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Achilles Heel
If you had the chance to be better than average, what would you do with
those powers? Ryan Advent is a less fortunate teen his mum has remarried
and his step siblings are rude he relies on his friends to help but after
making enemies with the school jock he decides it’s time to fight back. After
few days of torture form the school hero he fights back but doesn’t have the
advantage of the jock, and when Jason his best friend gets involved it all
goes wrong. The jock wanting some money and drugs gives to Jason an
ultimatum but Ryan intervenes and the whole day goes bad as they run
away Ryan and the jock have a fight with Ryan losing then being knocked
down and electrocuting himself. As he lies in a coma is family are
distraught and the weeks go by where nothing can happen but a chance
visit from long term love interest Carrie sparks a sensation in him
Which revives him and he wakes up with extraordinary powers and
decides to test them, he has strength that no other human can muster but
after inflicting the pain on a car he realizes he has broken some bones while
at the doctors he develops the ability to shoot a bolt of energy from his
fingers. But with these powers he has a responsibility he saves the innocent
from evil but with the attention he can’t reveal himself even to the girl he
loves or his family who worry about him and will face the ultimate test of
his friendship..
So if you had these powers how would you be? What would you do? Only
Ryan knows what he would do but we all know that a power is a
responsibility. With his ever growing population he gets the attention of
the local crime syndicate, who will stop at nothing to be rid of him as he has
ruined some of their businesses. Also the police would like to know who he
is as they have some unanswered questions.
Achilles Heel
Fade In
We see a young man walking down the street ignorant of what’s
going on around him as he is walking a school bus drives by he looks
Ah, Shit!!!
He picks up the pace and runs after the bus as it turns the corner.
The bus stops outside a house. The boy runs quickly towards it.
Hold the Bus!!! Hold the Bus!!!
Boy #2:
Hurry up dude!
As the bus doors shut the Boy jumps through just in time for them to
Whoa that was close.
Bus Driver:
No this is close
The Bus lurches forward causing the boy to nearly fall as he regains
his composure he gets to his chair where a friend is waiting.
That was very close Ryan don’t even think your school track and field record
would help.
No sweat, Jase it’s all good got here in time.
Yeah. You do Tesendorffs homework
Ryan looks up and cringes
Shit not again
Dude she’s going to freak out
No she’s going to eat me
HA that’s funny, here. (Hands him a piece of paper)
As they go to school Ryan frantically works on his homework. The
bus pulls up as everyone gets off Jason waits by the door. With the
bus driving looking impatient
Dude we got to go don’t think herb wants us on his bus the whole day.
I’m done lets go before we get detention.
As they get off the bus and head towards the school four shadows
appear and block the way.
Well it’s the morning toll again and our first contributors
Boys, boys you’ll never learn to leave early
Eat shit!
ohh descent.
Whoa you can spell? What a surprise.
And hit (punches him in the stomach)
Ryan falls to the floor as he gets picked up by the fourth shadow
Oh come one Todd
Come on Ryan give me the money.
Ryan reaches in and hands him $10 and then walks away.
Hold it you took away time so here are some bits of advice.
While two thugs hold Ryan and Jason the other two give them
wedgies. And then let them go to class.
As there walking down the hall they get stopped by a hall monitor.
For fuck sake!!!
Be cool
Hall monitor:
Can I see your passes?
Here (he then punches him as a teacher walks round the corner)
Mr Advent and Mr Mazzini detention now
Ryan shrugs his head as the teacher directs the boys to the detention
room after taking the hall monitor to the nurse.
You two will stay here for recess as well got that.
Ryan and Jason:
Yes sir!
They go in and get directed to the back as they miss first period of
their lesson.
As they take a seat towards the window both bring out their phones
and enter a secret chat as not to disrupt the class or the teacher.
They both smile but then Ryan looks out the window and gets
distracted. Jason looks out and grunts. As Ryan is staring at a girl.
Dude, you don’t stand a chance.
I don’t need a chance I want the girl
Get in line then (points towards the jocks looking at her)
Oh shit
Tesendorffs outside
They look round to see Tesendorff outside with the class and that she
has seen them she shakes her head and indicates to the teacher to
them to come out.
You ready for this Tesendorff will eat us alive.
I might as well eat my step dads cooking
As they chuckle and go out towards the sports field Tesendorff is
waiting for them. Ryan sees his step sister and step brother but they
just shake their heads at him.
They arrive as Tesendorff turns round and just smile as she looks at
them with dissatisfaction.
Miss Tesendorf:
You two were not in my class. Where were you and look at me now?
They look up and have a smile on their faces as they look at
I have done the homework so has Jason miss we got off the bus late, then got chastised
by some bullies then I hit a hall monitor here if you don’t believe me. (Hands her the
detention slip)
Tesendorf looks at the slip and sighs
Miss Tesendorff:
For once I can’t fault you but I want you in my class tomorrow and get to class now!!!!
Ryan and Jason:
As they walks way a two girl rushes at them
Tesendorff get the better of you?
Well no she didn’t, but where you been Carrie, hey Meg
I slept in and my mom just dropped me off
And your college material bullshit!!
Where going to be Late
They both leave and head for the next class just as the bell rings so that the
other classes have finished. They enter the school chuckling.
As they walk down the hall way towards the lockers something hits Ryan.
Argh!! Son of a bitch
Several students laugh others look shocked Ryan picks up the bit of paper
and throws it back in the way it came. It strikes a crowd.
Oh shit you all right dude
As the crowd parts several jocks appear from it.
Oh shit!!! Ryan don’t move
The bigger of the jocks walks forward as people remain still. As some
people move.
Lead Jock:
Hold it!!
Several students don’t move and remain planted.
Lead Jock:
Who threw this?
Ryan steps forward as Jason grabs him he pulls away several students peel
Shit he’s going to kill you
Lead jock:
You threw this why?
Retaliation (Shrugs)
Lead Jock:
Do you know who I am?
As the lead jock goes toe to toe with Ryan he stands his ground.
Yeah you are the schools lead quarterback and also the prom king for the last 3 years
and have a grade average of 2.80 and you’re dating the prettiest girl in the year, Melissa
Couper. Oh and your names Carter Henderson.
Carters Friend#1:
I think he wants to fuck you
You’re a smart kid now if I’m not correct you haven’t apologized yet.
I will if you will
Really did you also now I’m quite feared
Ryan looks around and sees Jason shaking his head as he knows what
Ryan’s going to do.
Well I’m waiting...
Ryan swings fast and hard and lands a hard punch on Carters jaw, as he
falls back to the floor he looks happy.
Random Student:
As Ryan smiles Carter stands back up and the smiles drops from Ryan’s
face as carter has a cut lip and a angry look on his face.
Oh no
Oh yeah
As Ryan lurches away he gets grabbed and pulled back.
As Ryan struggles to free himself Carter pulls his fist back only for it to be
grabbed by another person.
Who the hell.....(Shocked look as he realizes a teachers there) Oh hi Mr Sanderson
Mr Sanderson:
Right you know the policy no fighting and everyone go to the class the period bell has
rung ok leave now.
As the crowd disperses Ryan, Jason and Carrie walk on.
That was close
As they turn the corner Carter and some of his friends rush Ryan and pin
him to the wall and put him in a lock
Hard man, let’s see if you can fight after school the bleachers be there or ill find you.
Hey, Meat head back off
Oh the bitch speaks what a surprise.
Carters Friend#1:
Are we bitter from the summer fling?
Ouch didn’t know she was a good..
Ryan attempts to punch carter but gets blocked then winded in the process
Not a smart move, See I’m going to take you down like a piece of garbage then if you’re
lucky I might fuck your sister.
Enraged Ryan rushes again but gets blocked.
Carters friend#2:
Feisty one eh
Save the energy after school.
They drop Ryan to the floor and barge past Jason despite his protests.
Carter stops and turns.
Oh I owe you one.
As Ryan stands Carter smacks him hard in the face and knocks him to the
floor splitting his lip and bruising his eye. Carter and his friends leave
laughing and mocking them.
Ryan lies in a heap as Jason and Carrie help him up. He pushes the hands
away and walks on.
This day couldn’t get worse I don’t think
Let’s get him to class
As they walk to class several people look at Ryan and mutter as word has
spread about the impending fight he enters the room to his next class.
You’re late back of the room and quiet.
Ryan, Jason and Carrie:
Sorry sir
They sit down and Ryan is staring into space as others are working he
eventually gets his book out and writes some stuff down. Several students
have looked round and are pointing or whispering about him he seems
oblivious but is transfixed on something else.
As the lesson progresses he slumps forward trying to concentrate but is
distracted. He gets nudged by Jason.
Look (Shows him a Facebook page of a comment)
Ryan shrugs and focuses on his work but instead just doodles.
As the teacher comes to the end of the lesson he asks if there are any
questions. Several students ask but he ponders the answers as they are
similar questions.
You may leave and I will see you next week do not forget to build our diagram of a DNA
model please, goodbye
As the recess bell goes and everyone is let out Ryan walks out towards the
benches area and gets a drink and fruit.
His step brother comes up to him and confronts him.
So you got yourself a fight with carter eh
Felix don’t start
Oh I won’t but dad will freak if you get suspended for a 3rd time
Oh heaven forbid I should destroy your trust fund
Oh that money is a quick fire way to get the cars and girls
Well I’m getting into the fight not you so just back of Bro
Felix relaxes as there sister comes over Claudia. Felix and Claudia kiss the
air then she looks at Ryan with a disgusted look.
Little bro a fight in senior year
I’m your age dumb ass
Yeah but a reprobate
Felix, leave it I’ll talk with him
Felix leaves shaking his head as Claudia looks at Ryan and then takes his
hand despite him trying to pull away.
Fights?, really Ryan
Yeah runt of the litter and not educated well.
No just need to be focused more if I’m honest so what you going to do.
Fight of course
Ry that’s not the way walk away or just tell a teacher.
Claudia, it’s not that simple
It’s not easy finding a school either
Cheap dig
No the truth, daddy worked hard to get here regardless if the genes are different.
Why do you care?
I’m a sibling so you have to listen. Plus there are others who do care ok not just me.
As Claudia walks away a shadow looms over Ryan. He turns round to see
Melissa stood over him.
What do you want?
Ah, I was told you were rude
Park it if you’re going to insult me please
Melissa Sits down and offers Ryan a crisp he doesn’t accept he stops
doodling then looks up as she coughs.
Why are you here? Your boyfriend will break me if I’m seen with you.
Carter is full of hot air but I’m here to talk
Well as I’m your one true grace Carter will break you apart until you back down and as
you’re not the type to back down and he definitely will persist in hurting you and those
around you.
Why are you with him then?
(Silent for a bit) I don’t know but he makes me happy
Even if he cheats
Quick to judge aren’t we
No just know what’s right and what’s wrong
Ok well don’t jump to conclusions if you need to judge look at yourself you’re not
God alive I’m not but I have my own shit to deal with and I won’t step away from a jerk
like him even if he hurts me
Ryan gets up and walks away from Melissa shaking his head he stops and
turns round
Just so you know I don’t care what people think everything is material and even if you
don’t agree stop fooling yourself with it see you later
Ryan walks away with his temper semi flaring and just wants to relax
Melissa hangs her head as a tear drops on to a doodle Ryan did of her.
Fade out
Fade In
It’s the final class of the day, Camera pans from a clock showing 3:30 to the
class room, Ryan looks up as he sees the time and grimaces several others
are looking round or relaxing. Jason throws a bit of paper Ryan’s way
without the teacher seeing Ryan opens it up.
(Yon dude there has been hear say that Carter is going to break you and that he
knows you were with Melissa. But I got your back bro well I’ll try
Ryan smiles and looks at Jason he gives him the rock hand sign as an
Bell Rings
As the students leave the teacher shouts to them.
Look at your geographical books and study pages 109-137 please I will see you next
week for the pop quiz round two. Thank you good bye
You suck
As the students leave Ryan accept his fate and walks down the hall as many
people turn and make hushed whispers about him. He looks at several faces
not caring and head towards the door.
Ext shot of school yard
A lot of students are stood round Carter is at the centre as he is winding his
muscles ready to fight. One of Carter’s friends taps him on the shoulder and
indicates towards the mass of people walking toward him they know of the
fight in front of the people is Ryan walking stoically with Carrie and Jason
by his side.
Ryan walks up to Carter
You ready
Baby I was born ready
Ryan throws his stuff towards Jason as Carrie steps forward
You don’t have to do this
Ohh you gonna back down!!
Hell no
They circle each other both weighting each other up Ryan gulps as he walks
round. A circle forms’ with the students looking in. One of carter’s friends
shouts towards Ryan which takes him off his train of thought as this
happens Carter pounces at Ryan, But Ryan dodges and lands quite a harsh
Blow that forces Carter to step back Ryan looks at him with scepticism.
Ryan breaths as he knows that Carter can take him he looks up then runs at
Carter who is unprepared he lands several good blows but carter then
blocks and lands two good blows to Ryan’s head he gets knocked back as he
is dazed. Carter circles him.
You’re actually a tough challenge but I’m bored
Carter waits for Ryan to get up as this happens Jason runs out and kicks
Carter in the jaw hard as he falls holding it in pain Jason dances round him
Now who’s my...
Before Jason can even finish carter hits him right in the face with a kick that
semi concussing him Jason groans on the floor as Carter lands couple of
punches on him
Son of a bitch, interfering little Fuck
HEY!! Your fights with me not him (Said while staggering)
Carter stands up and loosens his muscles and steps towards Ryan. Ryan
swings but his fist gets blocked then he takes a foot to the gut and then
Carter lands a punch to his face and then hits him in the face again, he lands
backwards groaning.
Carter walks way as some students cheer
Man that was easy
Ryan stands up again
Carter’s friend:
Dude, look (Points towards Ryan)
Let’s finish this
Resilience impressive
Melissa Rushes between them before they can come to blows
Enough please look at you, grown idiots knocking
Get out the way now
Is he worth it really?
Yeah it’s worth it
Pride and defiance against ass holes
Well fine I’ll find my own way home
Are you giving me an ultimatum?
As Melissa waits for an answer Carter shuns her and walks past going
towards Ryan.
See you later
Where through!!
Melissa storms off and Carter doesn’t even look back as he and Ryan go at
each other once again. Carter can see Ryan is weary as Ryan exerts some
energy into landing blows Carter just jabs away making Ryan feel
exhausted he knocks him down but Ryan gets back up.
Boy you should stay down
Ryan charges but Carter runs forward and raises his knee right into Ryan’s
sternum and forcing him down and landing awkwardly the crowd ohh as
Ryan lands but is struggling to get up. He gets up holding his side and
wincing in pain.
You want more
Why don’t you just lie down?
Like you did on Carrie, Does Melissa know your cheat?
Carter’s rage gets the better of him and surprisingly he lunges hard and fast
and strikes Ryan in the jaw and he collapses. The crowd leave, knowing the
fights finished. Ryan tries getting up but is too hurt some of the crowd
laugh and just walk away Jason who is hurt himself gives him a hand, Carrie
is stood watching in tears as her friend has betrayed her. Ryan steps
Carrie I didn’t...
Carrie slaps him
Fuck you!!!!
