Office of Financial Aid ◊ 1521 16 th St NW ◊ Washington, DC 20036 ◊ (202)462-2101
Merit scholarships at the Institute of World Politics are normally awarded by the Scholarship Committee during the admissions process. However, in rare cases, the Scholarship Committee may also consider scholarships for qualified current M.A. students. To be eligible, students must have completed at least sixteen credit hours and have a high grade point average.
Please complete the information below, along with a separate, formal letter that details reasons why you should be considered for a merit-based scholarship, and attach any additional supporting documentation which supports your case. Please submit this form, along with the letter and documentation, to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
A case in favor of a scholarship may include the following: 1. A high IWP grade point average; 2. Publication of academic work; 3. Participation in academic meetings or conferences; and 4. Special recognition of academic excellence by IWP faculty or outside scholars and/or academic institutions.
Deadlines for 2015-2016
Spring 2016: October 1, 2015
Summer 2016: February 1, 2016
Fall 2016: February 1, 2016
Name: _________________________________________ Current Semester: Fall Spring Summer 20__
Last First M.I. (Circle semester)
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _______________________________________
M.A. Program: _____ M.A., Strategic Intelligence Studies
_____ M.A., Statecraft and National Security Affairs
_____ M.A., Statecraft and International Affairs
Credits completed: ________ (please check with Registrar if you need to confirm)
IWP GPA: ________ (please check with Registrar if you need to confirm)
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
□ Approved Amount: $ ____________
□ Not Approved
Committee Chairman’s Signature