Attendance: Karen and Chris Rieser, Nancy Jaroh, Hedy Quick, Kennard and Judy Weaver,
Anita and Marty Klein, Amy Lyman, Ellen Kerr, Anne Griffiths, Bob and Arlene Dean, Susan
and Walt Feiger, Warren Berthelsen, Laura Johnson, Ann Swaney, Nancy Warne, Bob Rudd,
Bruce Trudgen, Charles Lardie, Carolynn and Steve Lewis.
Business Meeting:
Call To Order – 7 PM by Nancy Jaroh-OMPHS President
Minutes-February 6th, 2014 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report- Presented by Warren Berthelson. Approved as presented. Question for
Treasurer: Who is paying for the benches; the Park Commission or the Historical Society?
Anne Griffiths will check this out. Plaques will be transferred to the new benches. (This has
been clarified, it was decided last fall that the materials for new benches were to be paid
from the Log Cabin (formerly Walter Johnson) fund.
Nominating Committee - Ellen Kerr’s name was presented as a candidate for Treasurer.
Ellen is agreeable to being nominated.
Archives and Newsletter – NWMC has given the OMPHS an 1854 State of MI census. We
are presently scanning pictures for storyboards.
Log Cabin Days – Presented by Laura Johnson. The Township has approved use of the
properties. The program will be from eleven until three. Dougherty House will also be open
until 4 PM.
Log Cabin Maintenance – Looking for a second estimate Marty spoke with Joel Wright. The
cabin is in good shape and he can handle this project. He would lift and treat wood. Suggests
putting a wooden gutter on the cabin…no unusual issues. Chinking always needs to be
maintained. He will come back to look and give recommendations. The inspection and quote
will cost $100 and will be returned if he gets the job. The Historical Society not the Park
Commission is responsible for the Log Cabin.
Maritime Heritage Alliance – Report presented by Anita. The models of the Log Cabin (no
door in the back) and lighthouse are being made. These will be used at informational
presentations. A suggestion was made to consider turning the extra model into a bank to
collect donations or into a birdhouse. Preference was for the bank.
The plan is for OMPHS to have tents, canvas banners, and posters at the MHA event. Warren
is checking on tents. Fundraiser – Luncheon at the Boathouse Sept 22, 2014. The schooner
Madeline will be there in Bowers Harbor. Plans include creating a map and signs for a self guided history tour of the Log Cabin, Lighthouse, Dougherty House and the Replica Mission
Church. Passport stamps for the maps and people in costume can be used. Theme is “What
Is There To See Out There?”
Program Committee - JoAnne Cole will chair the Program Committee. If you are able to
assist please contact JoAnne. There are four program already arranged.
Peter Dougherty Volunteers – Thank you for building the benches and kiosk.
Business meeting adjourned at 7:35
Thank you to Nancy Warne for the cookies and Ellen Kerr for the coffee.
A comprehensive program- “Working Boats of Mackinac” by Bruce Trudgen followed.
Next meeting : Thursday, April 3, 2014 Program: Peg Jonkhoff- “Perry Hannah’s Gifts”
Respectfully submitted,
Karen and Chris Rieser, Co-Secretaries