Carrie walks away as Ryan just slumps his head Jason semi carries him to
the bus stop as some people see him injured.
Dude that was semi awesome if only you’d won
(Groggily)Um yeah it was brutal I got to get to work will you drop me off
As they stand a car pulls up with tinted windows they wind down. Claudia
peer her head out.
Ryan....(Stops aghast)
She steps out and looks appalled
What the fuck Ryan why did you fight him
(Waving her away)He provoked me so I had too
Yeah because you both look like you had a good time Jason I thought you’d see sense
I did then I tried to cheat
Daddy will freak
Claudia, you can’t tell him please he’ll send me away.
You don’t give me much choice but as I actually care I won’t.
Thank you
But no more fighting and you study, ok now let’s get you cleaned up somehow.
They get into the back of Claudia’s car and head off to one of Claudia’s
friends, As they pull up Felix is waiting
Oh shit
This shall be a good explanation
What are you doing here?
Well I was in the neighbourhood.
As they get out of the car Felix smiles at Ryan’s injuries. Claudia gives him
an angry stare.
So what’s the story this time fell out of a tree, hit by a car
Felix!!! Shut the fuck up please
You might find this funny but it isn’t I won’t have this family torn apart just because he
can’t keep his fist to himself and you can’t resist shouting your mouth off
Sorry sis I’ll help, Come on little bro let’s get you cleaned up
As their friend comes out Claudia takes Jason to one room while Felix helps
Ryan out.
As Ryan’s wounds get cleaned up Felix exhales.
You’re quite the trooper
My dad taught me to stand my ground and back down only if necessary
Know what my dad taught me
When to know your beat, and Carter he won’t back down he will come at you I’ve dealt
with his type before a bully by name a bully by nature.
I won’t take any shit
And it won’t help ok look at you dude broken and bruised. Plus Carrie isn’t talking to
you I saw the fight and knew she slapped you then walked off
Yeah I don’t know what to do about that.
Go and see her tonight it’ll heal better.
I might leave it for a bit.
They get cleaned up and leave Claudia’s friends house and drop Ryan off
they arrive at their home with both parents in. They enter the house
Man’s Voice:
You three in here KNOW!!!!
They look guilty and then make their way as they enter the kitchen they see
two angry parents.
Ryan-Fighting Again!!, Claudia- Covering it up Again!! And Felix gloating Again. Now I
don’t care what happened who started what and why but it stops because I just got off
the phone with the Vice-Principal and well he might suspend you and this Carter. And
you two well I might just take the trusts funds away got it.
Felix and Claudia:
Sorry, Dad
Their dad looks at Ryan with conviction.
Sorry what was that
I’m sorry Dad and Mom
Both look at each other and semi smile.
You’re grounded 2 weeks, work and school and that’s it ok.
Yeah may I be excused?
Go to your room son.
Ryan limps out of the room grabbing his bag and going upstairs as the other
Cut to landing
Ryan walks towards his room he opens the door and just falls into the bed
and groans, several seconds later a knock appears. He groans and looks up
to see his step dad.
May I come in?
Yeah (Grumbled and waves hand forward)
I know we haven’t seen eye to eye but I’m trying I know this is hard a new family and a
new school.
I know I haven’t shown enthusiasm.
Look you’re a bright lad which I find hard if you do stupid shit but you can achieve great
things.. son
How’s my mom taking this?
She lets nothing affect her it’s why I love her head strong but this shit you pull I don’t
know how much she could take
It wouldn’t help if I said he provoked me would it.
You know people provoked me about taking you on and I got angry but you know I dealt
with it I’m giving you the benefit all these times you have taken the piss and made me
the mug I’ve stood back and your mom has calmed me down only after I’ve torn you a
new one.
I’ll improve I need to patch things up with Carrie
Ryan that’s good to hear buddy and I’ll leave you to it but you have work later and tea
will be ready in 10 minutes ok
As Ryan’s step dad leaves
Camera pans to show a room dining room the family are sat at dinner. Ryan
is sat toying with his dinner.
What’s a matter with your food?
Nothing I’m just not hungry!
How’s the job going?
I deliver pizza so it isn’t exactly good but I need a better car.
Yeah your dad and I have been thinking about that.
Ryan looks up after a mouthful of food
UGH (Mumbled)
We have made the decision if you get your grades up and don’t cause any trouble you
can have a car.
Really is that all I have to do
Well we were thinking you might just have to live outside (Smirks)
Well in fact I have something to show you
Ryan and his step-dad go outside to the garage. His dad opens it and reveals
a chassis of a car.
Wait! This is mine if I do well
Well maybe but you have to prove me you can, not just yet and its better than the other
shit box you have.
I get it bribery
Yes but I had it I’ll even help you with it.
Ok bugger I’m late for work I have to go
He’s driving along the street as he knows it is very late and he’s a couple of
minutes late for work.
He rushes in and quickly grabs his uniform. And rushes passed his boss
Sorry I’m late Mr Brekowski
Mr Brekowski:
Why did I hire you again?
My charm (Smiles)
Mr Brekowski:
Nope, But what do I know I’m Old
Ryan comes out from behind the door and looks at a delivery sheet
Has the first order come in yet?
Mr Brekowski:
Yes now I’m going home it’s you, Max and Todd
Ryan grabs the first order and heads towards the door. He turns
Pass me some drink
Ryan passes Max and Todd on their return he makes his way to his car and
gets in to deliver the pizza
As he’s driving along he looks at the address and recognizes it but pays no
heed he then hits a posh part of town and groans as he drives towards the
house he can hear music and laughter.
He pulls up and stops and grabs the pizzas he walks towards the house and
presses the buzzer.
Who is it?
Pizza Delivery
Someone will be with you in a minute
As Ryan is waiting he looks around and sees all these flashy cars and
whistles to himself. The gate opens and a bikini clad girl comes out.
Hey are those the pizzas
Yeah they are....(he turns round and looks aghast)
Both look at each other with shock, he snaps out of his reverie
Sorry, here are your pizzas
Thank you, here keep the change
As they exchange money for pizza a voice is heard
Man’s voice:
Yo, Babe where are you
That is your cue to leave
Ryan turns abruptly as Carter is coming, he pulls his hat down and then
walks semi fast. Carter comes out and smiles.
OH Pizza nice just what I need
Let’s go back in
Where’s the pizza boy
Carter looks up and sees Ryan walks away he is still limping he smiles and
runs after him.
Hey pizza man
Yeah (Changing his voice slightly)
I believe we should have made another form of payment, you see if you want monies
you should fight for them.
I don’t want to you have your goods now I’ll leave
Ryan steps to the side of Carter who just grabs his hat and laughs
This is too good to be true
You got your shit now leave it
Carter looks at Ryan with a glare of pleasure. Melissa and several of the
couple’s friends come out.
Carter, come on
Quiet, come on shit stain what’s the problem?
(Balls his fists up) Nothing I’m going now, keep the hat as a memento
Ryan makes his way to leave but one of carter’s friends gets in the way
Carter’s Friend#1
Come on lil bitch
Carter’s Friend#1:
Maybe, you don’t get the option
A small circle forms around Ryan with most of them being Carter’s friends
Is this it you send the Monkeys’ to do the organ grinders work.
Before Carter can respond Ryan gets levelled to the floor and each person
hits him with several blows, the circle steps back and Ryan get up with
scratches on him he looks around as some of the people in the circle are
He walks off as Carter looks on with Amusement. Melissa storms Carter
shrugs then walks away with people in tow.
Ryan goes to his car but stops. He opens the boot and takes out a baseball
bat he walks back and looks at all the cars he spots the one he wants and
rushes full pelt and starts hitting it with the bat until it’s broken and
splintered. He walks away not knowing that Melissa had come back and
saw what he did.
Fade out
Fade In
Carrie is sat in her room listening to music and writing, stone clatters on
her window as she looks up she goes to the window and opens it to see if
anyone is there, looking around she spots a shadow.
Who’s there?
Ryan steps out but she rolls her eyes and he climbs up a trellis to get to her
window. She tries to close it.
Carrie I’m sorry
Bullshit what do you want?
To apologize it was a stupid thing to say.
Damn straight
Carrie opens the window and lets him in, he hands her some flowers which
she hits him with then throws them down, she takes a seat on her bed and
he sits near the window.
A minute silence passes but nothing is said he looks up and smiles.
She raises her eyebrows
I’m sorry I‘m a complete ass hole
That’s a few words I could use. You had no right to say what you said I don’t appreciate
that not from you.
I know it was stupid and I got angry for no reason it was unprovoked.
Damn straight but what hurts more is the fact that you said it with maliciousness
I wasn’t thinking I’ve been going through shit and I didn’t know what to say
Carrie looks at him and shakes her head but she can sees he’s hurting.
You’re supposed to defend my honour not fucking betray it and how long we known
each other.
Nearly fifteen years I grew up with you and Jase
And I grew up with you but I’ve never said anything against you
I know and I should be more protective
You can count on me
And what about him eh
Carter he said he and Melissa were no more and we got drinking and then it happened.
You can’t always get it right but you can try to be different.
Yeah and it’s senior year I haven’t seen much of you two
Don’t blame us we had things planned the four of us
We have moved in different circle in the last couple of months summer has been better
for me guys notice me, you and jase just want sex and drugs and drink.
Yeah but I know what’s right from wrong
Don’t judge ok I had a very unusual summer my parents went away and well he was just
in the same place.
I got sent way to some shit hole and had to keep In contact with jase via mail
And where was my mail.
I forgot but not like that. I needed to think about something
Like what (Frowning)
Umm nothing important I think it’s gone so I can get on with it now.
I assume you told Jay.
Yeah but he’ a guy its guy stuff I will think about what I have done and I am sorry we
need to get back to the four stooges.
It’s quite late, let’s just forget it and move on
Yeah I am sorry
Ryan smiles she smiles back and they hug before he leaves. He drives home
and can’t concentrate as he’s driving he nearly hits someone he brakes
stops and looks behind but no one’s there.
He arrives home and just gets into bed and sleeps as he sees the time is
quite late.
Ryan is in bed and just groans as his alarm goes off. He sits up and shakes
his head the sun is coming through his window he gets out if bed and
assesses the damage done to him in the course of twenty four hours he has
bruises on his body and several cuts to his face he grimaces.
He gets changed and puts some clothes on he goes down stairs and eats
some breakfast his parents are sat down watching the news and Felix and
Claudia are arguing about who will drive to school he grabs some food and
heads towards the door.
Hold it you got in very later last night
Sorry we were counting the tips
Funny I found blood on your uniform
Umm.. Disgruntled customer
As it’s said he rushes out the door and heads to his car and just smiles. He
goes past Jason’s house and picks him up then heads to school and gets
there on time.
As he pull into the school parking lot there are a groups of people stood
round a car. Jason sees carter and points him out Ryan shrugs they get out.
Dude was a late one last night you should have come by got high score and top awards
on COD
I was busy sorting loose ends.(Looking at Carrie who’s getting out of a car)
Really sure you weren’t pining.
Ryan doesn’t hear what was said and looks down then swings round
Sorry what
Nothing dude just making an observation
Really (Scowling)
Get over it!
Carrie sees them and they wave as they both walk to each other and greet
Boys how are you?
Chilling usual guy stuff
Really (Smiling), let’s go learn something useful
As the bell rings they start to walk towards school and are smiling Carrie
and Ryan are quite close as she canoodles on his arm they enter the main
hall and Carter is seen with Melissa she looks content whereas Carters eyes
are wondering.
As they go towards their lockers Carters friend Harry walks towards Ryan
as he’s at his locker. As Ryan opens it he slams it shut and hard gaining
some people’s attention.
I know you fucked my car up!(whispered)
I don’t know what you mean
Don’t bullshit me punk
Prove it!!!
Harry punches Ryan’s locker and leaves angry as Ryan smirks at Melissa
who shakes her head at him and he looks towards Carrie and Jason.
Montage as several days of school go by with Ryan and Jason having to deal
with torment form Carter and his friends, Several scenes with them being
given wedgies or being put in their lockers. Melissa looks on as she sees
that he actually enjoys the torment and that Ryan is getting angry. Carrie
attempts to speak to Ryan but sees he just wants vengeance.
After Several days Ryan rushes carter they have a fight and then get
detention with carter handing Ryan a note which says he won’t survive the
year. Ryan levels Carter but they get split up before it can get more heated.
Carter and Melissa can be seen arguing outside school where he just
doesn’t care and walks away as he’s had enough, she breaks down but he
shakes his head.
The bell rings to indicate End of the day
A darkened room and a figure sat on a chair shaking several silhouettes are
round him.
See Da luca you had one task DON’T LOSE THE MONEY!!!!! (Pulls a club out and smacks
him round the head)
Da Luca:
Sorry (whimpers)
Aww he’s sorry
Dessi wants him alive Lucio
Don’t tell me what I know Filipo
A door opens a third man enters the other to stand back. He walks to Da
Luca in the chair and kneels and pulls his head up.
See Sebi you put me in this position where Dessi won’t care what we do
Sebi Da Luca:
I’m sorry I looked away for one second (Shivering)
What’s Dessi say Joey
We waste him as punishment
Da Luca struggles in the chair and whimpers
Sebi Da Luca:
Filipo steps forward revealing a gun he adds a silencer and puts it to Sebi’s
head and fires the body goes limp.
We dump the body
They drag the lifeless body out and look around to see if anyone’s there no
one’s looking so they grab the body and throw it in the sea and watch it
sink after tying weights to it.
They walk back to Da Luca’s car and check for money and drugs. After a few
minutes Filipo finds some money and very unusual drugs.
Hey guys look what I have found
They come to where Filipo is and look at the case of cash and the duffel bag
filled with drugs.
That is a very unusual concoction of drugs and the monies fake.
So he had the money it was just fake so the Son of a bitch ripped us off!!!
What’s with the drugs though?
Dessi doesn’t do drugs, we take this too the chemist
They leave the car and go to their own and take the possessions that Da
Luca left
As the car is driving along the three men are silent when one speaks up
Sebi will be missed, but you mess with the wrong person you get whacked capisce
Hey pull up here my sister wants me to check up on my nephew
The car pulls in to a school
Its recess and a lot of the students are relaxing Carter comes into view with
several of his friends.
Hey look it my uncle.
Ah your uncle thought he was out of the country.
He was but he just got back
Two cars pull up a hundred meters apart, Carter goes to meet his uncle and
sees someone get out of the other car and greet Jason, He frowns
recognizing him.
Uncle Lucas you took your time.
Hey it’s lucio, Jason
Uncle Lucio no offence you smell like docks
Well in my spare time I do like to fish
Lucio looks round and sees carter eyeing him up
Who’s the dude eyeing me up?
Carter Henderson ignore him school bully
Is he going to stop stare or can I break him
No you’re on school property
Where’s Ryan I miss his quirkiness?
He’s with Carrie but I should get going Mom says come and say Hi
What about your dad?
Fuck him!!!
Hey I taught you to respect him, ok not be a little shit
Sorry Uncle
As the bell goes Lucio hands Jason some drugs and money. Carter sees this
and smiles he’s been watching with harry and Carl they move out after the
car moves away.
