View Syllabus - Walla Walla Community College

Walla Walla Community College
ESL, ABE English 077, 87 Read 78, 88
Spring 2015
CE 110
Instructors: Michelle Gajda
Office: 203B
Phone Number: 527-3688 (office) 804-370-7221 (cell)
Karen Kirkwood
Office: 36
Office Hours: 12:30-1:20 M T W Th F or by appointment
Phone Number: 524-5143 (office) 540-5936 (cell)
Class Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday: Rm 208, CE110
Monday through Friday: Rm 211 Reading, English
Study Group Hours:
9:30-10:30 Monday, Wednesday: Rm 208
No Class: May 13, May 25
On days of extreme weather, check the WWCC website for delayed openings or
school closures.
MATERIALS (all materials are available in the college bookstore):
Required Texts: Farenheit 451, Bradbury
On Course, Downing
Dictionary—hard copy or on phone
 Course Pack—in bookstore (tell a store worker if there are not any copies)
 Computer flash drive
 Highlighters
 Paper and pen or pencil
 3 x 5 note cards
 Cornell note pack—in bookstore
 Three ring binder and dividers to organize materials
 Sticky notes (1.5” x 2”)
60-66 %
If you are having trouble with assignments, concepts or steps in the reading or
writing process, please tell us and we can set up a time to meet. Also, the TLC
offers free writing assistance from trained writing tutors during all stages of the
writing process. If you need help with Canvas, word processing, or printing, the
computer lab in Rm 246 offers help.
To request accommodations related to a disability, contact Claudia Angus, Ph.D.,
Coordinator of Disability Support Services, at 527-4262 or email
Short term crisis counseling is available in the Student Development Center (5274262). Or, contact Daryl Miller (527-4320) or Michelle Meyer (524-4791).
 You will earn daily points for punctuality, attendance and active
participation. Irregular attendance will negatively affect both your
learning and your grade.
 If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out from a
classmate or me what you missed.
 If you need to leave class early, let us know before class.
Due Dates
 Assignments are due at the beginning of class.
 If you are absent the day they are due, you must email them to
your instructor before class (put in the body of the email, not as an
 You will lose two points a day on late drafts. Late homework loses
one point a day.
 In-class activities may not be made up.
 Quizzes may be made up with Michelle or Karen the day after they
are given. With instructor permission, they may be made up at a
later date. Instructors reserve the right to take off points for late
Classroom Courtesy
 Please turn your full attention to class activities. All students have
the right to a safe, quiet learning environment. (See WWCC
Student Code of Conduct)
 Refrain from using your cell phone unnecessarily, listening to
electronic devices, doing homework from other classes, or visiting
with classmates during our time together.
Study Time
This is a 12 credit class. You should be prepared to study 12-20 hours a
week outside of class. As a student, school is your job; your grade is your
paycheck and you must work hard to earn it. Bring your books, supplies,
flash drive and vocabulary cards to class every day.
All assignments must be your own work. Students who plagiarize
someone’s work or allow their work to be misused by another student will
automatically fail the class.
The pre-college English cluster includes three areas of study: Reading, Writing,
and Study Skills. The class has students from several levels of pre-college classes
in these areas, including:
Advanced English as a Second Language (ESL)
Adult Basic Education
Read 78, Read 88
English 77, English 87 (Writing)
Read 88 and Engl 87 will have different requirements than other levels.
Students must earn a C or higher to pass their current level. With the instructor’s
permission, students may accelerate through a level if they complete additional
Writing a coherent paragraph can give you a sense of accomplishment and
competence. Relax—writing can be challenging but fun.
Purpose: To improve writing skills and prepare for college writing
Learning Outcomes:
Apply the writing process
Construct good sentences, paragraphs, and essays
Utilize critical thinking skills
Demonstrate computer skills
Use the WWCC writing rubric
Purpose: To improve reading skills and prepare for college reading.
Learning Outcomes:
Explain the reading process
Demonstrate reading strategies
Utilize critical thinking skills
Build vocabulary
Recognize the main idea and supporting material of a reading
Paraphrase and summarize material from readings
Develop research skills
Increase reading speed
Study Skills
Purpose: To learn strategies that will help students to reach academic goals.
Learning Outcomes:
Clarify individual educational goals and formulate a personal skill development plan
Demonstrate an understanding of selected learning strategies by applying them in this
class and another class.
Study the following topics and demonstrate an ability to apply related strategies: time
management, note taking, memory processing, test preparation.
Attendance, participation
Paragraphs, essay, assignments
Quizzes, Final Exam
Attendance, participation
Quizzes, Final Exam
Study Skills
Attendance, participation
Quizzes and assessments
Writing Assignments
Paragraphs, summaries, essays
Writing quizzes: Weeks 4, 7
Finals: last week of class and finals week
Also: homework, in-class work
Reading Assignments
Quizzes: starting Week 2, vocabulary and reading topics on Fridays
Class novel questions and final
Finals: last week of class and finals week
Assignments include: homework, in-class work
Study Skills Assignments
Quizzes: every week
Final: last week of class
Assignments include: reading, chapter notes, journal entries, in-class work
Read 88 Requirements
Read 88 students must complete all general class reading assignments. Also, they must complete
additional work starting week five.
Read 78 Acceleration
Read 78 students: If you maintain above a 90% in reading the first four weeks of class, you may try
to accelerate through Read 88. You must maintain your percentage at 80% or higher in Read 88
work. Once you decide to try to accelerate, you will take Read 88 quizzes. You must pass the reading
final. Please let Karen know if you wish to do this.
English 87 Requirements
English 87 students must complete all general class writing assignments and quizzes. Their work will
be graded at the English 87 level. Also, they must earn above 74% on the essay.
English 77 Acceleration
English 77 students: If you maintain above a 90% in writing the first four weeks of class, you may try
to accelerate through English 87. You must maintain your percentage at 80% or higher in Engl 87
work. You will take Engl 87 quizzes. You must pass the grammar quizzes and both finals. Please let
Karen know if you wish to do this.