MINUTES EXECUTIVE SESSION - Illinois State University

Board of Trustees
Illinois State University
Oak Brook, Illinois
November 5-6, 2009
The Illinois State University Board of Trustees conducted an educational retreat on November 5-6, 2009, Oak
Brook, Illinois. Chairperson McCuskey called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Trustee Maitland called roll.
The following members were present:
Trustee Bergman
Trustee Davis
Trustee Dobski
Trustee Kinser
Trustee Maitland
Trustee McCuskey
Trustee Bagnuolo
Also present:
President Al Bowman
Board of Trustees Legal Counsel Jane Denes
Assistant to the President Jay Groves
Facilitator Jane Pierson
Review and approval of Agenda: Motion made by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Maitland.
Motion made, seconded and vote recorded with all members present voting aye.
Chairperson McCuskey welcomed Jane Pierson and thanked her for facilitating Trustee Retreat and led discussion
on goals for the Retreat.
Jane Pierson facilitated a discussion which included president’s welcome and review of agenda.
President Bowman led discussion of 2008/2009 year in review.
Discussion regarding funding led by President Bowman.
President Bowman presented his goals for 2009-2010.
Board took working lunch break from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Informal discussion between Board/VPs/President
Presentation and discussion of athletics program by Sheahon Zenger.
Vice presidents briefed Board on their respective areas.
Discussion on Campus Master Plan led by VPs.
Meeting recessed for dinner at 5:00 p.m.
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University – Retreat Minutes
11/5-6, 2009
page 1
Educational meeting continued at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 5, 2009
The following members were present:
Trustee Bergman
Trustee Davis
Trustee Dobski
Trustee Kinser
Trustee Maitland
Trustee McCuskey
Trustee Dobski
Also present:
President Al Bowman
Board of Trustees Legal Counsel Jane Denes
Assistant to President Jay Groves
Facilitator Jane Pierson
Review of day one and agenda of day two.
Legislative liaison Phil Adams presented a legislative update.
Jane Pierson facilitated a discussion of Board documents and Board meeting preparation.
Board took lunch break at 12:00 noon
Jane Pierson led a discussion of Board goals for 2009-2010.
Discussion for 2009/10 process for evaluation of President led by Trustee McCuskey.
At 3:00 p.m. Trustee Dobski made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Trustee Davis. Motion made, seconded
and vote recorded with all members present voting aye. At 3:01 p.m. the 2009 Board of Trustee Retreat adjourned.
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University – Retreat Minutes
11/5-6, 2009
page 2