Bye Uncle (Waves at car)
The car honks its horn as Jason is walking back Carter emerges and just
levels Jason with a punch as he struggles on the floor Carl and harry kick
him several times.
See this (Waves the money and drugs in his face) this is compensation, now if you want
this back umm it’ll cost you several hundred dollars got that or a new car door for Harry
Jason writhes on the floor in pain, Ryan seeing this runs out full speed with
his skateboard and levels carter in the back of the head Harry and Carl
jump back shocked.
Come on bitches
Big mistake man
Jason get up bro, Come on shit stain
Carl edges close but Ryan has the board at full length and swing’s narrowly
missing Carl who jumps back, Harry tries to rush but gets kicked by Jason
he then gets the board to the face and collapses in pain. Carl looks down
then just steps back. Jason grabs the Drugs and Money, They leave quickly
as teacher comes round and shouts at Carter, Harry and Carl.
Cut to
Ryan and Jason are round the corner Jason is smiling and laughs. He
punches Ryan.
Where the fuck were you
WOAH dude I was busy
Doing what
I was just preoccupied in my locker
Harry or Carter
Neither was I hiding from Todd the douche
Well at least you came Christ that was lucky, but thanks bro
Well at least we get High (Smiles)
Carter will want payback I think we should bunk off
Dude not after I promised my mom I wouldn’t
Fair dos but what do we do OUR last class is with carter!!
We go the back way and hide out the rest of the day, come on class waits.
The whole day goes slow as they look around and Carter isn’t to be seen
they have lunch in detention deliberately and just hide out as the day is
coming to an end Jason and Ryan go to their last class and see that Carter
isn’t there as the door shuts. And the class starts the door opens. Carter
steps in with friends and Jason and Ryan go white.
You’re late
Sorry I will try to be here on time next time
Back of the class
Carter walks past and gives them a wink and smile and sits at the back.
Ryan looks back and Carter is full on intently staring at him. Ryan looks at
Jason. He slumps his head.
Sorry Bro
Without realizing it Ryan smacks Jason’s head off the table
Son of a bitch!!!!
What the hell?
Jason whacks Ryan back
Out now and detention
Ryan looks at Jason and indicates Carter with his eyes and Jason just smiles
as they stand up and leave Carter looks on and just gets enraged Jason nods
back and smiles as they leave Crater smashes his fist against the table
Silence!!! Or you’ll all get detention
Ryan and Jason make their way to detention and smile as they might just
get out of school alive. They arrive at the detention and see Carrie and
Melissa. They nod to each other and smile and go and sit in the corner
As there sat doing nothing Ryan’s phone vibrates he looks at it it’s from
Melissa he looks up and ignores it she gets up and goes to talk to him Jason
nods and goes towards Carrie.
Melissa sits down and Ryan ignore her she taps him, he looks up and
Fighting Carter again
What can I say I’m a glutton for punishment?
Melissa shakes her head at the rebuke
So why is the princess in the dungeon with the scum
I can be just as bad
But you’ve never burnt a school down
Melissa looks appalled, While Ryan smirks at her
Cut to Jason and Carrie
Why are the princesses in detention?
Leave it J
Let me guess you were protecting a friend’s honour
Maybe I just got a bit defensive
He doesn’t know that and if you too stopped being stubborn and talked more
Talked about what
UMMM.... how the time we spent apart wasn’t good?
Carrie raises an eyebrow as she tries to figure what Jason just said
Cut to Ryan and Melissa who seem to be in a stalemate.
What you don’t believe everything you hear?
I thought all the stuff bout you being at court wasn’t true
Depends how much you want to listen too
You’re no better than Carter
He isn’t even close to what I can do
Ryan gets up and walks away from Melissa who looks stunned he goes and
sits with Jason and they chat he looks back and shakes his head.
As they are sat in detention they get distracted by the time and just muck
around as they realize that it’s nearly time to go.
The Bell sounds and everyone looks up. The teacher allows them to leave
Jason and Ryan look round and head for the door as they peer out they
can’t see Carter.
As they leave a different way the back school yard is deserted they walk
and as they get halfway they realize that a shadow appears from behind
them, they turn Carl is stood with baton they edge away as he walks slowly
two shadow appears from the right and its more of carters friends.
Jason and Ryan look shocked as they turn Carter and Harry walk round the
Now earlier today you took some very cheap shots
Son of a bitch could have broken my nose
Fuck you
That isn’t an option you give the money and the drugs over and then maybe we rough
you up a bit.
Some of Carters friends:
Ryan stands back with Jason but doesn’t move until he thinks its safe he
and Jason are just trapped he looks at every avenue of escaping and just
thinks about what to do.
Look, We won’t hurt you just hand the gear and Notes and all will be forgiven, Look
think it through
How about you get fucked?
That is not a nice thing to say you really should give up the dough I’m bored
Okay we don’t want any trouble here
Ryan takes the money and pauses for a second as he grabs the stuff Jason
pulls it back.
Look I have a plan I just need you to know that whatever happens run and run fast okay
Jason reluctantly lets go of the bag of stuff as Ryan turns to hand it Carter
comes forward.
Ryan hands the bag but doesn’t let go as Carter tugs Ryan swings hard and
fast and clocks Carter to the floor seeing this happen Jason rushes forward
and hits Carl, Ryan also runs as Carter stumbles down with the gear in hand
they bolt for the back of the school.
Carter gets up fuming
Carter and his friends rush after, Ryan and Jason run full pelt towards a
fenced of area
How do we get over that?
Jump it
They lunge at the fence as Jason hits the top he turns round to see Carter
and a lot of enraged people.
Ryan runs back as he sees Jason transfixed
Stop daydreaming their going to kill us
Shit! (As he see Carter has more people)
Jason jumps down they run through some foliage
Carter hops the fence and looks round
Get the car we can cut them off
They went straight
Get the car we’ll trap them
Carter and Carl look round as Harry and two others from the group run to
get the car.
They run on chasing Jason and ever more determined.
Cut To
Jason and Ryan running and looking back they stop for a second and see a
fence with a hole in it they go through and grab a piece of wood and pin it
against the fence.
As the view moves out the Fence has a warning sign for electricity on it and
looks disbanded and disused.
Carter and Harry run up and look round but don’t see anything they look
round shouting.
You can’t hide and I will find you
Carter walks round with friends and they find the disused electrical site
and nod they walk toward it.
Ryan and Jason run round looking for a way out but can’t find it as they run
round another corner they see Carter and his friends near the front
Carter sees them and smiles
Hey come out to play
They start to climb the fence.
Run Now
As their feet touch the ground Ryan and Jason run towards the back of the
power station, At that point a car pulls up and it’s Carl.
Hey Bitches
As Carl and Co get out of the Car, Ryan and Jason turn towards another
avenue of escape a broken down building that has hazard signs on it.
With Carter and his friends following suite they split up as they enter the
Carter looks around as he decides to go after Jason alone.
You find the little punk and you make him pay I’ll get the other one
Ryan climbs up a ladder and can see harry and Carl looking for him he goes
by some windows and can see a main road.
Jason manages to get a good spot and can see carter is walking round
As Carl and Harry are looking for Ryan he sneaks up behind Carl and
swings his board into his back leg as he does this he covers his mouth as to
not make a noise. Harry stops as he turns Ryan body checks him into a
drum semi concussing him. He then targets Carter.
Jason goes onto a gangway and sees its semi safe as he does this carter is
behind him he walks halfway across before it makes creaking noises. As he
turns carter is at the other end.
You should have just done what I asked its along drop down
You think I’d believe you the moment we handed the stuff over you’d turn your hounds
on us
I know, now if I’m correct this will give way
Carter hammers the ledge once it shakes knocking Jason off balance as he
swings again Ryan rushes and both smash through a window into the road.
They both tumble over and become dazed as they regain their composure
they both charge and throw several punches at each other both seem
equally matched Carter lands a glancing blow knocking Ryan off his feet as
he gets up Carter kicks him in the ribs forcing Ryan to scream with agony
he rolls over.
Carter picks up Ryan’s skateboard as Ryan Gets to his knees Carter swings
it hard hitting Ryan full in the face and knocking him back Jason, Harry, Carl
and Carters friends and Passersby see this happen. Ryan rocks back dazed
and seemingly unfocused as he gets up a car drives round the corner very
fast and he gets hit full on as the car hits the breaks. Ryan is forced back a
couple of hundred feet flying into the power station and hitting some sort
of power supply as it shocks him and forces the power station into a
The power station seems to sound an alarm and Carters friend’s rush out
Jason rushes out sees the car and the driver in shock Carter is by the side of
the road and Jason punches him hard to the floor before Carter can
counteract Jason rushes to the hole Ryan made and sees his friend lying in a
At that point sirens are heard and Carter and co seem to vanish from
existence. As the emergency services arrive Jason stumbles back as a
policeman pulls him from the scene of carnage.
As the Paramedics see the destruction wrought the fire brigade clear the
area. Ryan’s lifeless body is brought out and Put down the paramedic lean
in to check his airway.
He’s breathing
Jason jumps up as the other paramedic looks at his injuries
Remain still your friend is still in danger
As Jason’s injuries aren’t minor the police would like a word the
paramedics deem it necessary that Ryan goes to the hospital.
Jason wants to go with him as he’s a family friend; the police allow this but
will want an incident report.
Carter shows up and sees the destruction and sees the police conversing
with the driver he walks away and drives off. The shot zooms out as the
police and fire people start clearing the streets. The paramedics and Jason
leave for the hospital.
The hospital waiting room with Jason sat in one place and Ryan’s family
and Carrie.
Mrs Loren:
Jason, what happened?
I don’t know, we got chased by the school bully
Mr Loren:
Carter why have I heard that name before
He’s the school jock
Mr Loren:
No, he’s famous for the school but why are him and Ryan even close?, they are at
different end so of the spectrum.
You know that Ryan has had a lot of detentions
Mr Loren:
Why don’t I like the sound of this?
Well there have been a lot of fights culminating in detentions and near suspensions
Mr Loren steps forward and looks wide eyed and very angry as jason steps
back a bit.
Mr Loren:
He’s been fighting with this meat head what the hell why have I just been told and if he
survives this he better bloody hide.
You think we wanted to keep this a secret we had to your not the talking kind daddy.
Mr Loren:
He has brought shame to me and I won’t have it I gave him the benefit of the doubt last
time and this is how he repays me
Mrs Loren:
He didn’t mean it I told him to be on his best behaviour.
Mr Loren:
Yeah!! Look where it got you
Carrie walks in looks wide eyed.
Mr Loren turns round
He has done nothing but help you and you’ve made him small and insignificant, He has
tried to keep away from carter but he’s an easy target and they have attacked, Now he
lies there not knowing what has happened and some shit gets away with it.
Mr Loren:
This Carter I want him
I shouldn’t say but I will just let it go Carter is nothing but a punk we have to focus on
The doctor and nurse come in as Mr and Mrs Loren stand up.
Your son is stable he’s got several broken bones that have been fixed but the damage is
more psychological he is in a coma and currently isn’t responding to revival treatments.
As the news sinks in Felix gets angry whereas Claudia looks sullen Carrie is
comforted by Jason and Mr Loren looks shocked.
Most cases of coma aren’t that bad we hope that we can get some response soon but
each case will differ.
Mr Loren:
Will we be able to see him?
Yes I can take you right away
The nurse takes them out of the family room and takes them to Ryan, as
they enter, camera pans out to see the extent of his damages and what has
happened, he is lying breathing but not responding.
Mrs Loren steps forward and grabs Ryan’s still hand.
Mrs Loren:
You’re a fighter my little man you’ll pull through.
I am sorry but I will have to ask you to leave visiting hours are tomorrow you all need
your rest, and so does he.
As they are ushered out Jason turns round and salutes Ryan, Carrie seems
more upset and the rest of the family comfort each other.
Montage of Ryan in hospital and Carter at school people have seen the
news reports and the rumours seem true Carter tries to talk to Melissa she
slaps him and walks away, Jason is in hiding but gets rumbled as carter
goes near him the actual bully Todd comes out and acts as an enforcer to
protect him with Carters image going downhill Ryan has become a sort of
Several Scenes of Ryan’s school, friends and family visiting him even an
unlikely guest. Jason is reading him Comics, Claudia reads him fashion and
Felix reads men’s magazines. His mum and dad care for him his dad
mentioning current affairs and politics.
Ryan’s room, his hair has grown and facial hair has appeared. The door
opens and a set of feet they walk towards the bed and then sit in the chair
shown in shot. Camera moves out to reveal Carrie who is distraught.
I have come to the conclusion in the last few weeks that I can’t go on without the
support from you. J and I need you Ryan you’re the integral part of our lives even the
independent Meg needs you she misses your smile.
As Ryan lays there Carrie pulls out a letter.
I know this is weak and you hate me for it but I wrote this as I was away at summer
camp with him!!!
(Dear Ryan, I know we have been distant for the last several month’s but not a day goes
by that I don’t think of you and how I miss you, You said what does it take to be Human
to me, and I never answered, I believe to be human is to show signs of emotion and be
fortuitous in what you do and how not to let anything bring you despair, You taught me
how to overcome adversity and blossom, these little things you have done make me
wish I was there but I am here you are there even if you don’t write I would like to think
your thinking of me somehow.
Love, Carrie
As the letter is read out Ryan’s face is contorting taking in what is read out.
As Carrie doesn’t see any change she gets up and leaves tearfully she leans
over and kisses Ryan on the forehead and leaves a tear drops down and
sparks him to wake his hand twitches with a pulse of static between the
fingers. She leaves unaware.
Ryan slowly moves his hands and his eyes slowly open he is unsure where
he is. He gets up and pulls the cords attached to his skin and moves off the
bed, He walks towards the window and looks out seeing how rainy it is.
His eyes pan round he sees Carrie run towards a car he grips the ledge and
his emotions get the better of him he grips hard leaving a definite imprint
and walks back to the bed.
The nurse walks in and shocked to see him awake and walking round fine
he looks up confused.
Where am I and what happened?
Remarkable you don’t remember do you
I remember a car and something to do with electricity.
Yeah you have been in a coma for several weeks and were thought to have been
As Ryan takes this in he grabs a drink and then crushes the glass in surprise
he has cuts but doesn’t feel the pain. The nurse grabs some bandaging and
then calls the doctor. He arrives.
This is very remarkable you show no sign of paralysis yet no signs of trauma
What’s happened to me?
As my colleagues said you were in a coma and haven’t had any side effect, you were
struck by a car then electrocuted and brought back to life and you should be bound to a
wheelchair with the injuries. But you walk and breathe as I see.
Ryan sits down on the bed he is left alone by the nurse and doctor as he
takes in the extent of what happened he drops his head and balls his hands
into fists as he looks up electricity moves around them the camera pans
A man is stood in a room looking out the window the camera pans round to
show Jason a car is heard as he goes down to see who it is he looks up and
sees its Carrie and she rushes to him excited.
He’s awake, He’s awake
Who’s awake?
Realizing what he said a smile appears on his face he and Carrie embrace as
she has tears of joy. The get in the car and drive to pick Megan up then onto
the hospital and both are excited about the news as they arrive they wait
outside for Ryan.
