UW-Platteville BILSA Alumni Chapter Meeting Saturday, March 27th

UW-Platteville BILSA Alumni Chapter Meeting
Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Alumni Conference Room
Meeting called to order by Erin Leifker at 9:03 am. Members present included: Bob Enloe, Wendy and
Shawn Stankovich, Erin Leifker, Ryan Wiegel, Erwin Zweifel, Tiffany Akins, Katie Reichling, Beth Frieders,
Ryan Gerlich, Liz Wood, & Jason James. Sue Lindholm filled in for Kim.
Secretary’s report- No additions or corrections. Ryan (1) Wendy (2) Approved.
Treasurer’s report- Given by Wendy Stankovich. Bob(1) Jason (2) Approved.
Old Business
a. Golf Outing- June 25. Jason and Ryan will work on this for next meeting
i. Advertising- on Alumni Today. Can each person on the board try to get 10-15 names for people
to ask for sponsorships?
ii. 3 person teams and $100/ hole
iii. Jason will work on calling UWP’s data base manager Julie M. for names of businesses
iv. Could possibly add students to teams
b. Scholarship Committee
i. Chose 2 people to each get $500 and 2 alternates as well
ii. Jason’s idea of mentorship program
iii. Want to start endowed scholarships (it has to hit $10,000 before earning interest) from golf
outing in next couple of years
c. Bike Ride- September 18. Students can get involved as well.
i. Might do 40 or 50 mile ride instead of just 10 or 20.
ii. Need to get light snacks
iii. Table tents would work for advertising
d. Homecoming Committee
i. Ryan, Kim, and Erin are on homecoming committee. Need to talk with Jodi.
ii. Discussed where to have meeting. Lunch will be inside Ulsvik Center. Erin will meet with Kim
who will talk to the other groups to see if we could be doing things together.
e. Alumni glasses
i. Jason (1) Ryan (2)- Approved. We are paying for ½ of cost for glasses for graduating seniors
f. Goals Follow Up
i. Sue had idea of “planting the seed” for BILSA majors at Countdown to Commencement- BILSA
could have a booth and get contact info
ii. In April Alumni are having a taco dinner for new members. Wendy will try to attend. Erin will
talk to Kim about this.
iii. Still need to identify to the value of being a member
New Businessa. Electing officers
i. Bob and Wendy are done- both served their full terms
1. Newly elected officers are: President- Erin L, Vice President- Jason J, Treasurer- Liz W,
Secretary- Katie R, liaison- Jason
ii. College Report
1. Biology- construction coming along well. Should be done by August
a. Hired 1 new faculty member
b. Banquet- April for students
2. Chancellor position has been filled
iii. Alumni Report
1. Looking for assistant director in Alumni Department
2. Distinguished Alumni- Richard Aide and John Silseth from BILSA
3. Upcoming Events
a. April 7th- Armory in Janesville
b. April 14- Monroe Brewery Social
May 14-15- Wilderness Weekend in Dells
May 20- Sheboygan Golf Outing
June 2- LaCrosse Loggers
June 19- Motorcycle tour
July 17- Donor dinner
Next meeting- August 7th
i. Bob (1) Erwin (2) to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am
Respectfully submitted,
Katie Reichling