One of America’s first serial killers By Abigail Hong The Basics: Date of birth and location of birth unknown Born to James and Margaret Tumblety in 1833 Irish-American Youngest of eleven children Posed as an “Indian herb Doctor” Jack the Ripper suspect!!! :o One of the first people to set up shop in Pioneer Square Not known if he went to school Trained under Dr. Lispenard Peddled questionable literature as a child He was arrested several times for posing as a Union army doctor, but was never in trouble for his medical crimes He tried to infect the blankets the enemies were using with yellow fever He used several different aliases that all sounded similar to his last name Moved between US and Britain multiple times to escape the law Killed a lot of his patients Sold fatal abortion drugs Arrested as a suspect for Lincoln’s assassination Thought to be responsible for the Whitechapel murders Suspected by the British police, taken into custody When he wasn’t in Europe, the murders stopped Had a fiancé that cheated on him and broke all of her promises Collected women’s body parts in jars and pickled them, then showed them to his dinner guests He was one of the first to set up shop in Pioneer Square and one of America’s first ever known serial killers (and one of Washington’s first, as well).