The hospital doors open and Ryan walks out with minor injuries to him, he
looks round to see Carrie, Jason and Meg beaming with smiles he walks
arms open and embraces them.
WWWWHHHHHHHOOOOO, Yeah baby let’s get krunked!!!!
So how is it you sorry people are here?
Your mom thought it be a good idea
How are they?
Well there coping it’s been along few weeks schools in its final semester and its hard as
hell, You got to have the brains to complete it.
Let’s go fill me in later
What happened to you?
Ryan looks at Carrie quizzically
How do you mean?
You could have died (hits him)
I’m ok I am alive it was a coma not a life threatening disease.
Look you haven’t had the bullshit we’ve had off people
Look it’s going to be ok I’m back and there is nothing that can go wrong all I need is
support form you guys.
Yeah boy!!!
Don’t support this, drugs and gangs are at the school.
I’ve just got out of hospital I don’t need this I want to get back to my education can we
just leave.
They get in the car and drive in silence to Ryan’s’ house as they pull up his
mum and family are waiting. Ryan jumps out before the car can pull up he
smiles and walks towards his family.
Mr Loren:
You look better than I expected
Well it’s the medical bills and thank you
Mrs Loren:
Come here you look gorgeous, now who’s for tea?
They enter the house with a quick rush they are sat at the dinner table
Ryan looks round and Megan nudges him and leans in.
You alright
Just feeling a bit nostalgic
For the record we missed you now chow down and get better.
As they get wired into dinner they finish and laugh and chat about different
things. Mr and Mrs Loren leave the kids to it and Claudia and Felix walk off.
They leave the dinner table after clearing it up and then head to Ryan’s den.
Ryan brings out a secret stash of drugs and they light up while playing
music and opening all the windows.
I didn’t think I would make it as my injuries sounded worse
Look it’s all good and school will be better Monday
You need to focus and get your head down
I bet you got some homework for me
No I got some revision note as we got tests you have to pass them to prove that you’re
up to scratch.
Goodie for me (Sarcastically)
What about Carter?
What about him?
Payback bro
No I want to get on with my life not pursue him
He’s the reason you were in hospital
Silence hits them as Ryan just sits down drinking and smoking They join
him then play some music, As the night winds down Jason and Megan leave
as Ryan and Carrie are left alone he goes out to the balcony.
So was weird without you
Peaceful I bet
No I did miss you as there was no one to chat to
There was loads of people to talk to I just couldn’t have responded
Carrie hits him he smiles and semi restrains her
You’re so sincere
Well it can’t be dreams of fulfilment
I felt l lost a part of me when you were not here for me
Did something happen while I was gone
No just you’ve been my best boy friend for 13 years then you were gone I know Js cool
but you’ve always stuck by me regardless.
Look it’s the weekend I just want to relax I got class Monday and yeah it was weird I was
in my brain I could hear voices and other things but I don’t know who came and who
went I think at one point Carter was outside staring in. But I don’t know its’ been a
whole load of weird for me I just want to get better. I feel more alive if I’m honest.
You look a bit more Hench and I’m impressed.
Oh my god I’m not a piece of meat!!
Yeah but you can stare at my rack all you want
Ryan smiles and pushes her away but just cuddles her he looks at her and
freezes for a second she looks up.
You actually look content
I was just thinking
What about?
Thank you for being there to wake me up I had a lot of visitors all of who spoke to me
but you were there to help me and I appreciate it you didn’t have to be there but you
were the letter helped get better. At one point I thought Carter was there staring in to
the room.
The one you read out!!
Oh Christ I thought you didn’t hear that
I heard every word
I have to go
Carrie runs out as tears stream down her face Ryan runs after her but she
gets in her car and drives off.
As he turns round he sees Melissa.
So it’s true i assumed it was false the boy wonder back from the dead.
What do you want?
I came to say hi
You have done you enough can leave.
Ryan walks past nudging her she rushes after him and gets in front of him.
Who do you think you are!!!
No, who the hell do you think are you? (Said with anger)
Melissa steps back in fear Ryan steps back in amazement.
I’m sorry I need some sleep been a long day.
Carer knows you’re out he is prepared
Well he’ll be waiting all year as I’m not interested in hurting him
What happened to the asshole that never backed down?
Ryan looks down and pulls himself to full height.
Look come what may he can be scared I’ve spent the last 2 months a sleep I want my life
back on track he wants a piece bring it, I’m not out for revenge and....
Melissa kisses him full he pushes her back
What the hell?
You speak more sense than Carters made in days
Look I think you should leave I’m going to be fine
Without hesitation Melissa leaves, Ryan hangs his head and walks to the
barn he was in, he looks around and has a sudden rage without realizing it
he unleashes a bolt of power from his hand and makes a piece of paper
smoulders he looks shocked and just ignore it.
He jumps from his position and hits a pylon and grips onto it he swings
round and smiles he lands down on his feet and heads to the house.
As he walks the camera pans round to him in the foreground walking and
the piece of paper is seen smouldering.
Cut to
A foggy night at the docks, several shadows are seen looking around and
then a boat pulls up from the shadows a man steps forward from the
Sanizare you’re late where have you been fuck wit!!!!
Sanizare steps out of the shadows.
I lost two more men Dessi his better be good methacine I’m taking or there will be
You old sea dog of course it is I’ve got my top men on it and it paid off before
Just give me the gear I have the money for Braga
As the name is said 3 more men emerge Sanizare steps back
What’s this?
Sanizare I have information that links you to a recent member of our team
You remember Da luca
Vaguely He was Bragas little runt wasn’t he
He took a swim with the fishes
Now where is the chemist and who else is dealing with you?
Look I get the money and the gear and that is it I don’t know who is doing what I have
no part in it I’m the transport.
A car roles forward as Dessi, Lucio, Joey and Filipo step back three men
emerge Sanizare gulps as he knows who it is.
The bigger of the three men steps forward Sanizare steps back but can’t
You know who I am don’t you
Yes Braga!!!, you owe me information (Clicks fingers)
The two men go to the boot and bring out a person revealing the person to
be Sanizare’s wife.
Now this isn’t her fault it’s yours now if you can’t help me you can only hinder me.
As Sanizare looks shocked Dessi and Joey jump on the boat and bring out
pistols Filipo has a rifle aimed at Sanizare, Lucio tethers the boat and grabs
Sanizares wife and hangs her near the edge.
Look you have to believe me I don’t know who the other person is it could be outside
help for all I know.
Do you have any idea where they come from?
I think there American.
As a small panic happens Filipo shoots Sanizare out of fear. Brag looks
round in anger
Filipo, you dick, I’m sorry for my mans idiotic
Fuck you Braga
Hey!! I need to know or there will be consequences, what about your crew.
My crew don’t know shit!!
Lucio, what did you find in Da lucas car?
Mixture of drugs and counterfeit money boss!!
Does that sound familiar to you
Sanizare looks down and then tears appear
I needed extra money
Braga nods then walks up the ramp off the boat, Dessi follows.
Make it quick understood, (He looks at his two men and nods)
Yes, boss
As Braga gets to the car Dessi nods to filipo and Lucio. Lucio pushes
Sanizares wife into him as he catches her Filipo and Lucio both fire killing
them, Joey shoots the crew who are knelt and tied up.
They take the gear and pour petrol on the boat and setting it out into the
seas while they set it alight. Dessi walks with the gear and take sit to Braga.
He looks at it and smiles he hands the drugs to Dessi and keeps most of the
You did good Dessi, take the drugs find what they are and get me a new dealer one you
can rely on or next time you join them ok
Yes boss
As Braga’s car pulls away Dessi walks back to his car with Filipo, Lucio and
Joey waiting he gets in and the car pulls away.
Fade Out
Fade In
A newspaper with the local headline of a man and women found burned on
a boat as the camera pans out we sees its being read by Mr Loren sat at the
dinner table eating breakfast. Ryan walks in and sees this he turns but Mr
Loren drops the paper.
Mr Loren:
Ryan glad you could join me, not to high are you
Hey Mitch
Mr Loren:
Please call me dad
Mr Loren:
What you got planned today?
Going to hang with Jason
Mr Loren:
Just don’t do anything ridiculous and be careful
I will be
Ryan grabs some food and heads to his car the looks towards the barn he
walks in and climbs up to see how high he jumped he whistles grabs onto a
bar and jumps down hanging as he pulls up with great strength but ends up
pulling the bar loose he smiles and dumps it to one side. Looking back at
what he can do he kicks a pillar hurts his foot but sees he’s left a dent in it
and a small crack, he limps away but the pain subside quickly. He walks to
his car and drives off to see Jason.
As he pulls up to Jason’s he sees a very plush car driving off he stops as it
goes by looks at it but can’t tell who it is. He gets out and greets Jason.
Who was that?
No one important, let’s chill
They go into Jason’s basement which has a secret lock and there is a large
chemistry set?
My uncle wants me to look at these drugs that are mixed and matched.
As they sit down Jason and Ryan just laugh and start playing a console,
after a while Jason and Ryan talk.
Look I spoke to Megan and she told me that you and Carrie got close last night but she
ended up crying.
That took 24hours that’s quick.
Look it isn’t my business but she is worried we all are bud.
Um fine I just want my life back on track I just have issues I need to sort out.
Look I know the next few days will be tough you just have to see what you can do.
Yeah man
As the day wares on Ryan and Jason have some lunch and then head there
separate ways as Ryan leave he sees the car he saw earlier parked up the
street he ignores it and drives off as he does it pulls out and pulls up to
Jason’s house his uncle Lucio gets out.
As Ryan leaves Jason goes into his basement start doing pharmaceuticals
Jason is making a really big concoction with some of the drugs camera pans
around watching him tick boxes and think of drugs that will cancel each
other out using their effects after several different tries he comes up with
silver shaped. Jason’s Uncle Lucio arrives and they converse.
I have here an amalgamation of Methodrone and Cannabis; I’ve ground them up then
boiled them to make them look like a liquid I’ve put them in a silver nitrate capsule so i
call it quicksilver, The two drugs should weight each other out i.e when you get
paranoid you just get back to reality with the methadrone.
How do you know it works?
I don’t its pure guessing I just thought it sounds really cool with the name
Quicksilver, how will the person know it’s good?
Well I have the calculations here look weed can make you paranoid methadrone makes
you buzz, now with paranoia setting in then the buzz part it gets better.
You will make us rich little nephew but your mom and pops must never know ok
It’s pure equilibrium you must know what works, sure uncle.
As Jason makes more drugs lucio pulls out his phone and talks to Dessi who
seems happy, lucio lets out a sigh.
I’m just the chemist we test it then we sell it and get some monies
We just need a dealer now?
Hey, what about one of your friends
Braga would never go for that.
Braga? He’s that crime lord from downtown Montrose
Yeah and
Dad wants him bad
Well he’ll have to wait he’s in hiding
He killed those people from the boat; Mom and Dad were arguing about it today, he left
to investigate.
As far as I’m concerned they assume I’m in Italy got that bro.
Yes Luke,
Hey its lucio now
A Lucio hands over some money to Jason he embraces him and leaves the
house with the stash of drugs developed. As he does he brings out a locket
of him and the family he nods and just goes to the car. He drives off.
Cut to
Ryan pulling up to a shop as he gets out, Harry is seen stood behind him not
realizing who it is, he walks towards the shop and smiles. As Ryan is seen
looking round harry waits outside, Ryan pays for is food stuff and leaves as
he get outside harry pushes him he drops it.
He sees harry smile and stops
There was news of you being around
Yeah what of it
Nothing just is funny and all
Tell carter I say Hi
Harry runs after him and gets in his way
Leave it!!
Or what!!
Ryan just lashes out hard making Harry stumble back he punches Ryan
who glances the blow and then kicks hard which makes him stumble Harry
gets up and just looks surprised, He gets up but Ryan growls and lands a
blow to his sternum when he tries again harry moves, he hits his hand on
the concrete and it breaks he grunts but harry has already ran away before
he can regain composure. He goes to his car and drives to the hospital.
As he drives to the hospital his anger subsides he arrives and checks
himself in after an X-ray scan he finds that h has broken his wrist after
being bandages he goes home, he arrives home and its quite late he enters
the house.
Mr Loren:
Ryan is that you were in the kitchen teas nearly ready?
Yeah, um I’m not really hungry
As Ryan goes to leave Claudia come out flabbergasted.
Ryan what has happened to you?
It’s nothing just a bruise
No that’s a serious problem what happened?
I bumped into harry there just broken but will heal. You can’t say anything.
Claudia shakes her head as Ryan goes up to his room and locks the door
and just looks at his school paper work, he looks up at the clock. 18:10
He put his head down and start going through the work. Montage of Ryan
doing his work and occasionally checking his phone for a message he seems
to get up and walk around and then sit back down. He looks up at the time
as he finishes the last page of his work. 22:43
He sighs and puts his hands on his head despite the cast being there he
closes his eyes his computer beeps. He goes over to check who messaged
him it’s from Jason, he smiles.
Split screen of both of them. Conversation as follows camera shows both
smiling and shaking head
(Jason: dude, how’s it going what you been doing?
Ryan: Nothing much just catching up with work for tomorrow, what you
been doing
Jason: Had a family meal
Ryan: Cool, saw harry today and went for it hit him hard
Jason: Dude that was maybe dangerous as carter wants your head
Ryan: I don’t care I got more pressing issues with school and my family
Jason: Cool dude well I‘ll see you tomorrow kind of beat. Piece
Ryan: Later, bud I’ll pick you up)
Ryan looks at the state of his room he just shrugs grabs some Tylenol and
takes a couple of tablets and heads towards his bed. He instantly shuts his
Fade Out
Fade In
Sheets moving and someone groans, they get crumpled and Ryan wakes up,
the sun shines into the room he gets out of bed and walks over to his closet,
he gets changed and goes downstairs. He enters the family room which has
Mr and Mrs Loren in everything seems to stop as he has his wrist in a cast.
Mr Loren looks agitated Mrs Loren looks scared; Felix enters and smiles
then sees the wrist.
What happened to you hit problem writing or just jerk off too much (Smiling )
Mr Loren:
Felix out in the lounge area now
Felix leaves and goes thought to the lounge shutting the door behind him.
Mr Loren:
What happened and no excuses?
I got into a fight hit the pavement then went to the hospital broken wrist plus couple of
Mr Loren:
This is fucking ridiculous stop fighting for Christ sake
Mrs Loren:
Calm down Mitch , This is nothing
Mitch Loren:
Cynthia, this is not nothing I Have tried and tried all I get is aggravation
Cynthia Loren:
Yeah and all I’ve put up with is bullshit your both men stop fighting and help each other.
You stop bullshitting get your head down at school and Mitch please just help him he
has troubles like everyone not just you.
Ryan looks shocked as his mom doesn’t normally get angry and Mitch just
sighs and nods
Ryan grabs some food and heads towards the door Mr Loren heads after
him he stops.
Mitch Loren:
Just take it easy ok
I will don’t worry just give me time and I’ll get through
Ryan heads out the door and goes to his car and just recollects what his dad
had just said. He opens the door and when he slams it nearly breaks the
door off it buckles he looks at it weirdly and hammers the steering wheel
which leaves a dent. He frowns then starts the car and drives of towards
Jason’s house.
