No Pens Day Wednesday lesson plans matrix We have developed a large number of lesson plans. You may wish to use these are they are during your No Pens Day Wednesday or you might prefer to take the ideas from them and build your own plan. This document shows at a quick glance the speaking and listening objectives you will achieve by using the lesson plans provided. Secondary school lesson plans Year 7 lesson plans Year 7 Lesson and subject title English - spelling 7 Maths- unit revision lesson 7 7 Science (Chemistry): What are chemical reactions? Art: Colourful Klee 7 Citizenship: Laws and Crimes 7 Drama: Mime and Characterisation 7 Design and Technology (Textiles): Fibres and Fabric Constructions English: Folk Tales and Fairy Stories 7 7 7 Geography: GPS History: How did William of Normandy grasp control of England? Speaking and listening objective To identify and sequence sounds in words To perceive the syllable structure in words Explaining calculation strategies Talking about mathematical expressions using. mathematical and non-mathematical language Presenting findings to others Explain the sequence of events in a simple but accurate way, using appropriate terminology To use objective and clear “dictionary type” definitions of the words primary, secondary and tertiary See someone else’s point of view when ‘arguing’, whilst being able to present clear argument from a different perspective Follow spoken directions which are quite complex – so a possible combination of longer sentences with more information, maybe new vocabulary and more complex grammar Talk using sentences of around 7-11 words Follow spoken directions which are quite complex – so a possible combination of longer sentences with more information, maybe new vocabulary and more complex grammar Explain a sequence of events in a simple but accurate way Explain a sequence of events in a simple but accurate way 7 ICT: E-safety assembly 7 7 7 Maths: Ordering Music: Identifying instruments PHSE: Bullying 7 7 Religious Education: Wants versus needs Spanish* : Months and birthdays Change the style of their language to suit the situation and the listener Be aware when someone doesn’t understand, and try another way to get information across Pick up new vocabulary and use in context within the lesson Pick up new vocabulary and use in context within the lesson Use different ways to help discussions move forward, including summarising the main points, reviewing what has been said and clarifying main points Present a clear argument and see someone else’s point of view when ‘arguing’ Pick up new vocabulary needed for specific topic areas *Can be adapted for all modern foreign languages Year 8 lesson plans Year 8 Lesson and subject title Maths - Pythagoras theorem 8 Science - chemical formulae 8 English - speaking and listening team work 8 MFL - oral spelling 8 Geography – Moving in and out: Migration 8 PSHE – It’s a risk! Speaking and listening objective To use mathematical language To understand the concept of the theorem To explain the method Understand subject specific vocabulary Use subject specific vocabulary to label Working with others Active listening and responding Building sentences and narratives To identify and sequence sounds in words To perceive the syllable structure in words Learn and use new vocabulary in context; Active listening and responding; Sharing views and explanation; Give oral feedback on group views Share opinions and views Listen carefully to others and respond respectfully Prepare role play Year 9 lesson plans Year 9 Lesson and subject title Algebra – problem solving revision 9 English - To Kill a Mockingbird 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Science (Chemistry): Introduction to conductivity, voltage and current Art: Graffiti Citizenship: Power of advertising Drama: Thought tracking Design and Technology: Bridge building English: Animal testing Geography: World trade 9 9 History: Women at work Maths: Murder mystery 9 Modern Foreign Languages: Preposition carousel Speaking and listening objective Explore concepts Identify relevant information Explain reasoning with clarity Rehearse ideas Contribute to discussions in different ways such as promoting, opposing, exploring and questioning. Explain the sequence of events in a simple but accurate way, using appropriate terminology. To clearly express an opinion on urban art. Identify the underlying implied meaning. To use spoken language to describe inner thoughts and feelings. Use language to hypothesise, share ideas and problem solve. To Identify the underlying themes, implications and issues raised by a reading. Active listening to learn key information; communicate opinions and justify reasons Use oral language skills to work cooperatively and problem solve. Describing, reporting, presenting information. Reasoning skills; justifying opinions Active listening within a group Learn and use vocabulary. Year 10 lesson plans Year 10 Lesson and subject title English - Most deserving... 10 Maths- Practising functional skills 10 Science – energy and energy sources revision Speaking and listening objective Use persuasive language Group discussion skills – listening and responding Identify relevant information Explain calculation strategies Talk about methods Understanding and use of subject specific terms Understanding of subject specific concepts 10 Geography- water poverty 10 10 English or Humanities - teaching or revision of subject specific spelling PHSE – moral dilemmas 10 History – The few Asking questions Using understanding of categories Constructing formulated sentences from key words Understanding of cause and effect in water poverty Analyse information to identify advantages/ disadvantages Make judgements To identify and sequence sounds in words To perceive the syllable structure in words Listen and respond appropriately to others’ points of view; Respond to criticism and respond constructively; Support opinions and arguments with evidence. Retell events Use language to share information Year 11 lesson plans Year 11 11 Lesson and subject title English - Point, Evidence, Explain, Link to Language (PEE+L) Maths - speed dating revision activity 11 History – WW1 perspectives 11 PSHE- e-cigarettes 11 Geography – Flood Management 11 Science – friction forces Speaking and listening objective Make clear and relevant contributions Formulate and interpret information Describe visualisations Explain calculation strategies Justify answer Use mathematical expressions and concepts To pick out themes and understand perspectives Clearly explain views and support reasons with evidence Read and analyse information Consider points of view Evaluate evidence Clearly express a view and justify from evidence Verbal reasoning, thinking skills; Listen and think; Listen and respond to argument; Making connections. To make a commentary for a presentation or video; use correct technical vocabulary; give a clear explanation.