Addendum for Design Study for the Interaction Region Push-Pull System for the ILC Authors A. Seryi (JAI), K. Buesser (DESY), P. Burrows (Oxford), A. Hervé (ETH Zurich), T. Markiewicz (SLAC), M. Oriunno (SLAC), T. Tauchi (KEK) Participants and Resources This table summarises the main participants and the engineering resources, which are committed and requested for the implementation of this proposal. The table from the main text is reproduced here for completeness. For each particular table row (#), explanations are given below. # Participant Task Nos. Description of work Commitment (FTE) 1 CERN 1,2,3, 4 0.0 2 ETH Zurich 1,2,3, 4 1.0 0.0 3 DESY 1,2,3 1.0 0.0 4 KEK 1,2,3 0.4 1.5* 5 LAL 3,7 0.4 0.0 6 LLR 3,7 0.25 0.5 7 JAI 6,8 1 2 8 SLAC 1,2,3, 6 0.4 1.5 9 10 FNAL BARC 2 2 Hall design, detector services, push-pull motion system, movable detector services supplies Hall design, detector services, push-pull motion system, movable detector services supplies Hall design, push-pull motion system, radiation shields, magnetic shielding Hall design, Vibration studies, detector integration, radiation shielding Detector integration, vacuum studies Detector integration, beam pipe design Intra-train feedback system, design integration Beam pipe and VTX support, push-pull motion system, alignment, rad. physics Push-pull IR CFS integration Push-pull IR to extraction and dump line interface Additional Request (FTE) 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 11 CI & ASTEC 7 Vacuum design for push-pull IR 12 JINR 2 Push-pull IR at shallow site 13 BNL 5,6 Magnet design integration for push-pull IR 14 LAPP 2,3,6 FD & Detector stability Table 1: Engineering Resources1 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.3 1.0 * : This 1.5 FTE was recently supported by the KEK Director General, which is dedicated to study on the experimental hall design and the detector integration in the CFS group formed in April, 2010, at KEK. The request above is explained in the following terms: a. b. c. d. 1 2 3 4 What is it for? Is there an identified person? Has the identified lab management been approached? Is there flexibility for that task to get the support elsewhere? CERN a. The efforts are for design of critical elements of the push-pull system. There is strongest synergy with the efforts ongoing and planned for CLIC. The design of push-pull system can be common for ILC and CLIC. b. Yes, a participation of John Osborne (already engaged on CLIC and ILC civil engineering studies) and of his assistant Martin Gastal for the services part, together with the participation of Andrea Gaddi and Hubert Gerwig for the push-pull project, would be welcome. As ILC and CLIC are clearly engaging on fairly similar lines for the experimental area, the pushpull systems and the distribution of services in the experimental area, an additional effort to support ILC would not be detrimental to the CLIC effort, as the same engineers could be engaged on both projects and this could bring cross-fertilization. c. Yes d. Given the extremely valuable and unique expertise gained at CERN during LHC construction, it is unlikely to find relevant expertise elsewhere ETH Zurich a. Not applicable, as request is 0 DESY a. Not applicable, as request is 0 KEK a. The efforts are for studies of the experimental hall design and the detector integration. The requested 1.5 FTE was recently supported by the KEK Director General, which is dedicated in the CFS group formed in April 2010, at KEK. Disclaimer: The Commitment numbers in this table represent the current best estimations of the participants and do not necessarily reflect a formal commitment for the entire duration of the planned efforts. Distribution of efforts among the listed laboratories takes into account established collaborative connections however it represents just one possible scenario. 1 5 6 7 8 b. Yes. c. The lab management has already, recently, identified and supported the needed efforts d. The efforts have been already deployed LAL a. Not applicable, as request is 0 LLR a. Global detector integration and assembly studies together with Catherine Clerc and Henri Videau. Also support for a design study of the beryllium beam pipe. b. None yet c. Has been discussed with Henri Videau (former director of LLR) d. No known flexibility elsewhere. Support could also be located in close by institution, e.g. LAL, Orsay or Paris-Sud JAI a. Intra-train feedback in push-pull system; and overall MDI integration (of different tasks). Current engineering manpower is 1 FTE (Colin Perry) for development of the electronics prototypes for the IP intra-train feedback components. These are currently tested at ATF2. In order to develop these into an integrated design with