
Security and Privacy Instructions/Response Sheet
(SLOs 1a, 1d, 1g, 1h,2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c)
Save this document to a storage device and complete. Please note this is a five-part assessment.
Part 1-Navigate to the following website:
and complete Identity Theft IQ Test. Enter your answers into the Part 1 Identity Theft IQ Test Response Sheet Section
below and tally your score. Review your score under “Understanding Your Score” after the Identity Theft IQ Test.
Part 2- You will select four of the ten quizzes or games from the Part 2 Section below. From the ten quizzes and games,
copy and paste the web address into the address bar of your Internet browser. Take the quiz or play the game you
Part 3-After you have completed the quiz/game, take a screen shot1 and paste it onto the Part 3 Screen Shot Section
below. (Each screen shot should be on a separate page.)
Repeat Part 2 and Part 3 until you have completed a total of four quizzes/games.
Part 4- Answer each question in Part 4 Response Sheet Section below.
Part 5- After your responses, list the references used to answer the questions in Parts 1 through 4. References need to
be in APA format and will be the last page of the document. APA format should include:
Centered heading entitled: References
Alphabetical order
Hanging indent
Includes author or part of page title (if no author part of page title should be used and (na) for no author
Date created or (nd) for no date
Name of Web Site
Name of Web Page
URL where source was found
(You should have a minimum of five references from the Identity Theft Quiz and the four quizzes/games selected.)
At the top of your keyboard, to the right of the F12 key, you should see a key that reads Print Screen (prt scrn) on top and SysRq (sys rq) on the
bottom. Press this key. Open a blank word document. With the insertion point in the blank document, hold down the ctrl key and press and release
the v key (ctrl + v). Release the ctrl key. A screen capture should appear and be pasted into the blank word document.
Security and Privacy (SLOs 1a, 1d, 1g, 1h,2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c)
Save this document to a storage device and complete. Navigate to the following website and take the test.
Copy and paste the following web address into the address bar of your Internet browser :
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. (2009). Identity theft IQ test. Retrieved from
After completing the test, enter your answers on the response sheet and tally your score.
Part 1
Identity Theft IQ Test Response Sheet
1. _________ (5 points)
2. _________ (5 points)
3. _________ (10 points)
4. _________ (10 points)
5. _________ (10 points)
6. _________ (20 points)
7. _________ (10 points)
8. _________ (5 points)
9. _________ (10 points)
10. _________ (10 points)
11. _________ (5 points)
12. _________ (5 points)
13. _________ (10 points)
14. _________ (5 points)
15. _________ (10 points)
16. _________ (10 points)
17. _________ (10 points)
18. _________ (10 points)
19. _________ (10 points)
20. _________ (10 points)
Total points ___________
Part 2
You will select four of the following ten quizzes or games.
Select a quiz/game from the ten quizzes and games listed below and copy and paste the web address
into the address bar of your Internet browser. Take the quiz or play the games selected. After you have
completed the quiz/game take a screen shot2 and paste in Part 3 of this document.
Repeat steps above for quiz/game 2.
Repeat steps above for quiz/game 3.
Repeat steps above for quiz/game 4.
Individually highlight each of the games below that you will play or played and highlight the link.
In the Part 4, after your screen shots, answer the questions that are asked.
On the last page of the document, in APA format:
o Alphabetical order
o Double-spaced
o Hanging indent
o Includes author or part of page title (if no author part of page title should be used and (na) for
no author
o Date created or (nd) for no date
o Name of Web Site
o Name of Web Page
o URL where source was found
1. Child Identity Theft Quiz –
2. Identity Theft –
3. Online Auction –
4. Peer-to-Peer file-sharing –
5. Phishing Scams –
6. Protect yourself and your personal information online –
7. Smartphone Identity Theft Quiz –
8. Spam Scams –
9. Spyware and Viruses –
10. Wireless Security –
At the top of your keyboard, to the right of the F12 key, you should see a key that reads Print Screen (prt scrn) on top and SysRq (sys rq) on the
bottom. Press this key. Open a blank word document. With the insertion point in the blank document, hold down the ctrl key and press and release
the v key (ctrl + v). Release the ctrl key. A screen capture should appear and be pasted into the blank word document.
Part 3 Screen Shot 1
Screen shot of the results of the first quiz/game
Part 3 Screen Shot 2
Screen shot of the results of the second quiz/game
Part 3 Screen Shot 3
Screen shot of the results of the third quiz/game
Part 3 Screen Shot 4
Screen shot of the results of the fourth quiz/game
Part 4-Security and Privacy Response Sheet
Enter your response to each of the following questions. After your responses, in APA format, list the
reference(s) used to answer the question(s) on the Reference page at the end of this document. (You should
have a minimum of five references from the Identity Theft Quiz and the four quizzes/games selected.)
Which games did you choose?
Why did you choose those specific games?
What did you learn while playing the games and taking the quizzes?
If playing the games and taking the quizzes were not helpful, why?
How can you apply what you learned to your personal life?
How can you apply what you learned at work?
How can you apply what you learned at school?
Part 5