He picks Jason who smiles as he enters the car they set off to school.
Cut To
School parking lot with people looking round Ryan pulls into the school
some people turn their heads others ignore it.
As they pull up Carter is seen in the background he walks forward but stops
Ryan gets out of his car and looks around, they make eye contact but Ryan
grabs his stuff as he walks Tesendorf is waiting for him
Mrs Tesendorf:
Mr Advent Your about 6 weeks late
Sorry I was asleep (smiles)
Mrs Tesendorf:
Well that is ok next time please phone up, Principal Rowell wants to see you
Thank you Miss
Mrs Tesendorf:
It’s a pleasure to have you back.
Ryan walks away with a smile and looks towards Carter he frowns and just
walks past Jason and Megan are seen smooching Ryan sees this. Jason nods
and they cuddle Carrie is nowhere to be seen Ryan looks towards the
school principal area and walks slowly.
As he arrives at Principal Rowell’s office he walks in, the principal is sat
going over some work Ryan is being ignored. He coughs to get his attention
Principal Rowell Looks up
Principal Rowell:
Sit down Mr Advent
Ryan sits down and Principal Rowell looks up
Principal Rowell:
Ryan It is a pleasure to have you back:
Thank you sir!
Principal Rowell:
Whatever happened or come whatever may, there will be no more between you and
Carter, I don’t care who started it ends ok
Yes sir!!
Principal Rowell:
Good, now you missed a lot in the last six weeks and you have a very tough hill to get up
if you intend to graduate.
Graduation is far away, sir.
Principal Rowell:
Yes but to achieve a good grade you will have to make the work up and it will get
I will make the grade sir don’t worry I will also put in the extra work if needs be.
Principal Rowell:
Ok, that is all just get to class
Ryan walks out with hesitation and heads to class Melissa walks round the
As I live and breathe your alive
What do you want?
To ask how you are
Really!! (Cocks an eyebrow)
Well I don’t see Carrie here
Carrie walks round the corner at the same time
There you are, we’re late for class, hey lissa got to be going bye!!
Carrie grabs Ryan’s arm he looks bemused she drags him round the corner
they talk for a bit.
You can’t return my calls but you can appear like a witch
So sue me it was emotional having you back and the letter I couldn’t bring myself to
send it
At least your here now and class go it’s going to be along day
As they walk to class they look at each other at separate times then look
away but each time they are smiling, they arrive at class with the teacher
giving them a cockeyed look they then head to the back with Jason giving
Ryan the thumbs Megan hits him then smiles.
As the day pans out Ryan and Carrie have respect for each other on whole
new level as they seem to have made up as the day draws to an end they
head home.
The next two days Ryan has it easy at school settling in and trying to get his
grades back up to scratch he helps. Montage of him working and getting
closer to Carrie.
As Ryan is at school a flyer is handed out to him and he picks it up looking
at the flyer he frowns Jason comes up to him.
Let’s get mashed
This is in a very posh area man we don’t belong
Look a lot of people are going
I have to revise dude
Look I have this new drug I’ve been working on so don’t let’s get wrecked and relax for
tomorrow we can chill out,
New drug
Jason looks round and hands Ryan the drug quicksilver he smiles and
hands it back, the bell goes as they head to their next class a lot of the flyers
are being handed out.
As school ends they walk away and head towards the car park.
Pick me up later this is going to be buzzing end of year party ha ha ha
Does your drug work?
Jason walks away upon hearing the question as he hasn’t truly tested the
drug Ryan assumes he hasn’t heard and heads home.
Later that night Ryan is getting ready for the party Claudia knocks on the
door has he’s preparing.
What are you doing?
Going out what are you doing?
Heading to this party
Like me that’s weird!!
You should be studying and it isn’t wise Carter might be there.
Ryan steps back and shrugs.
It isn’t his choice its mine
Just be careful
I will
I mean it Ryan Its good having you back we don’t want to lose you again
Ryan smiles as he gets ready Claudia leaves for pre drinks.
As the night starts to pick up the party at the abandoned building is kicking
off, kegs are being passed out some people are joking around people are
conversing Ryan arrives with Carrie and they seems to be a couple as they
dance and play, Jason arrives with a bag full of drugs and smiles as he
throws them around.
Claudia is at the party she nods towards Ryan as not to impose on his
space. He jumps round as the night wears on people are hooking up,
sleeping or leaving. Claudia finds one of the drugs on the side and takes it
as the drug kicks in she over exerts herself And dances as she does she
starts to have a heart attack as she overdoses on the drug, people round her
see this some scream others panic.
Ryan is watching this he doesn’t realize its Claudia till the last minute
He runs down the stairs and grabs he as she cardiac arrests.
Phone an ambulance!!!!!
As Claudia starts to OD the party starts to die down some people scatter as
Ryan holds her she stops moving.
No, NO!!!!
Some people look shocked Ryan looks into her eyes and sees that there
lifeless, a tear rolls down his cheek he stands angry and looks around he
sees Jason outside conversing with Carter and Co, Letting his anger get the
better of him he runs hard and fast and spears Jason hard as he kinds he
She’s dead ass hole your drug doesn’t work
Claudia, you’re drug is killing her
Jason stands and shakes his head.
Bullshit!! Your lying
She’s in the house Cardiac arrest!!!
As Jason realizes what happened Ryan punches him to the floor
People start to come out of the house
Get Up NOW!!!
Jason stands up but moves away from Ryan
She must have took something else
No The eyes gave away your drug side effects the police and ambulance are on their
You ratted me out Son of a bitch
No I need her to get help!!!
Fuck you!!!!
Fuck you!!!
Ryan turns to leave but gets tackled from behind he sees Jason stood over
him he swing hard with a stick it breaks off Ryan’s raised arm he winces
then head butts Jason in the face.
You had it all man and then you let it go you’re a liability and your drug is a piece of shit
Yeah well rather me than the goodie two shoes bull shit you’ve been pulling
You were familiar now you’re a waste, were over see daddy save you now
Ryan walks away as Jason looks round as people walk away and the police
start to hurdle people from the scene of the crime. Ryan sits down at his car
as Felix is waiting for him.
Don’t be just let me be
Felix gets into his car and drives off. Ryan hangs his head a tear falls from
his face and the rain sets in a he realizes what a bad night it was. He gets in
the car and closes his eyes for a moment.
The next day Ryan’s family are at the hospital.
Overnight her status was critical we have worked round the clock and her status is
The family looked relieved as they embrace one another and ask to go and
see her as they enter the room Ryan looks at Claudia asleep and realizes
what his family went through with him he leaves the room as he can’t
handle it he walks to the parking lot his dad comes after him.
Mr Loren:
Why did you leave?
I now know what you went through with me and for that I apologize
Mr Loren:
Well you’re a fighter and so is Claudia
I took her to that party she was under my watch she took those drugs it’s my fault
Mr Loren:
NO it’s not she made those choices you saved her
Mr Loren:
But nothing you did what you had to do just be thankful you saved her and didn’t leave.
I have to go it’s been nice but I need to be alone sorry dad.
Mr Loren:
Look, go easy and come back and see her ok
After another long day, Ryan drives home but sees there is traffic he takes a
different route and sees a gang harassing a lady he stops and gets, he runs
over and pushes one of the thugs.
Hey back off
You gonna get it dick head
Let’s carve him up
Ryan stands between the old lady as the thugs circle as one comes at him
he blocks then punches hard and fast but he gets hit from behind by the
other one he falls to one knee and blocks to separate hits he then flicks his
wrist shooting a bolt from it electrocuting the man a little the other stands
back shocked he brings a knife out and thrusts it at him as he does Ryan
palms it off all though he gets slashed several times not noticing he then
rushes forward and head butts the guy hard he lands on the floor and grab
his head as he does the man lets a gasp out as Ryan drains the man’s life
out of him.
Ryan stands back shocked the other man stands
Benj, what did you do
Enraged the man runs at him Ryan ducks under the swinging weapon and
then lands a punch to the back of the man’s head he falls hard and dies,
Ryan shocked at what has happened runs as the old woman he rescued
tries to come too to say thank you.
He runs back to his car and speeds off and stops somewhere random he
can’t bring himself to go home he looks around and sees that he’s in carries
As he looks around he sees her and tries to hide but she recognizes the car.
What are you doing here?
Um.. I ... um need help
Ryan what happened? Why are you covered in blood?
Saved someone
Let’s get you in side now
As Ryan gets escorted into Carrie’s house he seems to be in a state of shock
he gets taken to the bathroom and Carrie assesses his wounds seeing
several cuts that look deep he smiles as she cleans him up, after a long
silence she speaks.
Ryan, what happened?
I was driving after Claudia’s accident.
Meg Called me about it, sorry
Well, two thugs attacking a lady so I tried to stop them one but as they attacked I fended
them off, but they got me badly.
You did the right thing but you also risked your life.
As she cleans him up she switches on the TV which is immediately on the
(Noise off TV)
I have to leave
You didn’t do anything wrong
I killed two people to save a lady something isn’t right in me
What do you mean?
Ryan grabs a bat and hits himself hard.
I can’t feel pain ever since that accident something inside didn’t feel right.
So you’re saying what
I have strength that I can’t understand, powers of some kind
Ryan this sounds really weird.
That coma something changed inside my body when I went out something brought me
back I don’t know what but it is weird
Are you some sort of hero?
I don’t know it’s all weird and I have to sort myself out
I am here just so you know?
I know but I just need to have space sorry
Don’t just walk away
As Ryan walks away Carrie grabs his arm and they end up kissing intently
as he pulls back she looks into his eyes he kisses her back and then he
As he leaves he lets out a sigh and smiles at her he walks back and leads her
into her room as they romantically kiss they strip, Montage as they make
love and showing them engaging as they reach climax an electrical current
flows through them. They remain content as he leaves she sees him go but
knows he’ll be back.
He goes home and sneaks to the barn where he locks himself in and starts a
training session with his powers he unplugs equipment and shoots
lightning bolts at them to make them work, each one sparks to life but
shorts out as the power he is using is too powerful. He tries to harness his
abilities by looking through comic books about people with electrical
powers he grabs some water and sees what happens if he puts his hand in
it the water sparks to life then shatters the glass. He jumps back scared he
discovers that he has better athleticism by lifting heavier items like his
car’s front but he also discovers that it he can feel no pain but can hurt
He looks through some of his biological dad’s real possessions and finds a
diving suit he modifies it by adding armour to it and also finds a mask that
he sews to the suit. He dons the suit and tries it out and doesn’t feel
constricted. He changes back and hides the costume but feels confused he
looks at his wounds and notices there healing better he leaves the barn and
heads to the house he finds his mom in the kitchen.
Mrs Loren:
Hey Sweetie where were you last night missed the fun and games Claudia is stable
Sorry I couldn’t stay I didn’t feel right so...
Went to someone (Winking)
Mrs Loren:
Felix, stop that, Now if Ryan is becoming a man he better be protected
Mom please I know about safe sex.
I’m joking but you have been pining over Carrie for some time it’s about time you did
something about it maybe a date or even inviting her over.
Mom its good ok we know where we stand I don’t need the talk maybe Felix does as
Felix scowls as but smiles as they joke around and then eats some food
Fade Out
Fade in
A group of people stood around some smoking others packing up
equipment. One of the forms steps forward and comes into the light. It’s
Right, this little beauty is called quicksilver. (Holding up a small silver capsule)
Does it work?
Braga steps forward with Filipo and Joey everyone steps back Lucio steps
forward in front of Jason.
Yes it does just needs tweaking
Well I will watch over you as you’re a KID!!!
I’ll be watching him and he’s adverse to chemistry
Sanizare said that he blabbed now we are low on funds
Well if it doesn’t work we will kill Lucio then Jason But I will take it in faith he’s good
because I trust Lucio.
As the candour goes down Jason shows Braga and the other gang members
how the drug works by taking inebriated junkies and giving them the drug
as this happens Jason narrates over the euphoria they go through.
(Jason: The drug works as a capsule now the scientific part is when the amalgamation of
Methodrone and Cannabis; they’ve been ground up then boiled to a liquid I’ve put them in
a transparent capsule so call it quicksilver, The two drugs offer a euphoric and ecstasy
style vibe and give a an internal bliss but the interesting fact is they disable the junkies
abilities so he must have more and freeze his mind)
Braga seeing enough of the experiment nods towards Joey he takes four
men inside the room and as the junkies are ignorant of them Joey and the
men fire killing them instantly. Braga turns to Jason who has frozen too the
Now how much these will drugs cost as they need to be cheap to make but high to sell
and are they traceable.
No they aren’t they are non traceable but the ingredients are hard to come by so we
have to make a decision to find out how to get them there is a special ingredient in the
What is that?
That would be telling
Tell me now
Opium it’s easy to use and there are no complications with it
That’s the key ingredient another drug
No, the opium renders them inebriated and therefore the other drugs work there effect
it’s very simple when you put your mind to it but it won’t cost much to get the opium I
have a supply to make at least 1,000 pills you make up the price of what you charge
As Jason walks away Lucio and Braga start to discuss terms about what to
sell the drug at as he looks to where the people were killed he looks back
and shudders.
Cut To
Ryan stood on top of a building looking at downtown Montrose and in his
full super hero gear he scans the area and uses his eagle eye sense to look
for trouble he jumps down and to a ledge and hears a noise on instinct he
jumps round and brings a mace to bare that he made. He hears a scream
and runs towards it he uses the electricity powers he has to find the person
being mugged he jumps from the shadows and finds that its one man
attacking a lady he steps forward the mugger turns round
What the fuck?
I am Syth-x Resist and there will be trouble
Fuck this (He shoots ryan)
Ryan falls back as the mugger turns round he rises back up, the mugger
runs in despair
The mugger raises the gun as he does Ryan rushes him and smashes his
arm with the mace as he lets out a cry Ryan grabs him and throws him into
a Dumpster, As he rises Ryan walks over as he gets to Ryan swings the
mace knocking the man back and gravely wounding him, the mugger
staggers back Ryan shoots a bolt of electricity at him stunning him he then
ties him up in some wire but the police have been called as they arrive
Ryan rushes off before they can see him they stop and see the man and look
confused as his victim is out cold.
Who did this?
I don’t know but he looks gravely injured
That’s the third time this week
As the camera pans back we travel back to Ryan’s house and several Nights
of him fighting crime have taken their toll as he takes his top off after the
last skirmish we see a very grave knife wound and several bullet holes and
various other scarification wounds, as he patches himself up. The camera
cuts to Jason and how he has been working very productively on
Quicksilver and how he’s lost sense of what is ethical to him and has even
used a gun he is seen by Lucio as a budding partner in crime we see
thousands of boxes of quicksilver being loaded on to them then driving off.
Look you have to be very sly about what you’re doing nephew if your Father finds out
your dead.
I’ve got it under control I haven’t even told my best friend.
Cut To
The other side of town, to an abandoned warehouse where the police are
Jason’s father leading the investigation and in the rafter Syth-x observing
Detective Mazzini:
Look for any clues there has to be something anything
There is no trace sir they seem to be tipped off before we have found tire tracks in three
Detective Mazzini:
Okay we’ll get some rest take anything that looks like it’ll hold prints, and beware of that
costumed man.
