LAX Board Min A -

Board Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2014
In Attendance:
Alethea Tennill
Angie Gerzen
Ann Fieser
Kathy Fox
Ron Dobey
Steve Hemmen
Terri Dobey
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria at Hickman High School.
The minutes from April were approved as written.
Recruitment: We have approximately 17 players returning. 3 players signed up during
registration. We need to contact MMLL president for a list of potential Hickman players from
MMLL last year.
Kewpiefest: HHS activities fair is August 29th. They are requesting 1-2 minutes highlights to
showcase Hickman Lacrosse. Terri Dobey will make the clip and turn it in to Hickman.
Coaches: Coach Devero will return as Hickman’s head coach. Dan Hurst graduated last May.
He will be here this fall, but may not be here for the season. Tim Adams is going to medical
school and will not be able to coach this year. If anyone knows of anyone interested in coaching
this year please contact Ann Fieser.
Tax Exempt Status: We have received our tax exempt letter and it was back-dated to February
2013. The tax exempt letter will be put on the website for anyone who may need it.
Sunrise Optimist Club: Hemmen’s and Dobey’s worked the Boone County Fair for the
Optimist Club. The boys have been invited to attend their meeting on August 14. Ann Fieser,
Sammy Fieser, Ron Dobey and Colin Dobey will represent our club.
Awards and Banquets: Mala received a thank you note from Melissa who helped us with
graphic designs for our logo.
Fundraising: MANDATORY PARTICIPATION from all players and their families
Activity tickets can be earned by the players with participation in our fundraisers.
Mizzou stadium cleanup after each home game. We need all families to sign up and
work at least 4 home games during the season. The games are Aug 30, Sept 13, Sept 20,
Oct 11 and Oct 25, Nov 1 and 28th. We need at least 20 people at each game. We will
meet after each game at the 3W gate to pick up our supplies and then move to the South
end zone to start working. Homecoming is Oct. 25th and we will need at least 30 people
to work that game. There is a signup sheet at
Lids fundraiser – A motion was made by Ron Dobey and seconded by Angie Gerzen to
again order jackets, T-shirts etc. from Lids. The club will receive a bigger percentage of
the sales to be used for the club. Coach Devero will be asked to explain the details at the
September meeting.
Butterbraids fundraiser: Again this year we will participate in the Butterbraids
fundraiser. The forms will be handed out at the October meeting. They will be due back
at the November meeting with payment. The orders will be delivered on Monday,
11/17/14 at 1:00 PM.
Trivia Night: We are in need of a trivia night coordinator. If anyone is interested
please contact Ann Fieser or Alethea Tennill. We have reserved the last Saturday in
February for the Trivia night. Ron Dobey will contact Knights of Columbus Hall and see
if that date is available. All players are expected to work the event, as needed.
Ice-breaker Tournament: Terry Dobey and Lottie Creasy will look into hosting an ice-breaker
tournament in Columbia next spring.
Player Registration: Forms and money will be collected from the players/parents at the general
meeting in October.
Cosmo field will be reserved for 6/7/2015 for Hickman Lacrosse Alumni game.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:02
Respectfully submitted by
Alethea Tennill
Hickman LAX Secretary