Defra with input from other administrations) Other public sector body (DECC) Private sector (Energy UK) Non-governmental organisation involved in nature conservation (the Joint Links supported by 100 UK NGOs) 13. The EC also launched a 12 week public consultation on 30th April which closes on 24 July 2015. Invasive Alien Species 14. EU Regulation 1143/2014 came into force on 2 January 2015. Its purpose is to prevent the arrival and establishment of named invasive species, or where they have already arrived and become established in one part of the EU, their spread to other Member States. 15. The Commission has until 2 January 2016 to officially propose a list of “species of Union concern” for consideration and adoption by a committee of Member States. The Commission is currently developing the proposed list of MSF (133/2015) species and we understand they intend to put proposals to the EU Member States in October. 16. During 2014 the Commission ran a contract to assess which risk assessment procedures across Europe were robust enough to be used to propose species, and found that only two (the UK’s and the European Plant Protection Organisation’s (EPPO)) were up to scratch at that time. Action requested 17. Marine Strategy Forum members are invited to note this paper and provide views. Marine Scotland May 2015