mountain folded

NAME _____________________________________________________________- PERIOD ___________________
_____ 1. Stress that pushes a mass of rock in opposite directions.
_____2. Type of fault where the hanging wall moves upward.
_____ 3. Stress that stretches a rock so it becomes thinner in the middle.
_____ 4. Type of fault where the hanging wall slides downward.
_____ 5. A break or crack in the Earth where movement takes place.
_____ 6. Stress that squeezes a rock until it folds or bulges in the middle
_____ 7. Type of fault where rock slides past each other horizontally
A. tension
B. shearing
C. compression
D. fault
E. strike-slip
F. reverse
G. normal
_____ 8. The block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault
_____ 9. An upward fold in rock caused by compression
_____ 10. A block of rock that forms the upper half of a fault
_____ 11. A downward fold in rock caused by compression
_____ 12. A bend in rock where part of the crust is compressed
A. foot wall
B. hanging wall
C. syncline
D. folds
E. anticline
13. Which type of stress produces reverse faults? _________________________________14. When a block of rock sinks between two normal faults it creates __________________________
______________________ _________________________________.
Using the four pictures below answer questions 15 to 21, use their letter.
15. Which of the pictures show no stress involved? ______
16. Which picture shows compression stress? ___________
17. Which picture shows tension stress? _______________
18. Which picture shows shearing stress? ______________
19. Which type of stress B, C, or D would cause a normal fault to form? ________
20. Which type of stress B, C, or D would cause a reverse fault to form? ________
21. Which type of stress B, C, or D would cause a strike-slip fault to form? ________
Using the pictures below answer questions 22 – 25
22. Which diagram shows a normal fault? ________ What stress caused this fault? __________________
23. Which diagram shows a reverse fault? ________What stress caused this fault? __________________
24. Which diagram shows a strike-slip fault? ______What stress caused this fault? ___________________
25. In diagram B what wall is #1, a hanging wall or a foot wall? ___________________________________
26. What are the three ways mountains can form?
____________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________
27. What is the process that changes a rocks shape under stress called? ________________________________________
28. In a syncline, where are the oldest rocks found? Circle one
29. In an anticline, where are the oldest rocks found? Circle one
inside the fold
inside the fold
outside the fold
outside the fold
30. How do folded, volcanic and fault-block mountains differ?
31. How are folded, volcanic and fault-block mountains the same?
32. Imagine you are walking along and see an active volcano in the distance. What can you conclude about the area?
33. When two land masses collide what type of mountain do they form? ________________________________34. When a mountain is made of lava what type of mountain is this? ____________________________________
35. When a mountain is made from two normal faults, what type of mountain is this?