Detective Mazzini:
Yeah he’s more trouble than he’s worth
As the all leave the camera zooms out to show the area and from the
background Syth-x walks out and scans the room as he steps back he
stands on something he bends down to pick it up, its a test tube that has a
silver liquid dried to it
Quicksilver (He Shakes his head)
As he throws the discarded tube down, he sprints out of the door towards
the night the camera pans down to the tube.
A car is at a gas station filling up with petrol Jason gets out and looks
around while two of the goons are just mucking around. Syth-x jumps down
and sees the car and a van parked further up with the drugs in he walks
forward, as the cars nearly full the goon looks up looks wide eyed.
It’s the masked freak
As Syth-x is walking he brings out his mace and throws it directly at the
goon as he grabs his gun the mace impacts knocking him down.
Jason runs as the other two goons get out and engage syth0x one fire he
dodges and fires a bolt at him he drops to the floor the other one sneaks up
and hits him with a baseball bat. Syth-x crashes to the floor as several more
men appear from the parked van.
Hey, get over here now!!!(Raises the bat above head)
Bring it
As the man swings the bat Syth-x rolls to one side letting his arm take the
force as he does this he brings up his other arm and fires a surge into the
man draining him of his life force and killing him he rolls back as he gets
several men surrounding him, Jason has ran to the van and driven off
leaving Syth-x to deal with as Syth-x stands with one arm damaged he
grabs his mace and swings it wildly.
Come on!!
The goons engage Syth-x who swing his mace into one goon shooting
others he trades blows with each of them falling to the floor and trying to
keep them at a distance, He takes several wounds but is still standing he
jumps up pummelling one then runs passed two more as they give chase he
slides over a passing car running into the darkness.
Cut To
Back at the van Lucio and Jason get out, Jason looks round at the men.
He ran that way now follow him and finish the job the rest in the van and let’s get
Several of the men look confused. Lucio looks at them and nods
You heard the man you three finish the job take these (Hands the men heavy machine
As the three men walk off the rest get in the vehicles and drive.
Syth-x is wounded and running through the streets the men aren’t far
behind him he gets hit from behind and falls as a bullet penetrates his
armour, He grunts and quickly runs to cover as the men come round
shouting obscenities.
Syth-x come on you masked freak
Syth-x looks at where they are as they fire more into the darkness he grabs
his mace and taps it. The men hearing this split up and go to hunt him as he
is waiting he swings the mace and kills one man instantly he jumps as the
other shout.
Hey Mike where are you
Yeah stop fucking around this was supposed to be quick and easy.
A shadow appears as they see it
He’s over there lets go
As they walk toward a shadow it’s their dead friend Syth-x appears from
behind them as they realize it’s too late he fires several bolts toward them
they get hit and fall to the floor, He walks over and hits one killing him
instantly as he grabs the other one and ties him up to a fence and intends to
interrogate him.
He circles him and walks over to the fence using his electrical powers
Where are they heading?
I don’t know what you mean!!
Don’t test my patience!!! (Electrocuting the fence, man winces in pain)
You don’t know who you’re dealing with!!!
No you don’t know you’re dealing with!!!!!
Syth-x electrifies the fence making the man scream in pain and shout out.
Kill me I won’t tell you anything!!!!
Good I’m bored
Syth-x steps back as the man looks wide eyed and fearful Syth-x builds up
and energy burst and fires it forward and causes several blocks to blackout.
Fade OUT
Fade IN
Detective Mazzini Looks at the body of the man tied to the fence he shakes
his head as he knows the interrogator he then around the area some
policemen are looking for clues and the other two men have been found
covered up.
A police man walks up to him
Detective Mazzini, he was here wasn’t he?
Detective Mazzini:
Yes he was and the power is still out get the forensic team down here A.S.A.P I have to
go to the precinct.
Yes sir
As the policemen leaves detective Mazzini looks round and walks away
from the crime scene.
Cut to School
Ryan is sat down holding onto his wounds and Jason is sat across they look
awkward but haven’t said anything Carrie comes in and sees that Ryan is
injured she looks at Jason who gets up and walks away
Carrie sits down and looks at Megan who seem distant she holds Ryan’s
hand and squeezes it he looks up.
It was a mistake
No it was a fucking travesty and we have to live with it so don’t ok, just don’t
As silence hits them Ryan looks around the room and just exhales.
Carrie shrugs at Megan and the tension seems to be mounting Ryan’s anger
is subsiding but could explode at any point, he taps repeatedly on the floor
keeping it fast yet low as not to annoy anyone.
Jason is sat by the window looking out the rain is coming down hard Carter
hands him a note.
What do you want?
Look at it
Jason looks at the note and walks out of the class, Carter follows
Cut to
Carter and Jason outside under the tree
What is that drug worth?
Drug there is no drug
Really? (Brings out a silver capsule)
Wow you have a capsule
See you think your e so smart but I have found that your just drug lord.
No I’m a chemist
Well you’re drug is very popular and apparently a local superhero is looking for you
Carter nods as class gets let out Ryan sees him talking and feeling enraged
walks over with Carrie pulling him back.
As they turn round Carter steps back and drops the capsule by Jasons feet
Look I have nothing to say
Maybe an apology would be good but hey what do I know
Look I’m am sorry for Claudia but I can’t change that
She nearly died because of the concoction of drugs she took mainly yours
As Ryan looks rounds he sees the tube and picks it up
Where did this come from?
I don’t know
Carter nods towards Jason and Ryan looks at him
Is this yours? (Thrusts it towards Jason)
I don’t know
Ryan lunges at Jason who gets taken off guard Ryan lashes out hitting him
and also knocks carter back. As there seems to be a lot of commotion Felix
runs over and grabs Ryan. And throws him back he kicks Jason hard and he
rolls over and they both get up to lunge but Crater grabs Jason and Felixes
friends grab Ryan
Leave it bruv just leave it
Let me at him
Come on bring it
Claudia sees the commotion and walks over as some people stop and she
walks between both of them.
Stop please for me
Jason walks away and picks up the tube that Carter dropped he looks at it
and crushes it in his hand.
We were friends!!! Now were enemies
Fine by me you ruined this remember that
Ryan walks away as the group of people disperse Carrie goes to comfort
Ryan and Felix walks away with Claudia, Jason is seen stood as the rain
pours down and he gets wet. Camera pulls out.
Cut to
Syth-x in a tree following Joey who drive’s home he follows him to the block
of flats and climbs up to where Joeys room is he watches him from the
outside. Syth-x watches him and ponders his next move. Joey goes into the
room and throws the gear down he takes his gun out and puts it down.
Syth-x goes to one side and climbs through a window and then knocks on
the door he rushes back out and climbs into Joey apartment through
another window
Joey answers the door
Hello, Fucking kids (looks around)
He shuts the door and turns round he walks across the department he sees
a wet footprint and then kneels down.
What the hell?
As he stands Syth-x is stood behind him as joey turns round
Syth-x grabs Joey and throws him halfway across the room into the wall
Joey crashes into it and lands hard as he stands, Syth-x rushes and kicks
him into the wall he lets out scream of pain, Syth-x repeatedly punches him
and picks him up as Joey look a bloody mess.
You are filth why should I not end your life.
Because the kids need the good stuff
As joey says this he grabs a hidden knife and plunges it into Syth-x
Syth-x drops Joey and holds his wound the knife is left in he snaps off then
handle. Joey grabs a piece of wood and swings it into syth-x side he goes
down, Syth-x kneels as Joey brings the wood up syth-x spears him into the
wall then throws him into the kitchen where he lands on the cooker and
hits the gas pipeline. Syth-x grabs his mace and swings it into Joey’s arms
breaking it as he goes to grab his gun. Syth-x swings it into his face
breaking his jaw Joey lets out a whimper.
See your scum and I’ll find Braga and kill him you understand me
Syth-x circles him as Joey is bleeding profusely he is trying to breath but
finding it hard Syth-x looks at him, feeling a bit of sympathy for him, Even
though he deserves it.
You deserve death for all the people that get hooked on this shit!! (Holds a quicksilver
capsule too him)
You can’t stop the process
I might not be able to but I can slow it down a little
As Syth-x circles Joey, he smells the gas and can feel it entering the
apartment he walks over to Joey and swings the mace into his legs breaking
them and then goes to the windows
He stands in the window fires a bolt of electricity at pile of paper
Cut to
Rain pouring onto a roof of a car parked outside an apartment building.
Lucio and Dessi are sat in the front passenger seats. Jason and Felipo are
sat in the back.
Where is Joey he should have been here?
Well he’s probably getting it on with that bitch from next door?
Jason you and Felipo go up and get him ok
Jason and Felipo get out the car and walk over to the flat as they walk over
the apartment explodes where Joey’s apartment is they cover themselves
as shards of rubble and glass fall down.
Shit our gear.
Lucio and Dessi get out the car and run over to them. Syth-x is watching
them from another building he walks away and jumps from the ledge into
the night.
Jason, Lucio, Dessi and Felipo look on in horror as they here sirens they run
to the car and drive off as police and fire services arrive.
Fade out
Fade In
Syth-x in the barn holding his wounds he grabs a pair of pliers and is seen
over a drum with fire he pulls the blade from his side and cauterizes the
wound. And throws it down his wounds seem okay but his face looks
exhausted he walks over to a makeshift bed and falls into it, He hears a
voice and moves as he moves he sees Claudia.
Hello, I saw you come in who’s here?
Ryan looks down and moves around as he tracks Claudia’s movements and
as she looks around he sits down.
I know you’re a saviour around town and I know you’re the reason that quicksilver is
being kept in the dark, and as a sufferer of it I appreciate it big time. My brother is fan
and he’d like to meet you.
As Claudia talks Syth-x wounds take their toll he falls from the beam he’s on
and Claudia turns round just to miss him. He crawls and hides as she walks
forward and she walks forward and sees the blood.
Your hurt, come out and I can help you
Syth-x walks out holding his side blood is seen at the side.
You talk too much women
You’re badly hurt, let’s get you patched up
I am just wounded
Just wounded your bleeding out let’s get your wounds cleaned up
Syth-x sits down and Claudia looks at his wounds, she traces the scars he
has and looks beguiled by them she looks at the recently closed one and the
new wound grabbing some tweezers she pulls a small chunk of glass from
his side and grabs a cloth covering it up. She cleans the wounds up and
sews them up.
You’re like a patchwork quilt
It’s what I get for saving this city
After patching him up Claudia lets him get changed he leaves an electrical
charge in a glass for her and goes out the window. Ryan comes back from
the barn not being seen and goes up stairs he sees Claudia holding the
electrical charge she runs to her room he goes to his and locks the door and
just sits down wincing in pain.
Fade out
Jason is sat in silence as He, Dessi, Felipo and Lucio are sat with other
members of Braga’s gang as he is next door smashing up the warehouse he
come out red faced and severely angry.
Find him do you understand ME!!, GET THIS MOTHER FUCKER AND STRING HIM UP!!! I
don’t care what it takes, just do it!!!
Where do we start?
Braga turns round and as a look of anger in his eyes.
I don’t care just get him find him and kill him! And bring me his head understood!!!
What about the drug?
Well you’ll have to start over again
I want this hero he’s destroying business
No you make your drug DESSI will go just do what you can?, I want to go undercover
with this drug.
Felipo, Lucio we’ll go
As they head out Jason looks at Lucio who looks back and smiles as they
head out with several others of the group.
Jason walks around looking for a new way to make the drug he looks at
some paper and thinks what to do next, he starts to do a drug process while
Braga takes some of the quicksilver that is left and makes out with some
prostitutes. Jason makes a formulae that puts the drug onto a piece of paper
like a silver blotch he smiles and takes appreciation in what he has done
Braga is concussed and looks at the new product.
Cut to
Dessi and Lucio driving round and looking for syth-x who is out saving
some people, dessi turns the car and looks for a spot to park in. Other cars
pull up and several of Braga’s gang get out.
Jason says he works this area as its well known to him we wait I’ll turn on the police
radio and maybe we’ll see what happens
Just be aware we’ve lost several men already because of this asshole
Some of the men:
Yes boss!!
Cut to
Syth-x sat in a tree watching over them he sees one of the men come
forward and follows him and waits to make his move. As the guy comes
near Syth-x strikes him and hangs him up in the tree, more men are waiting
Syth-x has followed them he pulls out his cell phone and phones the police
to inform them of who’s in the area he sits back and waits.
As Dessi is waiting he hears a noise from the radio and laughs as it appears
he is having good luck but instead he looks up to see Lucio running back
and very fast.
What is it?
Police heading this way and fast
Dessi whistles and all the men run towards him.
We have to go and fast Syth-x has been watching and sent the police our way we move
out now
As the men take in the new information they hear the cars as the police
come round the corner they move out but syth-x stuck one of the men own
and leaves him hanging from a tree he moves as the police cars stop
Detective Mazzini comes out
Detective Mazzini:
Cut him down we can interrogate him.
As they cut him down Detective Mazzini goes over to the bushes to look
around as he does this syth-x stalks him, Mazzini stops and nods.
Detective Mazzini:
Look, we appreciate what you’re doing but its vigilantism and I don’t condone this type
of hero.
I’m doing this because I am saving the city like you.
Detective Mazzini:
Don’t get sentimental blowing an apartment building up and killing man is murder.
I never said it was right the night I became the person I am was the night a friendship
died and someone was hurt.
Detective Mazzini:
Look I don’t know what to say but there’s a warrant for your arrest dead or alive there
are bounty hunters looking as well.
Let it all come but I won’t rest until Braga Suarez is lying face down in a ditch or being
extradited to some god awful prison
Detective Mazzini:
I will only tell you to be careful
I’m a danger to myself so it doesn’t matter how I act
Detective Mazzini:
Well my friend you have a slippery road to Hell, and make sure you don’t hurt anyone in
the process because we all need a hero even those that put on such a bravado.
As this is said Syth-x leaves and a police officer comes into view.
Police officer:
Sir who are you talking to?
Detective Mazzini turns round to see Syth-x gone and the police officer
looking at him confused.
Detective Mazzini:
No one, is the man cut down I would like to interrogate him.
As the officer nods Mazzini nods and they walk away as Syth-x watches
Cut to
An interrogation room with Detective Mazzini in and the suspect sat at a
table. Mazzini has a file in his hands and slams it down waking him up.
Detective Mazzini:
Wakey, wakey Tony Stigliati you owe me some answers and god they better be good.
I owe you nothing
Detective Mazzini grab his head and slams his head into the table leaving
him dazed and in pain, Tony Cries out but detective Mazzini hits him again.
Detective Mazzini:
See this bullshit is not ok I will hurt
Look I know nothing I’m the driver
Detective Mazzini:
See I know you’d tell us but keep schtum you’re the driver you see things that we can
get told about but I also could lock you up for murder and many more cases
As Tony takes this into consideration and remains quiet he looks at what
Mazzini is doing he walks away from the table sipping the drink he has and
smiles at Tony. Tony Sighs and hangs his head. Mazzini steps forward.
Detective Mazzini:
See you don’t understand the power of this drug it’s easy to produce and people love it
and it is so immoral now please tell me what you know or I’ll be done and hand you over
to someone that will make you talk.
