5.2 Notes


Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______

Chapter 5.2: The Results of Stress


Rock Deformation a.

Caused by the high ___________________ and _________________ of geologic _________________. b.

It is possible for the ____________ to return to its original _________ if the ______________ (stress) is applied and removed slowly. c.

When the ___________ passes the limits of the rock, the rock can be

__________________ permanently and may ___________.


Folding a.

When ____________ responds to stress by becoming permanently

____________________ without breaking. b.

_________________ can be easily observed where the rocks are

______________________ inward and the layers of the rock move into new positions _____________________ breaking. (___________ may appear, but the rock layers remain ________________.) c.

_____________ of folds can vary greatly. i.

Some rock ____________ can be found within a small

____________-size rock while others span of ______________ of miles and must be seen from __________. d.

There are __________ types of rock folding: ___________________,

__________________, & _____________________. i.

An _______________ fold is an _____-curved fold in which the _______________ layer is in the ____________ of the fold.


Mountain ______________ are generally found along

________________. ii.

A _________________ fold is a ____________-curved fold in which the ___________________ layer is in the center.


________________ are generally found along synclines. iii.

A ____________________ fold is a fold in which both sections remain ____________________.


Faulting & Fracturing a.

_______________ do not always respond to __________________ by folding. Under certain conditions rocks will actually ______________ when stress is applied.

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______ b.

___________________ & ____________________ of rocks generally occurs _______________ to the Earth’s surface where the rocks are

_________________ and under ___________ pressure. c.

A ___________________ is a break in rock where there is no rock

___________________ on either side of the ______________. d.

A ________________ is a break in rock along which rocks on either side of the break _______________. i.

A fault _____________ is the surface of a fault along which any _________________ occurs. ii.

The __________________ wall is the rock _________ the fault plane. iii.

The _________________ is the rock ______________ the fault plane. e.

There are four types of faults: ________________ Faults,

_________________ Faults, _______________ Faults, and

______________-_________ Faults. i.

A _____________ fault is a fault in which the ______________ wall moves _____________ relative to the footwall.


These faults generally form along __________________ boundaries where the crust is being ____________ apart. ii.

A _______________ fault forms when ___________________ causes the hanging wall to move _____ relative to the footwall. iii.

A _______________ fault is a reverse fault where the fault plane is nearly ____________________. iv.

A strike-slip fault is a ____________ where the rock on either side of the fault plane ______________ horizontally past each other.