components engineered to fit into the tight IP region additional effort at the level of 2 FTE is required. The additional effort would focus on: i. the design of real kickers, BPMs, BPM processors and feedback boards: how would these be engineered; where would they be located; vacuum issues; cabling issues; electromagnetic interference issues; compatibility with push-pull operation (eg. vacuum and cable breaks). ii. performance simulations of the actual engineered devices in the real locations to confirm feedback operation and viability. iii. the interface with QD0 alignment systems and understanding the interplay between the QD0 alignment and feedback operation in terms of electrical centres, feedback set points, vibration issues etc. iv. linking the IP feedback operation to the luminosity optimisation using information from the Beamcal, as well as the interplay with the upstream intra-train feedbacks (end of linac and RTML) and the BDS 5Hz feedbacks. v. overall MDI design and system integration b. Within Oxford Particle Physics there are senior electrical and mechanical engineering staff who are suitable for these tasks. c. Yes: JAI - Seryi; Oxford Particle Physics - Foster d. There is relevant expertise at CERN that is deployed on CLIC. We already work closely with the CERN/CLIC BDS and MDI teams. SLAC a. The request is for engineering design tasks for the support and alignment system of the detector mounted QD0 cryostat of the final doublet and for the engineering and cost analysis of the push pull motion system, Vibration analysis is an important component of both tasks. 9 10 11 12 13 b. The existing 0.4 FTE were drawn from engineer Marco Oriunno and fractions of other colleagues. The additional 1.5 FTE will hopefully come by increasing Oriunno’s fraction to 0.4, engaging ME John Amann at the 0.5-0.75 level and marshalling the partial efforts of 5 SLAC engineering physicists. c. The new MDI leader at SLAC Tom Markiewicz, the ARD leader Tor Raubenheimer have been approached d. Unlikely FNAL a. The request is for CFS push-pull related integration engineering efforts, which comprise various design activities which are required for the IR hall, nearby caverns, shafts, etc b. There are engineers working on CFS at FNAL, however stronger emphasis on push-pull will require additional resources, which haven’t yet been identified by names. Possible use of consultants has been discussed to offset the additional work load on FNAL engineering staff c. The CFS head at FNAL Vic Kuchler has been approached d. Possibly, there may be suitable expertise elsewhere BARC a. The efforts are to identify CFS engineering constraints resulted from beam dump studies ongoing at BARC, onto push-pull related CFS issues such as possible configuration of IR halls and shielding, compatible with radiation and back-shine produced by beam dump. b. There are identified experts at BARC c. The leader of beam dump studies at BARC, Dr. Satyamurthy Polepalle has been approached. d. Possibly, there may be suitable expertise elsewhere CI & ASTEC a. The request is for vacuum design for push-pull IR which has particular constraints and requirements. b. There are identified experts, in particular Dr. Oleg Malyshev and Norbert Colomb c. The CI director Swapan Chattopadhyay and (now retired) ASTEC director Mike Poole have been approached. d. There may be suitable expertise elsewhere JINR a. The requested efforts are for studies of push-pull CFS issues for particular configuration of a shallow site. JINR colleagues initiated and have performed first studies of ILC location on a shallow site, and the specific push-pull IR design efforts now need to be made. Shallow location may alter our assumptions about detector assembly, hall shielding, push-pull mechanisms, etc. b. Likely there are identified experts, either at JINR or in the State Construction Project Institution c. The Chief engineer of JINR Prof. Grigori Shirkov has been approached d. There only one shallow site considered so far, and looking for experts elsewhere may not be efficient BNL 14 a. The request is for enhanced efforts on Final Doublet integration into the IR region. The FD design is based on a unique BNL direct winding technology. b. There are experts at BNL, however there are competing activities and experts may be overbooked c. Mike Harrison has been approached d. The BNL expertise is rather unique and it is unlikely that suitable expertise exist elsewhere LAPP a. The request is for enhanced efforts on detector stability and FD, building up on ongoing efforts at LAPP b. The additional experts were not identified c. The leader of LAPP LAVISTA team, Andrea Jeremie, has been approached d. It is possible that there is suitable expertise elsewhere