See you nearly had me and now you don’t, this drug is perfect it gets you away from
Detective Mazzini:
You are just an idiot you should be locked away
Mazzini leaves shaking his head as Tony smiles and two officers take him to
the cell as the camera takes and outside shot of Syth-x looking in and
electricity flowing round him he walks towards the building and he goes to
the electricity output and overcharges it he walks in to the building while
there are flashlights going off he sneaks to the cells and grabs tony as he
shrieks he cover his mouth.
You must know something but regardless I kill you, scum
You won’t win Braga has special people coming for you
Bring it!!!
As the power comes back syth-x sends a surge through tony killing him
instantly and he then runs through the cop building to the roof where he
escapes. Back in the cell power is restored Mazzini walks in and two cop’s
looks at Tony’s body.
What happened?
He must have spilled water into the electricity supply.
Detective Mazzini:
No it was syth-x look at his throat hand marks and these cells don’t have power apart
from the light.
Mazzini walks away as the cops pick up tony and take his body to the
coroner, Mazzini rights a report of the body and puts syth-x name down for
immediate arresting, he shakes his head and rubs his eyes he then grabs his
coat and heads home.
Cut to
Braga and Jason with the new drug type and several men round them
armed with guns Braga gives them a piece of paper.
He is highly dangerous and I wouldn’t recommend going alone if you can track him then
get him but be careful
Bounty Hunter leader:
My men are seasoned hunters and a man in a costume won’t be a problem but the
payment will be big.
He’s a big problem now just find him and then kill him I want his heart on a plate
understood. And the money don’t worry you’ll get a sufficient amount.
Bounty Hunter Leader:
He’ll be dealt with.
Fade Out
Detective Mazzini gets home and is sat in the kitchen making a coffee he
sits down at the table and sees a photo of the family he smiles and smiles he
hears a noise and looks to se Jason.
Detective Mazzini:
You’re just getting in???
No I’ve been up for some time, mom put some food out.
Detective Mazzini:
I saw that women knows me too well why are you up shouldn’t you be revising for
I was out with friends
Detective Mazzini:
You and Ryan still at logger heads?
He’s an ass
Detective Mazzini:
I bet you got other things to call him
You don’t understand dad
Detective Mazzini:
You were inseparable now this al because of a party
No there was other things he’s always been a trouble maker
Detective Mazzini:
If I remember rightly it was both of you who stole my car and ditched it
Jason shrugs and walks away as he doesn’t want to listen and his dad
shakes his head and drinks his cup of tea while looking at the newspaper,
as Jason walks of something drops from his bag that his father doesn’t
notice. As the time ticks on Detective Mazzini falls asleep wakes up and
checks the time he sighs and heads off to bed as he treads on the paper he
glances down and looks confused he brings it up and notices its white with
several silver boxes unsure what it is puts it in to his files.
Fade In
Its light and at the police station Detective Mazzini goes to the police lab
with the piece of paper he shows the lab technician who looks baffled and
nods to test it.
As detective Mazzini is at his desk with several colleagues talking about the
Braga case he mentions syth-x and reports of bounty hunters.
Detective Mazzini:
We have Syth-x and bounty hunters to deal with and I don’t care how we take care of
them we arrest or kill, we have swat on high alert and hopefully the lab reports will get
back on the paper.
Detective #1:
What’s happened to quicksilver it’s been very low key?
Detective #3:
Yeah Braga seems to have moved his operations and gone underground for several
weeks we’ve had nothing
Detective Mazzini:
We need to be patient something will come up ok one of them will slip up eventually
As this is said the lab results get brought in and Detective Mazzini looks at
them he reads the report and double checks with the technician, he nods
and leaves Mazzini slumps onto the chair and is dazed.
Sir, are you ok?
Not hearing Mazzini gets up and leaves with people calling after him, he
exits the police station and gets into his car he drives to the school and
waits outside for Jason as he does this he sees Lucio across the road
enraged he gets out and runs at him catching him off guard Lucio looks
scared as Mazzini hits him and drags him down an alley
Detective Mazzini:
Where is Braga?
Detective Mazzini:
Don’t Bullshit me (Backhands him splitting his lip)
You have lost the plot, Fratello
Detective Mazzini:
Fratello, you haven’t been my brother for five years ever since you left prison and joined
Braga’s crew!!!!!!!
Get off me!!
Mazzini Picks Lucio up and throws him into some trash he removes his coat
and kicks Lucio several times, he hears Lucio wince in pain as Lucio stands
Mazzini kicks him again and he struggles to move, Mazzini pulls out his gun
and aims it at Lucio as pulls the trigger Syth-x grabs it and makes him miss.
Detective Mazzini:
What the hell are you doing?
Stopping you from making a mistake
Detective Mazzini:
No it be a mistake to let him live
While Mazzini and Syth-x converse Lucio pull out a gun shoot’s at Mazzini
the bullet strikes syth-x and goes through to hit Mazzini they both collapse
and Lucio runs to his car.
Mazzini grunts as Syth-x pushes himself off and tries walks away leaving a
blood trail, Mazzini looks at his shirt covered in blood and pulls the bullet
from his Kevlar vest. Mazzini stands and grabs syth-x.
Detective Mazzini:
You need to get help
No.... I’m.... fine.... (Struggled breathes)
Detective Mazzini:
No your lungs punctured and you could die
I need... (Collapses)
Mazzini grabs him and takes him to his car while holding the wound he
drives to the hospital and watches as they take him in Mazzini stands back
as they cut his clothes they grab his mask.
Detective Mazzini:
Leave the mask!!!!!
As the doctors heed the warning they cut the top half of Syth-x costume and
see the wounds that he’s gained. Mazzini looks at the body and recognizes
he’s a teenager he slumps back into a chair. As more cops arrive Mazzini
grabs a coffee and sits down his wife arrives briefly.
Mrs Mazzini:
What happened why are you covered in Blood?
Detective Mazzini:
I was stopping a criminal and then he pulls a gun i had my vest so it was ok but syth-x
jumped out and then got shot.
Mrs Mazzini:
So you brought him here
Detective Mazzini:
He was shot badly but he’s a kid he’s just a kid saving lives
Mrs Mazzini:
He’s a kid!!!
Detective Mazzini:
Yeah a kid!!!!!
As Detective and Mrs Mazzini watch over Syth-x they look concerned the
doctor confirms Syth-x will live so they both leave him to rest Mazzini
orders a man to watch over him and that on no circumstances is the mask
to be removed.
Cut to
Lucio sat in his car holding his gun and ashamed that he shot at his brother
he puts the gun on the dashboard as he awaits other members of Braga’s
gang. He sits the gun on the dashboard and pulls out the clip and empties
the chamber.
Back at the hospital Syth-x vital signs go down but they come back up
Detective Mazzini arrives and just looks at the child and hangs his head Mrs
Mazzini arrives and sees her husband looking in. He turns to her and
comforts her.
Mrs Mazzini:
When this case is over can we take a holiday?
Detective Mazzini:
No, I’ll think I’ll retire I’m getting on and I want to spend time with J
As they look on at syth-x motionless they share an intimate embrace as
they think about the future.
Fade out
Jason sat in class looking round he spots the empty chair where Ryan was
sat he holds his head to down and looks up as Megan and Carrie seem
distant to him he looks on and sighs. He grabs his earphone and tunes into
the news as he hears a report that syth-x has been wounded and is at the
local hospital, he smiles and waits for the class to end.
As the bell rings he leaves abruptly with Megan chasing him.
Jason we need to talk.
What about?
You’ve been a recluse we hardly see you
That was a choice you made to ignore me!!
J we miss you
You chose his side.
Megan looks aghast as Jason walks off and she doesn’t know what to say he
looks back as she looks upset as a crowd gathers she disappears and he
heads to his car. He gets in and pulls a gun from the glove box. He looks at
the chamber and makes sure it’s loaded, he tarts the car and makes a move
to the hospital.
He arrives and parks he hides the gun in a pocket and puts the safety on he
looks around and sees two police cars and his dad’s car he frowns and
makes way to the hospital
As he enters he looks at security and the reception and hides and looks for
another way he gets past both and finds member of staff
Excuse me, could you tell me where fatal injuries would be
They would be in the ICU on the 5th floor
Thank you
With the information Jason leaves and heads up stairs to the fifth floor he
smiles and grabs some flowers as a goodwill gesture he arrives and looks
around for any policeman he sees none he looks at an empty reception desk
and grabs the chart with syth-x and his expression turns to joy as he walks
towards it. When he arrives he sees a policeman sat in the chair. He hides
just in case he gets spotted.
By pure coincidence the police officer I stood Jason sees him stand and
holding a hot cup, with instant thinking Jason runs out and collides with the
Come on after me.....
Jason looks behind and then runs into the officer the cups liquid flies and
hits him in the lap.
ARGH!!! Son of a bitch
Sorry sir
I’m going have a word with you when I get back
The officer walks off disgruntled Jason follows him and sees him leave as he
does he puts his hood up and walks over to the room he brings out the gun
he has hidden and brings up a desert scarf and walks in and locks the door.
He turns round to see syth-x lying motionless in bed with his wounds he
shakes his head and walks around the bed. Silent for a few minutes he
You’re on Braga’s hit list big time and he is pissed your even a life now and by god he’s
gonna pay me big once I kill you but first I want to see the man behind the mask!!!!!!!
Jason steps forward and makes a grab at the mask he hesitates then shakes
and rips it off he steps back shocked and completely stunned.
No, no you’re not him you can’t be that is not cool, we were like brothers and this is the
ultimate betrayal!!!!!!
Syth-x stirs his eyes open as he sees Jason stood a few feet back with a gun
pointed at him he smiles.
So you are going to shoot the hero and reap the glory
Shut up!!! Ok shut up!!!!!
You better kill me because that’s the way it works one lives the other dies
No I can’t
Then I’ll kill you and everyone you have associated with once I get out
Jason steps forward following the threat and shakes the gun at Sythx/Ryan, Meanwhile he sits up and feels for the bullet wound he looks down
and smiles.
You were shot
Lucio, the irony is I saved your father as they were having a scuffle (Winces as he leans
to one side)
No, you’e lying that isn’t true
Really!! Here (Slowly brings out the bullet Lucio shot at Jason’s dad)
Proves nothing
It’s the cop killer only Lucio uses titanium bullets
Shut up!!!!! You have betrayed me and tried to sabotage my works
(Leans forward and looks directly into Jason’s eyes tears appear) My Sister ingested your
convoluted drug and OD she could have died THE DAY THAT HAPPENED WE WERE NO
Jason steps back and looks a bit shocked at the accusation.
I apologized and then you all shut me out so I became an outcast, so here I am to finish
what we started (He raises the gun and smiles)
Ryan has had a blade hidden behind his bed that was embedded into his
uniform he pulled it out while Jason was talking as Jason steps forward to
fire Ryan dodges to one side Bang, As Jason fires Ryan dodges and throws
the blade it sticks into Jason’s hand meanwhile the bullet grazes Ryan’s
shoulder he jumps forward and lands a blow on Jason face he head butts
him and grabs his mask he pulls it on and Rushes through the door as it
splits apart three security men have shown up as Syth-x appears they have
guns aimed at him. Syth-x bunches his fist as the men ready to fire.
Detective Mazzini arrives with Four officers and run into the stand off.
Detective Mazzini:
Back down now!!!
No you guys first
Detective Mazzini:
This is not helpful step back (said to the security)
As they step back Syth-x looks round and steps towards an escape route
Mazzini stops him as he blocks it the three security officers back away with
guns held up. Syth-x keeps his fists balled up and looks around a the people
he is unsure of he keeps a safe distance and as Mazzini is just about to say
something Jason smashes through the door fires his gun in a rage and hits
one of the security guards everyone ducks Syth-x runs down the corridor
and sees a window he sprints towards it. He goes through it and rolls into
the road he stands and dodges a car and runs down an alley, Jason ran in
the opposite direction and escapes through a fire door.
Detective Mazzini ran after the latter and looks to where Syth-x ran too he
shakes his head and mutters something to himself. He turns round and
walks to where syth-x room was he looks around and finds a knife that has
blood on it, he picks it up and leaves the room shutting the door behind.
Fade out
Syth-x is at his house looking round and sat on the roof he has been missing
for three days he jumps down to his room and strips of as Ryan looks
around Felix and Claudia arrive and both bang on the door
Hey we saw you come in what do you think you’re doing you freak
Felix what are you doing no ones in there? Ryan’s gone
Hearing the distress in Claudia voice Ryan runs to the door and put his
hand on the handle and hesitates to open it. Felix and Claudia walk away
feeling dejected. Ryan sits and just hangs his head as he knows he is
missing and that Jason now knows his secret he bangs the floor and goes
out through the window as he tried to fix the problems he’s caused.
Cut to
Jason grabbing every gun he can find, Lucio walks in and see him
Mother fucker I’m going to kill him and his family
Jason what are you doing?
Well my friend for the last decade is the son of a bitch doing all the killings against Braga
Wait Ryan is doing all the stuff that can’t be right I shot him
Yeah he is and I found out today as I knew which hospital he was at
He’s a superhero it’s so wrong
Braga enters and looks at Lucio and Jason he walks forward as they stop
Have you found the son of a bitch doing all the drug raiding
(Gulps) Yes
Jason hesitates so Braga brings out a gun and points it at Lucios head and
repeats the question.
My friend
The fire burner
Braga walks away and rolls his shoulders and looks round he brings up his
gun and aims it at Lucio he squeezes the trigger but stops Jason steps
forward and Braga smiles.
We set a trap and capture this bastard he is out there. You might get a second chance
Yes boss
Go round up everyone we need to find a place to kill him
I think I know where to do it boss
Braga and Lucio both listen in as Jason gives an idea of what to do
Fade out
Ryan is stationary in a car park and waiting for someone and other car
pulls up, Carrie gets out and looks at Ryan as he gets out she embraces him
he comforts her as they pull away she appears to be welling up.
You were shot
I’m fine just need to be more careful
Careful you were protecting Detective Mazzini, and he was being shot by his own
brother that is the rumour so why am I being cautious.
I just need you to not be to upset.
You’ve been gone three days how the fuck, am I not supposed to be upset.
I just need you to trust me I’ll return I have to see my parents they will want to know
what happened
As Ryan walks away he looks round and smiles a Carrie who cries and gets
into her car and sets off.
Ryan gets in his car and drives off to his family home he stops and looks at
where through the window as it pours down with rain he sighs and walks
to the front door as he goes to knock it open revealing his mum she looks
like she has seen a ghost and steps back.
Mrs Loren:
Where the hell have you been I have heard rumours of a hedonistic festival from Carrie
and Meg and others of just skiving it’s your final year.
Yeah I was a in a sugar coma
His mum grabs him and drags him into the house but embraces him he get
brought through to the family room where the whole family embrace him
and welcome him back. As this happens, camera pans round to look out the
window to show Jason in the rain with several of Braga’s goons he smiles
and then they slowly retreat back.
Fade out
Ryan is sat in a tree house and looking out across the house he grew up in
he smiles and drops his head and sighs a he is contemplating his next move
as he is breathing a click goes off behind him, he turns round and Jason is
stood with a gun pointed at him.
