South Texas Ranch Rodeo Finals – Women’s Ranch Rodeo ‘12 Schedule of Events & Rules for Friday Night - 7:00 pm. ***There will be a team meeting at 6:30pm. At least one member from each team must attend. All members may attend. Specific rules that are gone over during meeting take precedence over any other rules. Steer Roping Catch steer, do not “Trip” or abuse. Legal head catch only. If you want to heel the steer, you must have a legal head catch first. Tie any three (3) legs together. Must remove all other ropes from the steer. Steer must stay tied until all riders are mounted back horseback. Time will stop when the last rider to mount has his leg over the horses back. Calf Branding Catch calf, do not “Trip” or abuse. Legal head catch only. If you want to heel the calf, you must have a legal head catch first, do not drag the calf if he is down. Brand can leave the bucket area when the calf is caught. Calf must be on the ground & restrained by at least one member. Calf can then be branded on the “Right Rib”. Brander will return brand to bucket. Time will stop when brand is returned and placed in the bucket. Evidence of the brand making its mark must be on the calf or the team may be disqualified. Muttin’ Bustin’ Steer Loading All team members may participate. Trailer will be stationary in arena. Catch steer, do not “Trip” or abuse. Legal head catch only. Heeling is allowed, only after there is a legal head catch. Steer must be loaded in trailer, gated closed and properly latched for time to stop. No horses are allowed in the trailer. Rescue Races Rider must “rescue” three stranded cowgirls at the opposite end of arena, one at a time. Rider must cross the (tarp) river and advance down the arena to rescue the cowgirl and cross the (tarp) river each time he returns to the finish line. Rider must rescue the cowgirls from on top of the barrel. Rider must change horses at least once. If the rescued cowgirls’ feet hit the ground at anytime during the run she must return to the top of the barrel to be rescued again. Time will stop when the last cowgirl is rescued and brought across the finish line. Calf Scramble – Kid’s 12 & Under ****Awards Presentation Ground Rules Abuse of livestock - Any unnecessary abuse of the livestock, determined at the sole discretion of the Flagman, Arena Director or Officiating Staff, will result in a “No Time” & No Points in that event. At no time will an animal be drug or pulled by 1 hind leg. If an animal is down on the ground it may not be drug or pulled more than 10 feet in any direction. Maximum members per team - Maximum members on a team are 4. If a team starts out with less than 4 they can pick up other members as the rodeo proceeds. Teams may not substitute a contestant except in the event of injury. Participation on multiple teams - A contestant can participate on multiple teams. The rodeo producer will not give any concession to back-to-back runs. Dress Code - All contestants must wear western attire, including hat, long sleeve shirt, jeans, boots and chaps. Animal Performance - If an animal, for whatever reason, fails to perform to the judge’s satisfaction, a decision will be made to give the team a rerun. Luck of the draw will be a consideration. Trip – “Fair Grounding” – a trip may not be intentionally placed on any animal at any time. This includes having a legal head catch and then intentionally letting the animal get around or over the rope before pulling the animal down. Legal Catches - 3 legal head catches – Slick Horns, Half Head or Neck. Heeling will be allowed only after there is a legal head catch. 10 Second Penalty – a 10 second penalty will be accessed for crossing the start line before the flag is dropped Time Limit - Any event not completed in the time limit of 3 minutes (180 seconds) will result in a “No Time” and result in 0 points. Sportsmanship - Contestants should observe discipline, good sportsmanship, and proper behavior. No loud or persistent profanity, no inhumane treatment of animals (gouging, kicking, whipping), etc. Any participant found to be conducting her-self in an un-sportsmanlike or inappropriate manner may be disqualified and/or subject to being fined according to the STRRA rules. Disputes - The Flagman, Arena Director & Officiating Staff will make judgment decisions as they arise. Points - Points will be awarded in each event, based on the number of teams entered in the rodeo. The winners of the rodeo will be based on points. If there is a tie on points, then the tie will be resolved with the fastest overall time on the number of events, therefore breaking the tie. There is no limit to how many horses may be used by a team.