Lighting a. Nearest light sources b. Cast shadows? Where? Over what? What length?
Activities witness was doing while observing a. How many seconds observed in each position i. position of witness ii. position of suspect iii. portion of suspect visible to witness b. Distance separating witness from suspect at each position c. Obstruction of view i. People ii. Fixed objects iii. Movement by people / suspect d. Disguises i. Type ii. Cover what party of body iii. Ever repositioned? How?
Impediments to vision or ability to observe a. Glasses? Near sighted / far sighted? b. Hearing aid? c. Intoxication i. Drugs ii. Alcohol iii. Both iv. How much d. Taking medication i. What ii. Doses iii. Why prescribed iv. When v. Who prescribed vi. Conscious of its effect vii. How e. Feeling well at the time i. Nauseated ii. Blurred vision
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iii. Crying iv. Migraines v. Double images vi. Hallucinating
1. Reaction to drugs
2. Reaction to fever vii. Ringing in ears viii. Concussion f. Emotional factors i. Startled ii. Shocked iii. Frightened iv. Palpitating v. Heart flutter vi. Nervous vii. Level viii. Gun pointed/weapon focus g. Distractions i. Trying to recall other details
1. License plate (repeating, writing down)
2. Appearance of other people ii. Trying not to see too much to avoid harm iii. Trying to assist someone
1. First aid
2. Escape iv. Trying to escape v. Trying to hide valuables vi. Doing something else at time of incident.
Suspect in General a. Age b. Height c. Weight d. Build e. Race-nationality i. Specific Appearance ii. Accent f. Mannerism i. Stutter ii. Repeat Unusual Words or Phrases iii. Other g. Physical handicaps h. Clothing-detailed description of every item. i. Suspect appeared intoxicated (symptoms / extent)
Suspect Head a. Hair b. Color
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c. Length d. Manner in which combed e. Texture (fine or course) f. Straight, curly or wavy g. Thick, bald h. Describe hairline. Receding? i. Sideburns (length or shape) j. Apparel on head (hat, beanie, bandana)
Suspect Face a. Shape: round or oblong b. Presence of scars, acne, moles, pimples, tattoos, piercing c. Mustache d. Beard e. Glasses f. Describe forehead (wrinkles, high, low) g. Eyebrows, large, bushy, thin, continuous, color? h. Eyes (color, size) i. Ears (size, shape, earrings, lobes) j. Nose (size shape, earrings, scars) k. Mouth (size, shape, lips, teeth missing, gold teeth, color of teeth, lipstick) l. Skin (light, tan, sallow) m. Presence or absence of makeup n. Dimpled skin o. Jutting Jaw
Suspect Arms and Hands a. Tattoos, scars, marks b. Gloves, color type c. Jewelry, watches, rings d. Arms (muscular, thin, same or different size) e. Hands (large, small, calloused, muscular?) f. Fingernails (length, chewed, polished?) g. Arm hair (color?) h. In which hand was object(s), switch? i. Which hand used to make motions to others?
Suspect legs and feet a. Bow-legged or knock-kneed? b. Size of legs and feet c. Pigeon toed d. Presence of marks, tattoos, on legs and feet e. Hairy legs? f. Walks with a limp, stagger, run or stumble? g. Leave area on foot h. Type of footwear
Suspect Torso a. Long-waisted b. Distinctive
Other distinguishing features of Suspect
Any Weapon Held a. Detailed description
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b. How much seen, time, distance c. Condition (old, rusty) d. Training in identifying weapons e. Personal experience i. Own, more than one? ii. Fire one, Often? Recently?
Vehicle Present a. Detailed description b. Make c. Model d. Year e. Color f. Primer spots g. Vinyl roof h. Number of doors i. Accessories i. Luggage rack ii. Mag wheels iii. White walls j. License number i. How remembered ii. Wrote it down color of license plate/state from k. Bumper stickers l. Damage m. Objects hanging from vehicle
In field, ID, photographic ID, lineup? a. Where b. When c. What Circumstances d. Who conducted e. What was said before / admonishment f. How many photos or people shown g. Conversations h. Other people present i. Taped recordings of ID j. Writings of ID k. How long it to for witness to make ID l. Exact Words of Witness re ID m. Length of Time Viewed Photos / Person (s) n. Did Witness Inquire with Police if got it right and what did police say?
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