How goes it bro? (Raising his hands)
Hhmm Bro there was a time I liked it now it’s sour
What do you want?
WANT!!! What more could I want now of course to kill the hero of the film LOL!!! You’ve
caused no end of hassle for me and Braga, you’re supposed to kill me and vanquish the
villains but your time is at an end and I for one do not care got me.
So the villain is to be the best friends who would have thought us falling out
Enough you have done nothing but get under my skin and I am sick of it so just lets get
on with it.
Just let’s get it over and done with you have no time for me and i have no time for you
As Jason is waiting for Ryan, he looks away for one second Ryan lunges
forward grabs the gun and shocks Ryan and makes him flinch back. As Ryan
goes to hurt Jason a bullet hits Ryan hard in the chest and he falls back to
the floor, Jason grabs his gun and runs out to the Car waiting for him he see
Lucio with a sniper rifle.
He is gone for good
Let’s go!!!
Luico drives up to the house and the men start nto emerge slowly, they
move towards the house.
We scare them got that and burn the house down nothing more if any of you touch the
girls I’ll kill you got that.
Hey this isn’t the right choice but we have to do it
The family room where Mr Loren is stood preparing to watch the sport
while Mrs Loren are relaxing as they are doing; Claudia is up stairs looks
out the window and sees several shadows.
Felix runs to the hallway
What is it?
Mr Loren looks opens the door and sees a man walk towards him,
Mr Loren:
Who the fuck ar.....AH!!!(As this is said he gets shot)
He fall’s back into the room and Felix rushes down the stairs and slams the
door. Mrs Loren rushes into the door way.
Mrs Loren:
Mitch Loren:
It is a flesh wound, let’s get out of here
As the men head towards the house they fire shots into houses and throw
themselves through the windows, Ryan rouses in the tree house and
stands holding his chest he pulls the bullet out and looks towards the
What do you want?
You just are caught in the middle of this
If you had died like a good girl then it be ok
Fuck you!!
Felix tries to get up he gets kick down and then hit with the butt of the gun
by one of the goons.
Where is the cash?
Your Mr Loren everybody knows you have a Vault
Only family and friends and you don’t look like a friend.
I was once
As they are conversing Ryan has jumped down and is sneaking towards the
house he sees a goon outside and runs full speed as the man turns round
Ryan brings his mace round full tilt knocking the man down dead he looks
up and runs up the house climbing up the house, he climbs through his
room and sneaks towards the door he hears two men outside on the
landing he moves to his computer and phones the police and leaves a crank
call hoping that will send someone out.
Down stairs Lucio and Jason are conferring about what to do.
I’m not killing them I know you don’t want to but we have to leave soon
This is Braga man he wants money we have to kill them!!
Jason turns to leave
He stands by the door knocks as the men come near he builds up a surge of
electricity and fires BANG!!!!!!
What was that?
I don’t know
They run towards the noise and see smoke and three dead bodies up the
stairs they hear crackling and a shadow steps through, they see its syth-x.
Jason turns back and grabs the canister of petrol.
BURN IT!!!!!
The men in a frantic state throw oil and make a run for it and fire as Syth-x
rushes the stairs in the distance sirens can be heard as they leave, syth-x
rushes and jumps on top of Jason.
Wrong person mate
Fuck you, Die!!!!
As they struggle Lucio runs back and hits Syth-x in the face knocking him
over, Jason pulls a gun Lucio knocks it aside.
Get in the Car?
Save the family old friend!!!
Ryan stands holding his face and looks up as Lucio and Jason drive off he
runs back to the house and starts to pull his family out as this happens the
paramedics and the fire brigade arrive as the house starts to burn, after an
hour or so the house is semi saved the police arrive and take statements
Detective Mazzini’s men arrive without him and look at the damage.
Ryan appears from the barn unscathed and pretends to be shocked.
What happened?
We were attacked by Braga’s thugs they wanted the vault
How is dad?
Flesh wound but he’ll live where have you been?
Clearing my head, did Syth-x come?
Maybe, but I haven’t seen him!!!
Ryan drops his head and looks up as Claudia know more then she’s letting
The family start to pack some bags
Mrs Loren:
Right where staying in a hotel down the road we’ll assess the situation tomorrow, Ryan
come on
Not hearing her he walks away and walks into the house he heads to his
room as the family back some bags he grabs his Syth-x outfit and puts it on
standing in his room and writes a letters to his parent he stops to
contemplate what he is actually doing and starts looking at the pieces of his
life he looks at his superhero outfit and picks up the mask and sees his
reflection and squeezes it and then puts on. He waits till its clear and then
and he can hear nothing he leaves the room and leaves the letter on the
side and makes for the door but he doesn’t see Claudia.
Come back in one piece!!!
No promises!!!!!!
As Claudia watches him go a tear strolls down her eye he runs into the trees
and disappears, she turns around and goes to the car with the rest of the
family holding the letter in her hand.
Fade out
Fade in
Detective Mazzini is sat at his desk looking at the file he has that as unread
evidence which describes Jason as the chemist, he shakes his head and
hears a radio report of Braga’s gang having an all out war with some new
turf runners, and that several swat teams are on dispatch.
He gets up and looks around he grabs a vest and then heads to the armoury
and equips himself with a shotgun and extra hand gun he grabs his squad
and they head off to the area.
Fade to
Syth-x looking through carries window he jumps onto the ledge and makes
a small slit and drops a letter in he is about to leave when she comes back
he jumps and disappears she looks round and finds that her window has
been open, she looks confused she sees the letter and picks it up and puts it
on the side and looks at a picture of Ryan and her she looks content but she
focuses on her work.
Cut to Syth-x running through the rooftops and aiming for the docks he
uses his senses and hears gunfire he stops as there is a sniper on the roof in
front he looks around but he’s not looking at Syth-x he’s looking away Sythx jumps up and aims for him he leaps across and lands behind a air
conditioning unit, the man turns round.
Huh!! Who’s there?
He walks forward and makes his way towards the AC Unit, Syth-x pulls a
baton out and leaps onto the Top of it with stealth he sneaks as the man
peaks round the corner he jumps down and strikes the man hard in the
neck breaking it and dropping him to the floor
He walks forward and gets and aspect view of the docklands area he can
see small groups of people and see a couple of bodies laid about the area.
He hears cop sirens and can see several SWAT vans each dispatched in
different areas. He makes his way towards the epicentre of the battle and
runs into a few thugs as he looks round. He runs into Felipo and as he
swings at him he punches him hard in the ribs and throws him of the
building and he knocks himself after hitting a bin. Syth-x walks towards a
lab area a cop gets shot running towards it syth-x shoots a bolt of lightning
and ducks when some bullets whiz in his direction he avoids any thugs
most of the time but has to defend the police so fires and strikes several
Lucio sees him walking towards the area and looks at Jason.
Let’s kill him!!!!!!!!
Damn straight!!!
Lucio brings up a machine gun and fires several shots he misses, Syth-x
fires and rolls to the side on several different occasions a man to Lucio’s left
gets hit by a bolt of lightning he falls to the floor Lucio and Jason retreat
back, Jason fires a bullet Syth-x shoots it out the air the next one skims the
leg he collapses and looks up with an angry stare.
Cut to
Detective Mazzini and his men fighting in the streets they have been
surrounded but are fighting to save their lives bullets are whizzing past and
Mazzini has a flesh wound he can’t radio for help but his men are fighting
for their lives, Mazzini grabs a man.
Detective Mazzini:
Radio for back up now
Sir, Radio is jammed and we are cut off
Detective Mazzini:
Right!!! Hey everyone we fight back we head back cover and run
With these words Mazzini and the group of men reload their weapons and
head back firing and covering each other’s back some get shot and collapse
dead while Mazzini and the rest breakthrough and head towards another
squad detachment.
Cut to
Syth-x entering a laboratory and looking round he grabs a gas canister and
throws it towards the drugs and shoots it explodes as he leaves. As he
walks away towards the other laboratories he sees Mazzini and walks
towards runs towards where he is as he does this Felipo steps out and
walks towards him gun raised and angry as this happens Mazzini steps out
and looks aghast he raises his gun Syth-x quickly dodges as Mazzini fires
striking Filipo and killing him dead.
He nods in acknowledgement and walks towards the Mazzini.
They hunker to the side while the cops are firing at Braga’s gang.
You’re not supposed to be here?
This is my fate they attacked the people I love!
Will you kill the chemist?
Ryan arches his head and looks up Mazzini looks into his eyes and they
know it must be done but neither can admit it, Ryan turns to walk and
heads towards the Danger zone as Mazzini looks round and decides to pull
the men back.
We pull back and support Syth-X got that, Syth-x good luck
Syth-x walks down the streets and sees that its desolate he sees bodies of
innocents and people he heads towards warehouse where he hears gunfire
and sees some of Braga’s gang he walks in bolts of electricity flaring from
him and jumping acrobatically and swinging his mace killing who is in
sight, he destroys the warehouse and heads towards more of braga gang
Cut to
Braga and Dessi grabbing anything they can and heading towards the boat
some of Braga’s men are stood round and unsure Jason and Lucio find them
and look confused.
Dessi load the stuff we leave in 10minutes.
You’re leaving what the fuck Braga!!!!!
You think I want to get arrested the Police have the area surrounded
Cowardice jesus Christ!!!
Hey, were going underground to redevelop the drug
Back off!!!
Dessi heed the warning Braga steps forward and looks at Jason and Lucio
You call it what you like but drug dealing and murder high crimes we leave or they lock
us up, you two are saved as he’s on the force
Yeah I tried to kill him, it was me or him, and the masked shit head go in the way
Jason hears all the news and back s away he looks down at the gun and
looks at the gang and realizes he’s just in way over his head and drops his
gun he starts going back and Dessi looks at him.
Where are you going?
This is wrong
Get him!!!
Jason turns and runs towards the city while Lucio looks on and doesn’t
know what to say Dessi and several men run after Jason he runs round the
corner and heads towards the lab they were in he looks at the chemicals
and starts tipping them over Syth-x comes in and sees this he walks
towards him and grabs Jason and throws him across the room.
Jason crashes into a cabinet and coughs holding his hand up as syth-x
lunges forward.
Ryan stop!!!!!
Not hearing this Ryan repeatedly hits Jason and then throws him into a
glass table walking on the glass he lifts up Jason without ease holding him,
Ryan starts charging up his fist.
Sorry!!!! (Whispered)
I’m sorry!!! For everything
Ryan drops him on the floor and looks as Jason has become a shell of the
friend he knew, He looks round at the lab.
I was going to burn it
I know let me do this I need time Braga is leaving, I’ll hand myself in
Syth-x is his mask off and has a gaunt look on his face and is very angry.
This is just the bottom of the barrel got it I want Braga and the rest, you and Lucio hand
yourselves in
Dessi walks round the corner and smiles with delight.
Tsk tsk see this is what I get Braga helps you out and you want to flee cowardly bastard
and the masked fuck clever
Let’s do this
Here..(He brings up a gun and shoots Jason)
BOO HOO!!! (Laughs’)
Ryan brings a knife and throws it at Dessi it strikes him in the chest he falls
back holding it. As the other men run round the corner Syth-x unleashes a
electric bolt killing them all in anger he stand in a shroud of smoke. And
looks back at his best friend.
Ryan grabs Jason and brings him up.
Go get em!!!(Struggling to breath)
Hang in there
It’s a flesh wound!!! (Rips open his shirt to reveal a bullet proof vest)
Ryan drops him
Son of a bitch (Smiles)
I have to destroy the lab!!!
I’ll get Lucio make sure your out of here
Ryan runs off as Jason destroys the lab.
Cut to
Braga and several men waiting for Dessi and Lucio stood as a prisoner and
Braga waiting impatiently.
Lucio come with me you’re a good man I don’t want this
You don’t need me you want my nephew
Yeah we do and that means I have to make this decision.
Syth-x is scouring the roof he sees the boat and Lucio conversing with
Braga and several men stood round as they are doing this Syth-x sees some
rope and swings down he brings his mace up and swings it at the nearest
man but Braga brings out a gun and fires it knocking Ryan off and landing
hard on the ground.
This will get sorted now I had enough get him up now!!!!!
Now I hear you don’t feel pain but I beg to differ!!
With that said Braga swings the mace into Ryan’s leg and rips it out some
men laugh and grimace Lucio looks away Ryan lets out a squeal, Braga
looks at the wound.
see the superhero does feel pain, now that means broken bones of some sort, drop him
to the floor
The men let Syth-x go he collapses Braga looks at him and bring the mace
down hard on his shoulder and brings it back up.
Syth-x seems non moving, Braga drops the mace and brings out a gun
See nice weapon but this is a killer it can saves lives and end them (He holds the gun
towards Lucios head.)
End it now!!!! (Close eyes)
Braga squeezes the trigger, As this is done Syth-x uses all the energy he has
and runs for Braga he unleashes a bolt of electricity around him but kills
Braga’s men he spears Braga who fires but misses they land in the water,
they struggle underwater Braga garbs syth-x and headbutts him as they
surface Braga brings a blade out.
I’ll end it now Motherfucker
Kill us both as electricity conducts water and you will die
Knowing you’re not alive will be sweeter!!!
Braga thrusts the knife down ad Syth-x unleashes a charge that erupts in
the water as this happens Braga just convolutes and dies instantly but he
sticks the blade into Ryan’s arm piercing the armour and Ryan, Lucio runs
to the edge and sees Braga floating he shoots the dead body to be sure and
sees Syth-x he grabs some rope hooks it round him and brings him to sure.
Checking for a pulse he can’t find one.
He picks up the body and carries him as sirens and a lot more polices
dispatches show up Jason is sat in a cop car and Detective Mazzini see Lucio
carrying the body
Detective Mazzini:
He sacrificed himself for me!!!!
Detective Mazzini:
He was a good man, take him to the paramedics. Lucio Mazzini your under arrest for
drug trafficking and Murder.
Lucio looks up and gives a reassuring smile; the paramedics take syth-x
away and put him on a bed.
We got royalty then
Wait, I can feel a faint pulse
What?(feels for a pulse) Son of a bitch is alive, let’s get him back now
As the police arrest the men and fire brigade stop any fires the camera pans
and lifts up to reveal the area of destruction.
Fade Out
Fade In
‘A few months later’
A montage of what happens in the following months - A news report comes
up that the drug raids have been successful and more of Braga’s gang have
been apprehended by and Detective Mazzini retires and is seen on a yacht
with his wife, Lucio was given a fair trial and is seen doing community
service in the side of a road.
Cut to
A car with a man is driving along to a construction site it pulls up and he
gets out, It’s Ryan and he walks towards the building, A shadow comes
from the corner of his eye
Dude, this is where it started man you can’t uses your powers or get them back.
We were brothers back then
Yeah we were tight but we changed and we’ve changed more
Jason steps out from the building, Ryan embraces him but still has a slight
limp, they look across the site and see a sign reading ‘Loren Constructions’.
So stoked your dad bought this site
Our own home or frat house
We have to get past uni first!!!
We have to go see the girls then get ridiculously drunk.
They head back to the car Ryan stops and balls up his fist looking at the
sign he tenses his fingers and as they touch a little static comes from them
he smiles then get a back into the car.
Fade out